In this episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician, hosts Will and Karen dive into the topic of starseed children with special guest Emily Robinson, founder of Intuitive Parents, Intuitive Kids (IPIK).
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Emily explains the concept of starseed children—those born with high vibrational energy meant to push their parents toward personal growth and aid in global awakening. The discussion covers Emily's personal journey, her methods of parenting outside the traditional matrix, and the importance of integrating spiritual teachings with everyday life. The episode aims to provide insights into handling starseed children and fostering a family environment that supports spiritual ascension.
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Will: [00:00:00] Karen.
Karen: Yes.
Will: What do you know about starseed children?
Karen: Pretty much nothing.
Will: It's not just starseed, but starseed children.
Karen: know they're starseeds, so I'm assuming they have children, but that's about the extent of my knowledge.
Will: Well, I think that you might be surprised, because it's not just starseeds that have children, but rather children who are starseeds, who are here specifically.
Karen: Oh. Yes. Yes.
Will: Apparently. But do they come
Karen: from starseeds? So are they starseeds children who are starseeds?
Will: We're, I think we're going to learn about all that kind of stuff but basically starseed children, they're the children that are born with a higher vibration energy they're designed to push their parents to up level out of the matrix.
Karen & Will: Oh.
Will: Yes. I know. it'll help them shift the global awakening overall. Oh, we need that. Once more people. Yes, absolutely. So it's like that little. push that sends you over the precipice, like it or not, right? The kids like force you to. So, we have one of those, so I'm looking forward to talking to you guys today.
So this episode is designed to give us insight into who these star seed children are, why they're here really, and how to [00:01:00] handle one if they happen to be in your own household, pushing you to grow out of your rut. Strap on your seatbelts because this episode promises to be quite the bumpy ride. Welcome to the Skeptic Minute Physicians. I'm Will. And I'm Karen. Today we are blessed to have the founder of IPIK, I P I K, which stands for [00:02:00] Intuitive Parents, Intuitive Kids. She's a mother of three children, a qualified academic teacher, an energy healer, and a shamanic creator. And after a difficult time with her
youngest, who is now six, she's solid. Channeling new downloads about
Starseed children and their role to support the Ascension. I hope
that you're ready for the journey of awakening because ready or not. Here comes Emily. Emily Robinson. Thank you so much for coming on the show
Emily: Thanks for having me. I am so excited to dive into this with you guys.
Will: Yeah. So are we, uh,
Karen: I am completely confused. Looking for some clarity. That's the
Will: perfect way to start an interview. Yep. Completely confused. So I need you to help
me figure this out. Okay. So we've all heard about starseeds. We all heard
what the starseeds are here to do and why they're here and all that kind of stuff, but starseed children that are specifically
here for very specific reasons.
And that's to push all of our buttons. That's pretty crazy, right?
Emily: [00:03:00] I reckon every parent has one of these. There's always one out of the bunch that you're like, wow, that particular child
just really pushes me to my limits. And the beautiful thing is that this is exactly their role. This is what they're meant to be here for. I think so often parents have this beautiful ideal in their mind when they have a child that it's their job, to raise this kid in the best way that they can and be so, you know, kind and generous and love them and really help them to be this empowered, leader in the world.
And then the reality. is like chaos, like literal chaos. So yeah, hands up if you have one of those. And I think that's the beauty of this entire Ascension experience that we're all in right now, is that we get to flip the script. And for me, this was [00:04:00] an organic process. I had two other children that were fairly manageable, fairly controllable, fitted, fairly well into, the matrix conditioning.
And over time I was beginning to unhook like my eldest, we started homeschooling. I started to pull myself more and more out of what I knew to be true, especially as an academic, as a teacher, I was like, I knew the system. And when I began to break free of that, it started to open up different avenues.
And when my third child was born, it opened up. absolutely turned our life upside down. I knew there was something about her that was not quite the same and she was just unmanageable from the beginning. Everything was so hard. And as she got older and older, her behavior started to become more and more extreme to the point where I knew fundamentally that something about her was very different to my other two children.
And this is where we get diagnosis like ADHD, like, being on the autism [00:05:00] spectrum. And for many parents, that is a relief. It's like, Oh, there's something wrong. Great. Now I can fix it. Whereas for me, I wanted to actually understand what was going on. And it, literally opened my whole world to understanding the energetics.
that these children are born with a different frequency. They've actually come in with a completely different framework and their job isn't to be raised by us. It's actually to make us change. It's to raise us. They are here to raise us, not us raise them. And that was a huge pivotal shift in my understanding.
Will: And that's a, that's an interesting way to look at it. It's a shift in your understanding. People who are listening to this. Who perhaps are more on the skeptical side, and we're not our audience might be, but we're not. However, they might
think well, couldn't they just have ADHD?
Couldn't they actually not be star children who are here to push us, but rather
just [00:06:00] have
just kids who happen to be
kids? Like, what makes you so sure that this
is actually what you're
Emily: Yeah, absolutely. And look, I think even as a parent, I've had those thoughts. I'm like, is she just stubborn? Is she just being difficult? and I also think it's so nuanced, like at
the end of the day,
of course there is a role in the medical world. You know, I'm an academic, I love
science. I love looking into the science of energy and understanding that.
So I think having a label sometimes and having support around those behaviors in the real world, because at the end of the day, We have to live here, we don't all live in a teepee and sit, in meditation 24 hours a day. So as a parent, it's been really fundamental that we do, accept that diagnosis and be in that space.
But then the understanding for me came through, journeying and meditation, actually watching the way that she would respond to different energetic processes that I would introduce. Watching how changing her lifestyle choices, [00:07:00] changing her food, changing the inputs, the sensory inputs, the energetic inputs, because ultimately.
Let's face it. Everything is energy. When we break it all down, your food, your, the communication you're having the relationship you build, the emotions, the energetics, it's all comes down to the same thing. And so when I started to take her to see a naturopath, take her to have healing sessions, take it to a craniosacral therapist watching, the different ways that a kinesiologist could tell me, Oh, there's this particular food that's causing an issue.
Or at one point we had a parasite issue, which medically I had to go to the doctor, we had to have some antibiotics for that. There was a whole heap of different holistic approaches, including medical that have helped me to understand this. But I think when somebody says, Oh, well, she just, she's just autistic.
I'm like, yes, she is. And. There's also this whole other world that when you start to really understand it and the way that I've been able to then [00:08:00] implement strategies that I can tell you, Without a shadow of a doubt, we've gone from having, serious self harming tantrums, the inability for her to cope with really simple tasks, like she's nearly seven now and our lifestyle now actually being out of the matrix as much as possible means that I very rarely have a full blown tantrum on my hands.
Like, I don't see those behaviors.
Will: and at the end of the day,
that's the proof in the pudding, right? When you put in the things that will make the change and it actually
elicits a positive
change, then you know, you're on the right track.
Emily: Absolutely. Absolutely. Oh,
Karen: is it the act of you
finding different ways to raise her?
That is what you're learning about the energetics or what, like what's,
What are you learning from this?
Emily: my God. Where do you begin?
I think what it has really
taught me and what I
now teach in my work with other spiritual families and particularly, know, [00:09:00] intuitive mums that just have that knowing deep within them that something isn't quite right is that the work is about us, not about our Children.
And I see this in the parenting world over and over again, that parents will come with the, there's something wrong. What do I do to help my child, fix my child? What do I do in this situation? And their focus is so much outside of self and on the tangibles of the environment for their child.
When really It's the other way around. So when I have reflected that back on me, one of the biggest learnings that have come in my journey in this spiritual ascension path that I have walked with her is letting go of some of those really embedded ancestral patterns of control. of lack programming of being caught up in what you should be doing versus what feels aligned and feels right.
And for [00:10:00] me, that, that is the Ascension path. That's exactly what we're here for. The more of us that really step into our power and step into our own authority and sovereignty, the more we actually get to change the generational patterning. And so for me, letting go of particularly control because her condition is related very closely with being controlled.
I can't do that. I cannot speak to her in a way that she appears to be a demand. It has to be coming from a place of love and compassion for her to lean in. And the moment she feels up against a wall, that's when we have the behaviors. So that's been an internal job. And now my relationship with my other children is so much better.
And my relationship with my husband is so much better because. I've had to change, fundamentally, who I am in order to be the parent for her. And of course that ripple effect just goes on through generations.
Will: And you bring up a good point [00:11:00] because everyone talks about the need to, in this new age, the need to stop regarding each other from a state of division or a state of demand stop interacting with each other from conflict. And it seems like you're. Kid is teaching you how to do that, how to communicate in a way that there's no demand.
There's no conflict. There's no authority over someone else, but rather we're all one. We're all in unity. We're all helping each other. And you speak to someone from love. That's beautiful. You mentioned being out of the matrix as much as possible. You couldn't be more out. out of the matrix. Right now you're speaking to us from a bus, right?
Your kids are right, right outside your curtain. And that's what we're hearing. We're hearing a lot of stuff
happening in your background. You are truly disconnected from everything. You happen to be in Melbourne outside
of Melbourne now, correct? But you are traveling full time
with three kids and a [00:12:00] husband. How do you manage to
do that?
Emily: Oh,
Will: not go nuts.
Emily: that's so true. There are days I do go nuts. Like, honestly, we're all human. We are all human. We all have, these moments of like overwhelm of being in a
space of, wanting to, throw in the towel. But yeah, I mean, look, my life has evolved from, I'm actually
from the UK.
So I emigrated to Australia with my son when he was three. I now have three beautiful kids. We lived in the outback for nine years. In a very remote town and then we sold everything and we basically have been traveling now for 18 months on the road. So I homeschool my three children and, everything about our life over the last 10 years has slowly been unhooking more and more and more pieces from the matrix, from what I knew as a child, living in England in a very, remote town. Conditioned, controlled environment into moving to the outback that was very relaxed and open to taking my [00:13:00] child out of the schooling system, which was my life. That was what I did. I was a teacher. So it, if you'd asked me 10 years ago, I would have said my kids would be in private school, grade a students.
And now obviously, we're very much in flow and we work very much with what they want to learn and how we can, You know, build education that's more holistic. And then, yeah, a couple of years ago, it was the big leap to actually sell our home and to travel and to just be free and living this lifestyle where, every single step of that comes with fear, comes with the feeling of, Oh my God, what will people think?
How are we going to do this? How can we afford it? All of the yeah, buts, but ultimately, Again, I think that is testament to what the kids have taught me is how to be in my power. They come in with this beautiful energy that is so huge and so big. And it is when you really start to unpack your own stuff that is blocking you from being in your own true sovereignty.
[00:14:00] I think that is Opens your heart, it really expands you into this limitless potential. When we talk about the quantum field and we talk about quantum parenting and quantum energetics, for me it's not about the kids' behavior. It's not about how they grow up. It's about as a family unit, how much unity can we bring?
How much creation can there be in this space when we're all tapped into that higher vibrational frequency, which really is living in the five D in that new earth? And that's truly what, my life is about creating. And honestly, I don't think it matters what that looks like, in a couple of years time, we may be living back in a house and my children might be in school, but it won't change the fundamentals of the family, of this concept of being an intuitive parenting, environment for them.
Will: Mm. Gosh.
Karen & Will: Yeah.
Will: The intrinsic freedom in that is, is, I mean, it must be incredible. The feeling to go and do whatever, what, whatever feels right at the exact moment without
having to answer to [00:15:00] anyone or anything.
Karen: How did you
know this was the right
path for you?
Emily: Such a
Karen: it just, your intuition or?
Emily: I just, I have thoughts, I have ideas, I have like dreams and so many people put those dreams in a box. They're like, Oh,
it's a dream. It's a vision. I'd love to do that. And I'm one of those people where I have the dream and yes, there's fear that yes, there's things that come up, but I know that if I don't take those steps and take the leap that it will just sit there.
And I don't want that. I don't want that for me. I don't want that for my family. I don't want my children learning that, we just have a dream, but we don't really do anything about it. And I think just having a thought, sometimes we think that our desires, that it's just an idea.
But it's not it's like a seed planted from God. It's coming from the universe. These, this is your path. It's like, to me, your whole team is behind you going, [00:16:00] come on, let's do this. And you're sat there going, oh, but you know, I think my mom, my mother in law is going to say, this is a stupid idea.
Or, I can't because we don't have the money or, I just don't have enough time in the day to do that thing. Everyone's there going, but it's here, like it's in the timeline. This is what you're meant to be having. This is your creation. This is what's here for you. And we block ourselves.
And so for me, any thought that comes in is intuitive. Any idea I have is intuitive. It's about the action I take. And as a human being, we've been conditioned to not take the action because fear always wins. And so that is a lot of deep work. We have to do that. And that for me is what my children have taught me is.
By being a mom and not just any mom, but an intuitive mom that really wants to be a leader in this whole revolution in this building, this new earth, being part of the five D as a star seed and our children as star seeds. [00:17:00] It really is about continuing the legacy, but we can all just stop. We can all just give up, but ultimately this is about the next generation and what we're building as a bigger picture, for the future of the planet.
Will: We are going to dive into that because I might happen to know a couple of people that need some help in that department and disconnecting and how does someone go about it? But we also got a question about, back to starseed children about whether, are they all in one particular way of behavior or could there be a different type of starseed children?
we'll tackle that and much more when we come back right after these messages.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the show, we've got another five star review to share with you. This time [00:18:00] it's by Grazia. I think that's how you pronounce your name. you'll know why just a second, but, uh, Grazia puts a five star review and the subject said, enlighten. And she goes on to say, Hey guys, my name is Grazia and I listened to your episodes from LA, but I am originally from Italy.
Yeah. And that's why I pronounced it Grazia. I hope I'm doing it right. Anyway, I love your podcast and the guests and all the stories. I've been driving a lot for work lately and you are just putting me in the right mood and mental spot. I recently discovered the show. So I'm catching up. I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease where I'm not supposed to stress or it would be the end of me.
Oh boy. so I've been thinking universe and energies and mindfulness. Your podcast has been helping me think about a lot. Thank you. No, gratia, thank you to you. In fact, I just realized, gratia, I think your name means thank you. So, thank you, thank you, thank you for leaving us that advice review. We're so grateful that you feel we are helping you to handle your stress.[00:19:00]
Well, if you'd like to hear your review right on the air, just go to skepticmetaphysician. com where you can leave us a review there directly on the site or even a voicemail or email directly. Or go to Apple Podcasts, where you could leave us a five star review there and provide social proof for others looking for this type of content so that they know that the show is actually worth listening to.
Grazia, I must say, grazie for coming on and leaving us a review. All right, that's enough, posing. I don't speak Italian at all, but anyway, let's get back to the show.
Will: Welcome back to Skeptic Metaphysicians. We're talking to Emily Robinson who is here to educate us and inform us and enlighten us and just delight us with conversations about starseed children and living off the matrix. Your life. is the stuff of movies.
Karen: It really is.
Will: Right? I mean, it's like, I just feel [00:20:00] like living in the Outback and you do.
I just feel like living on a bus and you do. I just feel like maybe moving back to a house in the UK someday. And you might just because you feel intuitively that's the right way. That's the right path for you. And that's incredibly
courageous. And commendable. And man, am I jealous.
Karen: before we get into your question, I have to know, so
you have these feelings of what you want. you also have a husband, so how did you get him
on board?
Emily: you know what this, it is a great question. It really is.
Karen & Will: to convince some
people. Oh,
Emily: homeschooling, my, like, I obviously, this is my life, this
is what I do, you know, I'm very much into,
The esoteric and blending that with
The academic and the science. But even, working back when we lived in the outback, I had a treatment room and, I do have clients come, I'd run reiki, groups and My husband for years was like, Oh, I [00:21:00] don't really know what she does in there, but you know, you can come see her if you need some help kind of situation.
And very, very masculine. My husband's very, in the 3d has a job for him, everything is very, step by step. And so when I first talked about homeschooling, it was a very. I wouldn't say negative reaction, but you know, he was fearful, like everything that happens with our kids will now be my responsibility because, if they don't socially fit in, well, that's my fault if they don't, the education is failing, that's going to be my fault.
So there was a lot of discussion that we had around this and to this day, we still don't necessarily see eye to eye, but there's a level of trust in that. That, we both know we both have a very open communication around it, and there's a lot of respect about both of our opinions. And I remember when I first suggested selling up to travel his initial response was, we can't just be gypsies and travel around.
Like that, that his genuine fear was like, no, that's a no, like we're not doing that.
Will: you say watch us? [00:22:00]
Watch us.
Karen & Will: Right.
Emily: that timing and that, that understanding too, that I know I move
very quickly. I know that my work I'm always sat in meditation and
connecting with that higher self. And so I
have the downloads and sometimes it's just about being patient and an opening
discussion, like real discussion about fear.
Because I know, Will, you just said like, Oh my God, you have this incredible life. It's like a movie. But if you saw the truth behind the scenes, you'd see me having the days that I'm in floods of tears. And, I'm like, I can't do it. It's all just too much. I'm so overwhelmed, because the decisions that we make and the things we're doing, they come with massive stretches in your capacity as a human being.
And so, it doesn't look like rainbows and unicorns, it looks like some really gritty inner work to get yourself to these places.
Will: every good movie needs some conflict. So I I just kind of emphasize my point even [00:23:00] more that it's more like a movie. They do say that growth happens at the edge of your comfort zone. And it sounds like that's exactly what you're doing. And that's, that's wonderful. I would love to be able to follow my intuition to take me wherever it
needs to take. So how do you
Find a way to get
yourself to release those apron strings and move
off into the world. What was the first step for you besides convincing your husband
that you weren't
Emily: I think, honestly, it is just one small step at a time. You can't eat the elephant all at once. It's, you know, it's one small spoon. Like you, you can't just go, we're going to
this thing. And that's it. At the end of the day, it
begins with a decision. And I think real mastery is being able to hold all of the emotions and know that they're here to serve you.
That, when you feel fear, when you feel anxious, when you feel grief or sadness, like I remember crying and crying because I loved our property [00:24:00] that we lived in the outback. It was the most amazing property. And I was. So gutted to walk away from it. But in order to have something new, I had to let go of what we had.
And, that, that was a huge process, but I think when we become so embedded in that emotion and so caught up in your head with the fear, That becomes the matrix, and that's what stops people. Whereas for me, learning how to alchemize those emotions, learning how to use that as, like, pockets of potential, because every emotion is just a frequency.
When we understand that, we use that frequency and that, that energy to create something. And so, again, a lot of the work that I do is about helping parents understand that the judgment you place on what you're doing is wrong. is actually the matrix programming. That's what keeps you stuck.
It's the judgment. It's not the experience you're having. That's just an experience as a human. You're just going through this emotions, but what you bring to that and how you show up for it, that's [00:25:00] actually what creates the reality. And so for every parent that's struggling with their kids, this really is about them taking that experience.
not putting a label on it, not judging it, but being in a space of how can I use this for creation? How can I use this to move forward?
Karen: So you mentioned lack of programming is that part of the matrix?
Emily: Definitely.
Karen: Yeah, like what if
explain what you mean by that? I mean, I think
I know what you mean by that,
Emily: yeah, I would say, lack programming is the constant feeling that we're not enough, that we don't do enough, that,
There isn't enough money for us. There isn't enough love for us. Nearly every single person on the planet is conditioned to be in that space of, feeling that. no matter how they show up, they're not going to meet that bar.
They're not going to be validated. And the lack of self worth, this is an, an epidemic really in our School system in our health system in [00:26:00] our, marketing systems, the media, it is a consistent messaging that you are not enough and therefore you grow up with that feeling and that's what you actually, end up sharing with your kids.
So many moms want to be in the space of, Oh God, I just want my kids to love themselves. But when I say to them, do you love yourself? How do you model that? Oh, you're really busy. So you burn yourself out. Like you're running around like a headless chook and yet you're telling your kids to love themselves.
You're not doing that. You're not putting yourself first. You're not actually giving yourself that time.
Will: she for those of you who are only listening Karen is completely blocking me out cuz I'm giving her the hairy eyeball Because that sounds awfully familiar for someone else. Not me, but someone in this room, but we won't mention that.
Karen: Someone's got to get the stuff done.
Will: Anyway. So, okay. I love everything that you're saying. I wish I [00:27:00] had the courage to just do what you're doing. And I understand what you're saying about taking one bite at a time, because that's a big elephant, but What's ultimately they talk about, so there was a movie and I forgot what it's called now, and I'm banging my head against the wall to, to remember what it was.
But it was a father who took their kids off grid and there was a a difference, a lack, a change in
them that it showed that there were, how can I put this,
So way I can find it. What are the drawbacks
if there are any? to, to pulling yourself away from society as a
whole, so to speak,
Emily: Yeah, look, I think that's, that is such a great question because I know for me
and, look in the spiritual world, in the kind of homeschooling
world, you still find this
divide, this, you should homeschool, it's better than mainstream or, like health things, Oh, you should use this holistic practice.
Why would you take that [00:28:00] drug? As somebody who's experienced cancer, I've had chemotherapy, I didn't go, Oh no, I'm a healer. I'm going to, I'm going to work this out. I'm like, no, I'm going to die. Like if I don't have this drug. So for me, I think it's less about, what's the drawbacks, what's the good things, what's the bad.
It's about seeing that we live in a world as a whole, we all have to live. In the 3D matrix existence right now, because that's life, for many parents, they can't take their kids out to home school right now. It's just not a possibility based on, where they live, their finances, the fact that their parents are not at home to do that.
Some people genuinely wouldn't cope having their children around them. We saw that in COVID. So I think it's less about saying, how do we, everybody, you know, be in this idyllic 5d new earth world where we're all like homeschooling and hippies and do it all like, beautifully.
I think what it's more about is understanding yourself enough to [00:29:00] come back to reality with a higher perspective. So as a parent, my kids, use screens. I don't go, no, you can't watch Netflix. You can't play games like they are. They want to be kids. They want to be normal. They want to have experiences that other children have.
And I'm not going to not let them do that because to me, that's another extremism. It's like, Oh, remove them from 3d. To me, that's not living. They still, as they get older, are going to need to get jobs and earn money. And they have to live. So I want them to experience that as much as I want them to have this higher knowledge and higher perspective.
And so truly, I think it's about having an approach where we accept the world we live in. It's not about being resistant to it and trying to completely remove ourselves from the matrix. The matrix is here. It exists, but we get to choose the perspective that we bring. And that's truly the relationship.
Yeah. That I have with my [00:30:00] kids.
Will: Living on your,
own terms.
Karen: It removes that, that victim feeling.
Will: Right,
Karen: right. So going from a victim to
someone who's empowered.
Emily: And I think Will said as well,
it's that separation. Like every single time
there is a, an us and them, Covid was a great example. Even in the spiritual world, there was
So much fear and negativity and projection. And I'm like, wow, this, that's really spiritual. That's not 5D. That's you being in the battle.
And I think for, Really, truly what I see is that these Starseed kids are coming in with this higher vibrational frequency to show us where we're still attached to that matrix programming. Doesn't mean we can't live in the matrix. We have to because we're human. But it's about choosing. It's about breaking it open so you can see it for what it is.
And then getting to choose the way you are in relationship with that experience every single day. And that's what these kids are doing because [00:31:00] they come in and they won't listen and they won't do as they're told and they won't sit down and they won't, go and get themselves ready for school so you can just pop off and take them and drop them off and come home.
And, they want your attention in a different way. And so many parents struggle with that, which is why we have so much screen time now because they don't know what to do. They're like, God, this child is so high maintenance. Just watch something. Because it's easier to not have to deal with it because it's about you.
If you really sat down and thought about it, what's really coming up is this inner space where perhaps you didn't have that relationship with your parents. And then it brings up this sense of, feeling unworthy again and back in the lap programming. And it's a lot to have to look at that and hold it.
But that's truly what your kids are doing. They're pushing your buttons for you to elevate.
Will: And thank you for bringing it back to Starseeds because I do have a couple more questions about that. But the thing that comes to mind, when we were growing up, and everyone talks about it all the time, we're growing up we acted up [00:32:00] and whoop, here comes the belt or the stick or whatever the heck it is, right?
Thankfully, my parents never, well, they tried spanking me once and that didn't go out well. But but that the whole. Disciplining, right? It was you acted up and you got disciplined and you got shaped into the human that you're supposed to be. So I would assume that this is a little bit part of being free to allow your child to be whatever they're meant to be and not insisting on molding them into what society believes that you're supposed
to be. So then. integration into society
when, once you are
back plugged in to a certain extent, how is that integration going to go
if. you haven't molded them into something that society quote unquote will
accept. How do you think that's going to go?
Emily: That is such a great question. And look, I think that is so nuanced because as a parent,
this is, that's part of my journey. Like I have just got a teenager. My son has
just turned [00:33:00] 13 and I'm like, Oh wow. This is like, I'm navigating this whole new.
Experience with him because it's hormones are kicking in and his attitude is changing and I don't yet have the data.
Like I'm not sure what to do with this, but I think what's really important about this coming back again to the idea that it's not an all or nothing. I think it's super important that of course there is a, a kind of what's the word? A spectrum, where we have perhaps going, like you said, 50 years ago, a hundred years ago, like there was an authoritarian style of parenting.
There was no room for, women even to be seen or heard or validated, let alone children in general. It was children are seen and not heard. That's it. I think there's the other side of the spectrum where you could be very in the flow, your kids do whatever they want, they don't really have to fit in anywhere, they don't learn boundaries.
That is also, in my opinion, a recipe for disaster. That is [00:34:00] absolutely not my idea of being an intuitive parent, because I think what happens then is your children have no boundary, no structure, and you're absolutely right, coming back into the classroom. reality, quote unquote is going to be very challenging.
And so I think that there is, again, this continual fluctuation in the way you parent as an intuitive parent. Part of my work is about teaching moms that it's about what feels right for you. What I've done with my kids might not be right for you because you know what is going to help set up that energetic frequency for your family.
And so truly what this keeps coming back to is how much do you trust yourself? How much do you love yourself? How much are you and your sovereignty around what is right for you and your family unit versus what society is telling you to do? Some of those things might feel right for you. I have friends who are anti screen.
End of story. The kids don't have screens. That [00:35:00] doesn't work for me. I want my children to have watched the latest Disney film or, whatever. But we talk about it, but we have discussions about some of the messaging that might pop up in these things or, you know, it's, for me, it's about education.
One of the things I often talk about in my programs is the ABCs, A, are you aligned? Are you aligned with the message that you're giving or what you're inviting into your family world? B is bring balance. Where is the balance here? Are Are you extreming to one point or another?
And then C is create conversations. If you're not talking to your kids about some of these bigger, more philosophical, energetic concepts, then they're not getting a full education. And that was one of the things for me about, the traditional education system. I was like, there are so many gaps.
Even down to really simple things like, you know, your kids are taught you have five senses. [00:36:00] I'm like, that's absolute rubbish. You have six or more. My children know that. If you ask my daughter how many eyes do you have, she'll say three because she'll say one, two, three. I have a third eye. She knows that.
just, That's just how it is. education. It means that they've grown up with a bigger picture of a whole versus a very skewed perspective. And it doesn't make the traditional education system wrong. It just means I've added the bits I think are missing. So I think that really it comes down to you trusting yourself.
enough to lead your family in the way that it feels right. And that will bring the balance and that relationship with the 3D world when they're older.
Will: And that's what the intuitive part comes in. That makes sense.
Emily: Absolutely.
Will: So you stated something that caught my attention about How there's differences in everyone, how they parent and how they accept [00:37:00] messaging and things like that. Is it possible that there are people listening or watching this right now?
And they're thinking, well, my kid's not super hyper or,
demands my attention. That must mean my kid's
not a starseed and yet they're being pushed by them in different ways. I don't know. Is that a possibility
where it could be that there are different types of star seed children coming to, depending on what the parents need
as a push.
Emily: A hundred percent. Yeah. I mean,
look, not every child. I mean, my, my elder two children, they
taught me things as well. It just wasn't as an extreme initiation as my youngest. So
for me, my view is that if
you are somebody who is on this spiritual journey, if you're somebody who is moving through some of these, ascension portals and diving deeper into understanding that your children are the right children.
They chose you. They chose you for a reason and whatever [00:38:00] they bring, whatever the teachings are, they offer are divine. That's, it's a soul contract. You created that in, up wherever in the heavens. So that you could learn, so that you could grow, so that you could break whatever karmic patterning was necessary.
to be a part of the Ascension journey. And truly my mission and my work is about raising the collective consciousness, one family at a time. Every single time a family comes on board and an intuitive mom goes, Oh my God, I want to do that work. Like I want to join the Ascension path. I want to be a part of this.
Then we start to look at and reflect on gift and What's their children bring when they come to me and say, Oh my God, I have like had the worst day. I just completely lost it. I screamed. I just couldn't cope. I say, just stop. What's the gift? What is the gift that this has just given you? What did you just [00:39:00] learn from this experience?
Because it's not about self blame. We all know what parenting guilt feels like. It's such a huge weight that we load on ourselves. But truly that moment was a teaching point. That was your child offering you something on a silver plate going, what is here? What is it that just got triggered and what is it that we can now alchemize for you so that next time that doesn't happen next time you can hold more resilience?
And then that is what your child learns and all of that is discussed and communicated and shared. So your children see that it's okay to make a mistake. It's okay to scream. Sometimes we're angry. Sometimes we boil over. Why are we making that wrong? Yeah.
Will: to give because I will tell you, our daughter is special. She's spectacular. She is, we are incredibly blessed. And yet she [00:40:00] has pushed us to evolve in ways that we never would have expected to have to evolve in. And it's a gift. It's an absolute gift for sure.
And I think we're still, we're just scratching the surface. We have a lot more to learn, but wow, is she teaching us a lot and that's at the crux of it.
the message here that these kids are here to help us grow instead of
Karen & Will: we're
Will: now we're still shaping her, but she's shaping us just as much in, in beautiful spiritual ways.
And that's it's a gift. Absolutely.
Karen: And I do like what you said that they need to know that it's okay to get really mad or it's okay to scream. And we've sat there before and I could tell she was really mad. I'm like, how do you feel?
And I've had to amp her up. I'm like, just yell, just whatever. To get
her just to like scream And let it out because there is that programming that you you gotta suck it up.
You gotta keep it in. I'm like,
no, let it out with me, let it out here in a safe place, but let it out.
Will: Right. And keeping it in is what causes problems in the future. Absolutely.
So you [00:41:00] can't do that,
Emily: And I I think there's also like a, sorry to jump in. I just wanted to say, I think there's also a real movement at the moment around conscious parenting
and Emotional resilience, emotional like capacity where we're talking a lot about, giving words to feelings, letting our kids feel, but what's not happening is the understanding that it's actually necessary for them to tantrum.
It's necessary for them to be angry. The same as, as an adult, we're spending so much time trying to make everything calm and content. And I'm like that's rubbish. That's not real life. Like real life is the whole polarity and polarity is going to look like you have to feel anger sometimes you have to feel sadness and grief sometimes.
And I'm seeing so much of this shift towards positivity that I'm like you're actually just looking at one half of the coin. It's so, so important in this work that we understand as a mum, that you're all welcome, the [00:42:00] whole of you. And as, as a parent as children, you are all welcome. And I think that is getting missed a little bit in terms of the energetic translation, where the intention behind the concept of emotional resilience is there.
But actually, to understand how to really, truly alchemize and be in a quantum space with emotion, you have to be able to accept and hold all of it. And that's what we want our kids to learn.
Will: So
then how does intuitive parents,
kids help families to get
these messages across?
Emily: So I have a membership space which parents can join, which mums, intuitive mums specifically, I tend to do a lot more work with mums than dads, just because I feel like at the moment they're in that leadership space. And I do a lot of one to one work where we really dive into the quantum karmic, past lives, DNA recoding, really helping moms to be in the space of taking the leap into a new way of [00:43:00] showing up in a new way of being.
And a lot of my coaching and mentoring is based on my own experience. It's what I've been through. It's the way that I have had to navigate and still do so much of what I teach inside my memberships. Spaces is about guys, this happened to me today. Like, seriously, this is what I'm going through. And I will cry and I will share and I will be so alive and real because the truth is that we don't all know the answer.
We're all human. We're all experiencing it. We're all part of this Ascension. But it's really about building community and helping intuitive moms that are on that journey to just know that it doesn't have to be linear, doesn't have to be just learning how to parent. It's about you and your spiritual journey, which actually will have the biggest impact on your kids.
Will: Yeah, that's a very important message. Now, if there was
a dad, intuitive
dad who wanted to be a
part of this, is it okay? Or do you strictly
focus on
moms right now?
Emily: You know what? The very first [00:44:00] family that ever came to work with me was a dad and his whole family. And that was why my business name never changed to
intuitive moms, intuitive kids. I kept it as parents. So absolutely. My membership spaces are specifically for women, but. My one to one work is always open to dads.
I actually love working with dads because they have such a different perspective. But yeah, a hundred percent at the end of the day, raising the consciousness of the planet is about the generations to come. And that's both parents, it's a unity consciousness.
Will: And just for the record, I'd much prefer Ipik to Imik.
Intuitive parents, Intuitive kids, intuitive men, come on. That was gold.
Karen: I
Will: pick, I would much rather I pick then,
Karen: then be it.
Will: These are the jokes, folks. This is all he got.
Did I mention I was a dad and I got jokes all day long. Something
Karen: happens to [00:45:00] them,
Holy moly.
Will: Yes.
Emily: realm.
Will: That's part of growth, Karen, is growth. Is it
Karen: at the edge? It's at the edge of my comfort zone. that's
Will: That's it. It's exactly right. Right. Okay. So if moms or dads wanted to get involved with your organization, what's the best
way for someone to reach out to you?
Emily: The best way is just through
Facebook for on my personal profile, Emily
Robinson mentor. You can find me there. I do lots of live videos We also have a
YouTube channel intuitive parents, intuitive kids where we drop lots of videos and lives. But yeah, and really, truly, if anyone out there is in that space where they, Genuinely just want more information.
My DMs are always open. I love just being in connection with people and understanding what's going on in the world and what you're struggling with. So always, always just reach out and message me. Yeah, I'd love to support any way I can.
Will: And you also have a, You also have a website that we'll go ahead and lay down
the direct link to
Emily: Yeah, absolutely. We're in the middle of doing a rebrand at the moment. And we're going to be [00:46:00] shaking that all off a little bit. So, yeah, absolutely. People can go there. It will
still be the same URL regardless, even when we upgrade, but yeah, we're just shifting into a new gear.
So, it's exciting. We're doing lots behind the scenes, but yeah, absolutely. People can go there to ipikproject. com.
Will: Okay. Well, we're going to add direct links to your website and your social directly in our show notes. So if you didn't have a pen while listening to this, all you need to do is go to a skeptic metaphysician. com go to Emily's episode and you will see the links directly laid in there. So you can just click once and be connected directly to her.
So Emily, this has been so wonderful and so eyeopening and so.
Karen: Necessary.
Will: Yes, that was the word.
Emily: Love
Will: So we really, appreciate you coming on and taking some time out of your very busy
day to share your wisdom with
Emily: No, thank you so much for having me. It's been awesome. I've loved love chatting and Yeah. sharing, sharing the wisdom. So thanks guys.
Karen & Will: Yeah. Well, thank you very much.
Will: And a huge thank you to [00:47:00] you. Yes, you, the person that hit play on this episode. We know that there are tons of options out there and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. We'd love for you to contribute by sending us a voicemail or an email from our website, or leave us a review on Apple podcasts or any other podcasting platform that supports them.
Karen and I love hearing from those that are moved to message us. It truly does fuel our passion. You are the reason we do this show and knowing what you like and don't like, help us craft the very best show we can so that we can help raise the vibration of the planet together. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Emily Robinson
Founder of Intuitive Parents - Intuitive Kids
Emily Robinson is the founder of 'Intuitive Parents-Intuitive Kids' (IPIK). She is a mother of three children, a qualified academic teacher, energy healer and shamanic creator. After nearly burning herself out and being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, she changed her life and her family’s life completely now traveling full time around Australia with her family. With over 15 years’ experience in the holistic healing and self-development space, she helps parents and their kids work through difficult relationships, heal inner trauma and access their inner voice; their intuition. Follow Emily and the IPIK-community at facebook.com/groups/parentingcollective