Renowned animal communicator Susan Allen delves into the intriguing world of soul-level communication, as she uncovers the past traumas of rescued animals, while striving to deepen the bond between humans and their beloved pets.
“I think everybody...
Renowned animal communicator Susan Allen delves into the intriguing world of soul-level communication, as she uncovers the past traumas of rescued animals, while striving to deepen the bond between humans and their beloved pets.
“I think everybody has an ability that they either won't allow themselves to develop or won't relax enough into it to let go, to hear that small, sweet, intuitive voice within.” - Susan Allen
There's something incredibly profound about connecting with animals on a deeper level, and our guest for this episode, Susan Allen, knows this better than most. An intuitive healer and medium, Susan has unearthed a unique ability to communicate with animals, both living and departed, fostering an extraordinary bond she affectionately refers to as 'soul speak'. A journey filtered through love, her story of discovering and nurturing this gift is nothing short of captivating.
Shrouded in mystery and intrigue, the world of spirit communication is a realm Susan navigates with a profound connection to all living beings. She helps us peel back the layers of this heightened state of consciousness, providing insights into the subtle and not-so-subtle ways spirit communicates with her. Moreover, she enlightens us on the unique talents each of us possesses and the ways she communicates with people through their souls.
Whether you are an animal lover, a spiritual enthusiast, or just a fan of enlightening conversations, this episode offers a riveting exploration into the world of animal communication. We delve into Susan's work with both living and deceased animals, revealing the therapeutic impact it can have on altering their behaviors and even uncovering underlying medical issues. We also talk about how we can communicate with our pets using our own words and how immersing ourselves in nature can enhance our connection with animals and the natural world. So, prepare to embark on a soulful journey that promises to shift your perception on the age-old bond between humans and animals.
In this episode, you will be able to:
- Unveil the secrets to achieve a deeper soul connection with animals for improved understanding and empathy.
- Explore the role of love and self-care in nurturing intuitive abilities and a harmonious existence.
- Acquire knowledge on establishing firm boundaries in mediumship to balance spiritual and physical realms.
- Delve into the diverse spiritual communication modes to augment your spiritual journey.
- Grasp the enlightened perspective on the purpose of experiences and growth in metaphysical practices for a fulfilling life.
Other episodes you'll enjoy:
Discover the World of Animal Communication & Soul Paintings with Nicole Harp
The Secret Afterlife of Pets
A True Psychic, Angel Communicator and Healer
Guest Info:
0:00:01 - Will
Karen, I'm getting so many psychic messages these days, Really, Really so many. In fact. I feel a message coming through for you right now.
0:00:12 - Karen
Oh boy.
0:00:13 - Will
Yeah, I'm getting the sense that you're the type of person that places great value on being liked and admired and at times you can be prone to doubting whether or not you've made the right choices in your life. You can be excessively critical of yourself. You've got a lot of potential. It's not been used to your advantage yet. You're an independent thinker to a certain degree. You need some change in your life. Too many restrictions make you uncomfortable. That said, finding security is one of your main goals. How do I do?
0:00:39 - Karen
Well, you did pretty darn good.
0:00:40 - Will
Remarkable right, Only one problem.
0:00:43 - Karen
It wasn't you.
0:00:44 - Will
All of those, for the most part, could apply to almost anyone. That's very true, you could probably use the same script on anyone you meet.
0:00:50 - Karen
That's very true.
0:00:51 - Will
Sadly, sometimes these are the only types of messages that people get when they solicit psychic advice. Thankfully, today we get to speak with someone that prides herself in being very specific, giving precise details that blow people away. Wow, every session is unique to the person she's reading, and she not only taps into your unique soul message, but also to that of your pet, whether they're alive or not. An exciting new episode of the Skeptic Minivisitions starts now. My name is Will and I'm Garen.
And, unlike Mulder and Scully, we both want to believe. So we've embarked on a journey of discovery.
0:01:33 - Karen
We've talked to people deeply entrenched in the spiritual and metaphysical world.
0:01:36 - Will
We've thrown ourselves into weird and wonderful experiences. I even joined a coven of witches.
0:01:41 - Karen
And wait, you joined a coven.
0:01:43 - Will
Yup, all in the interest of finding something, anything. We've proved that there's something beyond this physical three-dimensional world we all live in. This is the.
0:01:51 - Karen
Skeptic Minivisitions.
0:02:01 - Will
Welcome to the Skeptic Minivisitions I'm Will.
0:02:03 - Karen
And I'm Garen.
0:02:04 - Will
And today we've got the privilege of speaking with an intuitive healer and medium who connects with all life and souls, including animals, at their soul level. She calls what she does soul speak, and clients from around the world have benefit from the work that she does. She brings information that no one else could possibly know about you and your pet, and we are excited to welcome Susan Allen to the show. Susan, thank you so much for coming on. The Skeptic Minivisitions.
0:02:28 - Susan
My pleasure. Thank you so much for having me.
0:02:32 - Will
No, it's our pleasure completely Now. We have had many psychics, we've had many mediums, we've had a couple of animal communicators on the show as well, but what makes you uniquely different is that everyone I've talked to has said astounding things about how precise your readings are. What do you attribute your preciseness to?
0:02:55 - Susan
Truthfully. I think it's about love. I think it's about loving the someone and finding my path, that when I connect through love, because I love my clients, I love the work, I'm so grateful. It's like the floodgates open, it's like the highest vibration. I think that's partially it.
0:03:15 - Karen
You're an animal communicator. How did that start? Were you just sitting with your pet and like? I don't even know how to ask that question, how did you know you were actually communicating with an animal?
0:03:26 - Susan
Well, what I did was I always had this amazing connection with animals from the time I'm really little. I was going through a time in my life where I needed a bunch of bone surgeries and I had this cute little French bulldog. I just thought, oh, let me keep to mine with silly clasp online. I had already been clairvoyant, but I wasn't connected to that, if that makes sense. I just had this silly clasp called animal communication because I was so in love with this little French bulldog but it took me 11 years to get. I wasn't sure I really should buy a dog and I wasn't sure if I should have a dog. The connection with her was so huge. I attribute her to reminding me who I really was, because I had a million careers and I didn't know what I was supposed to do or what I wanted to do.
Right before this animal communication class, I was going up to a barn in Malibu. I couldn't ride horses because I needed these surgery, but I would just love on this horse named Leo and I would work on him every week. This one time I remember specifically, I said to him buddy, I'm not going to see you for six weeks, so if you're going to make me massage you and groom you for an hour and then finally let me kiss your face. I can't stand any longer because it was like the pain was really getting there on my leg. Within seconds, animal just saw amazing. Within seconds, his ear had come forward, his whole head comes down to my level this is this ginormous horse and his eyes closed and it was like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And I went oh, my God, we're really talking to each other. This is real. So fast forward. I have the surgery. I'm on my couch, I'm on my iPad.
This is like 20 years ago, in the silly little class called animal communication, level one comes on my iPad and I'm like, oh, I need something mindless and something silly and joyful and full of love to do rather than worrying about my real job, which was joy live. And I take this silly class and man, oh man, it was like I didn't even know I was a writer. This picture come up, comes up of this whore. We're 10 people in the class and the teacher said what? Just let your weirdo fly and journal what you get and I'll go around the room and we'll say what you got, right, okay, I start journaling. And when I looked at my writing, it was like a Disney movie and to this day I still have like five or six composition notebooks filled with animal readings, because I would meditate, look at the photo of the pet journal three to five pages and then get on the phone with the client for another hour.
You know this was at the very beginning of this work. So I take this class and I'm writing like a Disney novel about the horse couple of things that I remember with I had a nose issue. He switches it in the same sentence to nostril issue and I almost died. And oh, the ravens sit on my water bucket and I love when they tell me where they've been. And I'm reading this, as he said, I'm like I'm not a creative writer.
This doesn't make any sense. And then the teacher goes around the room after everybody gives their writing and some people said I'm not on the floor, I'm not getting anything. So she came to me and she said yeah, he had a nostril problem. Apparently, when he dipped his face in his water bucket there was a wire in his water bucket and when he pulled his head back one of his nostril was ripped open and he was laying in blood. I know this is still graphic, I'm sorry and he needed a blood transsegent, so it was like how would I know that? And then, before long, everybody in the class was calling me for readings, including a veterinarian who's still a client.
So that's really like that and I went to my husband I think I really love this and he goes Susan, do not tell anybody, you're talking animal. You have a career you can't leave your career, you don't leave your day job to pursue something that nobody needs, nobody believes. But I was doing it under my maiden name so nobody could find out. In my real business I had this little cute website and people were booking animal readings, and that's kind of the long story to the basic question.
0:07:59 - Will
So that little silly class was not quite so silly, because it kind of opened up the whole world for you at that point. So you think everybody can speak to animals everybody.
0:08:08 - Susan
I think everybody has an ability that they either won't allow themselves to develop or won't relax enough into it to let go to hear that small, sweet, intuitive voice within. And not everybody is like that. There are people that want to live in the fantasy of and being in the ethereal, and then there are people that are just like no, I can't do it. And I think it's seer of taking a leap, of say and just saying what you get.
0:08:37 - Will
Or being seen as foolish or naive or crazy.
0:08:42 - Karen
My question about that is how do you know you're getting something and you're not just making stuff up?
0:08:47 - Susan
Oh, believe me, I was like the doubting commiss of myself on what do they call it Imposter syndrome. I was. I was always so hard on myself. In the beginning we lived in a house where my husband's office was in the garage and before every reading which I was barely getting paid right and I was here saying my my maiden name.
I'd run in the garage and I'd take oh my God, I have an animal reading oh my God, and he'd go you're going to have a blast Turn around and just go back in the house and then tell me, come out and tell me how great it was. And I'm telling you every time. It would either make me cry or I would go. How is this possible? How is this possible? I read my testimonials and I look at my reviews and I go oh my God, like you know, that's how I know I'm getting it right, because people are telling me I'm getting it right.
0:09:35 - Karen
But does it sound like a different voice in your head or does it just sound like your own thoughts? I'm asking you this. No, I love that. I'm wondering about myself If it sounded like a different voice.
0:09:43 - Susan
It would scare the bejesus Saturday.
0:09:45 - Karen
0:09:46 - Susan
Now it's my voice and sometimes it doesn't turn off. I have to like meditate to go. Ok, I'm grounding, Don't turn that off.
0:09:54 - Will
Then do you ascribe to the thought that different people have different talents? Because it sounds like, I mean, you have pretty much said everyone can speak with animals, but you also, souls, speak with humans. It's not just an animal communication thing with you, you actually have these really incredibly specific readings with human through their soul contact as well. Yeah, so is that the same skill set or is that a different skill set? Because if people say that you've got a talent or two or five, but you know that's, that seems like it'd be different.
0:10:26 - Susan
Let's put it this way when I was doing an animal reading, I didn't want to talk to dead people. I didn't want dead people in my house.
0:10:33 - Will
Yeah, they make a mess all over the living room. You know the piece is falling off and I'll forget it.
0:10:37 - Susan
I was like no, I can't watch horror movies and I was sitting in my chair that used to be in that corner where I did all my reading, and I'm doing this reading with a cat, with a client, and the picture of my dad and I across the room. Who was deceased at the time? It was just my dad and I and he had his arm around me. His face started to change and it was so subtle and calming.
And that that didn't figure out. No, believe it or not, it was gentle. So I felt like spirit knew how to communicate with this girl, like I don't want to see dead people walking through my house. You know, I really not my family. So I said to spirit you know, in one of my meditations, if this is how you're going to do things with me, I can do this. It was kind of like a thing that I had with the spirit world and that's how it's been. It's been gentle and loving and wonderful and calming it. Actually, when I'm doing my thing I'm probably in my best place possible. It's like an athlete or a talk show hose, like you know, when you you're doing your thing you're in the zone, you're in the zone.
It's the most calming for me to clear myself and just bring in message from spirit. It's the most calming.
0:12:02 - Will
I could see how that would be the case. For the record, Karen. If your face starts to change, I'm running out the door.
0:12:09 - Susan
Don't know, it's not a person. Now, it's pretty.
0:12:12 - Will
Oh, ok, all right, thanks for calling All right. So then is it possible there for you to tell spirit hey, this is the way I want to be communicated with. Or you hear people you know, some people are clear, cognizant, some people are clear audience, some people are clairvoyant. Can you make the determination spirit? I want to be this because it sounds like that's kind of what you did.
0:12:35 - Susan
I wanted no, not really I wanted them to communicate with me subtly, like they did in the photo, but I let them do their thing to give me the message that has best reached the client, other than like my head's not going to spin around or they're not going to take me over. I let spirit lead, because it's like I tell my clients they pay me, but I work for spirit. They control the people that come to me. They control my income. They're really in charge. It's not other than me just showing up. They're in charge as to what's coming in the messages.
0:13:15 - Karen
They're your agent.
0:13:16 - Susan
They're my agent, yeah.
0:13:18 - Will
I like that.
0:13:20 - Karen
What would then be the least subtle way they've communicated with you?
0:13:27 - Susan
I get physical feelings that aren't always pleasant, like my throat will close out or I'll get a massive chest pain or I'll get a hearing pain in my head. That's like I'll say to the lady. I have this really bad headache and with somebody has passed from a head injury or a stroke or brain hemorrhage, and it's always like spirit doesn't lie. Confidence of being what they actually passed as Well. I won't be able to breathe and I'll know it was my lung. Does that make sense?
0:14:03 - Will
Yeah, no, absolutely.
0:14:04 - Karen
Then does it end once the reading's over Once I say what it was.
0:14:09 - Susan
it's like they're using me to communicate, so the person knows that it's evidential that it's real. They will use me, my body, to help me communicate what they died of. Then, once I say it, they release it.
0:14:24 - Karen
Well, yeah, I think the picture would be nicer.
0:14:27 - Susan
Exactly. But if the evening is gone once, I say it. But sometimes, before reading, I have all these feelings and the reading hasn't even started yet and I'm like, oh my God, what do I do? I always forget. It's really like this is like this, is like a piece of the personal life, of the medium that I'm giving you guys, that I don't think I've ever talked about. The morning of the reading I'm either. I don't say anything, but I'm like having all these feelings and then all of a sudden they sit down and I do my meditation right before the reading and I'm like, damn it again, this has nothing to do with me. This is the person I'm speaking with next.
0:15:09 - Will
Oh, wow, so they come through you first.
0:15:11 - Susan
That part I do not like. That part I do not like because I'm taking on the person's feelings that aren't even my own, but I'm about to get on in with them. That part is not so fun. But again, once I start the reading, I'm like, oh God, I did it again. Why didn't?
0:15:28 - Will
I guess that so you just gotta tell the green room to settle down.
0:15:32 - Karen
Settle down until I get to you.
0:15:34 - Will
0:15:35 - Karen
Let's settle down.
0:15:37 - Will
All right, well, we're just getting started with Susan and Alan. We gotta take a break. But when we come back we're gonna talk about the fact and you mentioned it a little bit earlier that the connection is all about love and I really wanna go deeper into that because that sounds really interesting and I know Karen especially is very interested in this. So don't go anywhere, because when we come back we talk about the connecting with love and we're back on the Skeptic Medivhisions. We're talking to Susan Alan. She's a psychic medium who's also able to communicate, soul speak with animals as well as humans, and she's been giving us a little insight into what it's like to have people in the green room bashing down her door and making her feel really uncomfortable before reading. But that chip gears a little bit. And let's go back to that connection that you have with animals and humans, that connection that comes from love. When you say that, what exactly does that mean? How can someone tap into love to communicate with their animals or they're dearly departed?
0:16:42 - Susan
Great, great question. Thank you. The best thing with the animals. Like most people come from a state of love with their animals. So what I say is to clear yourself as best you can so you can communicate to your pet or get those intuitive hits by being self-loving for doing the prayer and meditation and your own grounding and your own self-care, and then telepathically communicating to a pet, like I would do it with a photo. I'd take a photo from a client. I still love photos. I don't need them, but I still love to look at an animal and I could look in the eyes and I just start with I love you, you're beautiful, I'm so excited to be here.
Would you consider speaking with me? Would you open up? Are there things you'd like your owner to know? Like I have this whole conversation, like is this if I'm talking to you, you know, or anybody that hired me to work, it's a communication. Just like when I do my communication with a person, I sit in the power. It's called, you know, british call it sitting in the power, and it's all about love. You know, it's all about sitting in the power of love, because that's the highest vibration. I mean, that is the most high vibration. So if you can have a love of the client and love for this pet and bring yourself up, you go up high enough to get great messages and you meet high enough to get the messages you really want for the person that's sitting.
0:18:19 - Will
Is it possible to be too connected to that love energy? Will it muddy the water? Sometimes You're not getting any messages across, or is it 100% every time?
0:18:29 - Susan
For me it's 100%. The more I love what I do and the state of grace that I'm in and the love of sitting and helping somebody, the higher I go To like no limits when you connect with love.
0:18:43 - Karen
Yeah, I don't think there could ever be too much love. Once you really are in there and you feel it, it's like your skin kind of tingles on the edge and your body feels so full and you just want to shoot it out in every direction, absolutely.
0:18:53 - Susan
And it's all about loving yourself first. You know you have to give it to yourself. It's like giving from the overflow, not your red, so full up, because you know like if you're having a bad day, you're going to be.
0:19:03 - Will
It's real, it's really it sounds just like me in the mornings.
0:19:10 - Karen
Is there one kind of overriding message, like is there something that pets usually always want to say to their, I guess, owners and this and this now it sounds weird, a pet and an owner, if we're talking about this love connection. So is there a general message the pets want to give to their humans that you see repeated time and time again, like usually if people have to put the animal down, there's so much guilt with people because they never know when it's time.
0:19:37 - Susan
But I think the overall message there would be people who generally know and we beat ourselves up because euthanizing a pet is the bravest act a person can do and taking a pet out of pain and misery it's not the life they would want to live. You know, I think that's a big message that by your fault, you did a great job. Thanks for helping me cross over, thanks for getting me out of that arthritic, painful body. You know it's usually that would come through. The highest and the biggest message is no guilt. Is that wasted emotion? No guilt, just love.
0:20:19 - Will
Well, that's interesting. Not a lot of people know this about me and Karen's going to laugh, but I think you know this about me, karen there was a point in time when I was working in quotation marks at a pet shelter and my job was to hold the pet while they were being injected, to be euthanized, and to a T almost every single one of them. You can almost feel the fear or the anxiety that this animal has, especially as they're looking at this thing coming at them. Obviously, my job was to actually make them not look. But if they don't belong to anyone, if they're not connected to a family, would that message still be the same? Or is that more of a regretful message? Because I still regret having to ever have done that, because I can't imagine that being a pleasant experience for them.
0:21:04 - Susan
Yeah, but I imagine that that was pretty brave act for you to have a job like that. Oh, I hated it.
0:21:11 - Will
I lasted a very short amount of time. I hated every time I had to go in there. I was unhappy. I am now learning things about me, so I think I was feeling this from these animals. Yeah, I dreaded having to go into that room. It's that one particular room that you always go to. You knew you're going in that room. You're not coming out of it if you're an animal. I didn't last. It wasn't bravery, it was I got to do this because I want to work at this place.
0:21:36 - Susan
Well, you know, the saddest thing for me is to have animals in shelters and sometimes, regrettably, they end up there because they're lost, they're missing and the owners can't find them. That's the worst. But you're bringing up a story topic for me because pre-COVID I'm just sorry about that.
0:21:52 - Will
No, no.
0:21:53 - Susan
Pre-COVID, the shelters. You couldn't even get a dog because everybody went to the shelter to get a dog. And then, when the world started to open up, the shelters are full and like gorgeous animals are being euthanized at a rate not to be believed. So for me it's like I try not to judge, I'm not in, I'm not God, I'm not in positions to judge. The people don't realize that that soul connection with their pet is the most important connection for their soul. So it's not just like let me let go of the pet, the dog feels bad or the cat feels bad because it didn't finish the lifetime it was supposed to have with that person to help that person. See, we don't realize how much an animal can help us elevate to the next level and that's why these animals are ending up in shelters.
Because people like I don't have no money. I'm going to move to an apartment Like I've taken courses at shelters to keep people with their dogs in their apartment so their landlord can never let them move, unless their dog is like biting every child on the floor. There are ways to keep your animal, there are ways to ask for help, for dog food, for animal help, so you don't have to give up your pet. So that's. I think it's not that I judge the person, it's that I feel bad for the animal it doesn't get to do its mission with that particular person. And I have a family member that's given up every pet and I don't judge him because he's an incredible human. But I'm like I like I had a cat. I keep my cats to old age because I know that they're supposed to get me to that. Their job is not finished in my lifetime and they want to be there. You know it's very esoteric and kind of out there, but it's what I've learned through the work that I do.
0:23:51 - Will
Yeah, no, we're all about the woods, don't apologize for that. The thing is we've got a little brand new familiar in our family, a little dog who is just about a year old, and I'm not sure he's here to help me ascend. It feels like he's here to drive me freaking nuts. You know he's doing everything.
0:24:09 - Susan
Yeah, and then when he's about three and four, you're going to be like oh my God, this system looks amazing. Dog, it's amazing. I just thought, oh my God, it was a turret. Rosie was a turret when she was little. She had a control and crazy. I could barely hold on to her. She'd want to go after everything and she's the dog that completely changed the course of my life, you know.
0:24:31 - Will
So let me get this straight I have to wait three or four more years.
0:24:36 - Susan
Two or three Maybe not as many, but you know it takes a while for them to grow up and settle in. And congratulations.
0:24:43 - Will
In all honesty, he is an amazing dog. We're incredibly lucky to have him. He's just a puppy that's chewing everything, and every once in a while he chews that favorite piece of furniture that you really didn't want to passports? Yes, exactly.
0:25:01 - Karen
Oh, we have a game that we play. What's in Hunters Now?
0:25:05 - Will
Yeah, he's a big handful, but he's a big baby we love him.
0:25:10 - Karen
He's a little lover, he's a little entitled, but thank you.
0:25:14 - Will
Piggybacking on Karen's question about what's the most communicated message from animals. What is the one thing that most humans want to know about their pet?
0:25:26 - Susan
I always get and he's a really crazy, funny one They'll usually say does he know how much I love him? It's even for dead people. Well, they're like living with us, whether they're dead or they're alive. Right, I shouldn't say that you're animal. If you're animals, alive or dead, they're always around you. They can feel your energy. So when you love them, they know. So it's not a question, it's kind of does he know how much I love him? Does he know that?
I didn't want to put him down? That's kind of the main one. That animal or the people will ask me is he ready to go? And I would want people to trust themselves to know when an animal is ready to cross over, because you're the one with the better connection than even the communicator. But because there's so much love there and it's so subjective rather than objective, people will call me to help them through the transition or months before the animal's ready to cross over, and just call me every couple of months and getting closer to the end for like a security blanket, and I'm happy to help, because it's hard to finally make the decision to do that.
0:26:47 - Karen
So do you do more communication with animals that have passed or animals that are alive, like, for example, someone has a dog that's chewing up everything and you want to tell them not to? Is that something you can help them with?
0:26:58 - Susan
It's a little bit more difficult to do behavioral stuff for me because I'm not a trainer and people will say to me I hope you wouldn't go to Africa and walk up to a wild elephant. I would do that because I'm a communicator and not a trainer right.
0:27:15 - Will
Not a crazy person either. Yeah, exactly.
0:27:18 - Susan
And well, I would just like. What I do is I would telepathically visualize the animal chewing up everything and then watching him sit across the room quiet, like chewing a bone. So I give them like a visual of what they should and shouldn't do, if that makes sense. But it's hard with the behavior. I would say communication. Communication is usually what they want to eat, where they like to go, what dead people they see sitting in your living room that have passed, like your mom perhaps. So that's kind of cool and evidential.
They'll show me animals in spirit that have passed before them, or animals in spirit will come in or they'll tell me where the pain is, or they'll show me, like, where the tumor is in their belly or that they can't breathe or can't eat or they're having stomach problems. It's more like that. It's much easier than behavior, because to change a behavior it's harder. But I could figure out like if a cat is doing something naughty, it's usually because, like it has a urinary tract infection that I've been able to give evidence of. Get your fat to the vet. I've been accurate with that, because people say she's peeing out of the litter box, you know. So it's a little bit easier when you connect that way. Okay, communication rather than behavior.
0:28:37 - Karen
Okay, and I guess I was asking also because we our dog was a rescue and we got him and he would not. Well, when I first brought him home, he would not walk through doorways.
He would sit in the archway between the living room and the kitchen and just sit there and I would bring him through and he would be fine. Also, he hated the wood floors. It was like the floor is lava. He would sit on the area rug and just go from thing to thing and stay off the floors. Now he's fine, but I'm wondering if something had happened in his past.
0:29:06 - Susan
0:29:06 - Karen
You know, would that be a situation where you would be able to communicate to a dog or an animal that's had a rough experience in the past to help understand behaviors that they have?
0:29:14 - Susan
Well, I'll just tell you, when I first started this my name was going around like North Michigan and I didn't even understand that. There was a big community in North Michigan of hunters that we get these labs and after two or three years old they bring them to the pound like three-year-old labs and people would adopt them. So I'm reading this, this man and woman hire me and I'm reading this dog and this dog is showing me like this man beating him up, and I was in a trans kind of state and I'm communicating this. This is like 10 or 15 years ago and I'm like hesitant to tell the people. And then I'm realizing, wait, they paid me. Why would they be beating their dog of it? They paid me for a reading.
I had to like make sense and the dog was just showing me what his owner had done to him prior to that. And then the people said we just got him and he's petrified of my husband. We just got him. And then I'd be like, oh so as I started to really do this work, I started to really understand and a lot of times rescue, like they rescue after. Really they don't usually want to talk about their past but they'll jowl me and like a movie. They don't really want to get into it because they're happy, they have moved on. But I feel like your dog's happy and the fact that he's chewing everything in play is a really good sign. But you want to stick a bone in his mouth and go no here, take this.
0:30:45 - Will
Now, is it possible that animals are communicating with us in different ways, like you hear them speaking to you in your own words, that kind of thing. But is it possible? Like I've been told, I'm clear, cognizant and sometimes I swear. Hunter looks at me and I feel, oh, you got to go outside just by looking at me, or oh, you need water, like I'll just know, could that possibly be hunter communicating with me, asking me for stuff?
0:31:12 - Susan
Well, I also think it's a die thing, but not to take it away that you're not core cognizant. My husband does the same thing and this dog needs water, this dog needs to walk, this dog needs to book, like our dog. Okay, my husband is like and I'm not even clued into my own animals Like my own and my husband's like it's just like I know dogs, you know dogs, you know dogs, and it's a trough thing too, and you're connected to that dog. You were very connected and it's probably great that you have him.
0:31:42 - Will
So you popped my bubbles. What you're saying Exactly? No, I think we're all.
0:31:48 - Susan
I think we all have abilities. It's just really meditating and honing it and spending the time and spirit. Like if you spend time and spirit and you didn't want this, you probably would be off the charts, you know. But it's where you're gonna put your time and energy, Like what you love, what do you love? That's what's gonna grow.
0:32:11 - Will
Now I also visited your website and I saw that you have some blogs, and not long ago you put up a blog about the healing powers of nature, so maybe it's not just spending time with the dog, but nature overall. Would you say that the more you're connected with nature, the more you're connected with all nature, including animals?
0:32:31 - Susan
I think the more time that you spend in nature or the more time you spend with the quiet mind or in meditation, the more intuitive messages you'll get. I really do believe that. Quieting and meditation. If key if somebody wants to commenter with me in my interview process is can you commit to 20 minutes every morning of meditation? I'll send you the meditation. It's not a guided meditation, it's your own voice in your head going I am love, I am light. And if they can't commit to a meditation, I can't shift you into doing what you wanna do. That's it.
0:33:10 - Will
Oh, that makes a lot of sense. It just makes it easier.
0:33:12 - Susan
You know, just give you on me and it's easier on the perf and trying to learn mediumship or trying to learn spirit connection I have one more question about your mediumship.
0:33:22 - Karen
So we were talking about how you can be very, very detail oriented and you blew me away with that nostril story with the horse. I'm still thinking about that. But besides that example, can you give us just one other example where you just really got those details? Yeah, I couldn't believe it.
0:33:36 - Susan
I just couldn't believe it, like I don't know, until afterwards, usually during, yes, but I read for the retired couple in Arizona and they heard me on George Norrie, which was a hoot Like this is nothing, because I had to wake up and I had to be on George Norrie at midnight and do animal reading from 1 am to 2 pm.
0:33:59 - Will
Wow, you're speaking, of course, of coast to coast.
0:34:02 - Susan
Yes, it was great, he's lovable and adorable and it was my first time at a show. But man, oh man, I was like I can't do this. And, sure enough, spirit was really there and on point from 1 to 2 am. I was blown away by that. But somebody found me on George Norrie and they hired me and it was the second marriage for both of them, and lady had children and the man never had kids. So they had these little dogs and I knew right away what dog it was. Is that a skipper key? And they were like yeah, there's skipper keys. Like I love breeds and I wish I could live long enough to experience every breed of dog on the planet. That's like that would be like the best thing that ever happened to me If I could just experience every breed because they're also unique and amazing. And he goes yeah, skipper key. And it was like a child to him. It was like they had two and the one that they were.
I forgot his name and usually the names of the dogs. I never forget the people, I always forget, but the dogs I never forget. Something like Mickey B or something and I said your dog said that he's with his mom and it's just like something that came out of my mouth and he said that's impossible, that the mom's still alive. And he got off the phone with me and he called the breeder. The dog had died an hour before the reading, the dog's mom. The dog was already in heaven. The dog's mom died an hour before the reading.
Wow, and I was like I just trust what I get, like I don't edit, I just trust what I hear and I get Wow.
0:35:36 - Karen
That was the most amazing. That's amazing.
0:35:38 - Will
For me that was amazing, it's incredible it is incredible. I know that you do readings for folks. You also do these classes. What's the best way for someone to reach out to you if they'd like to connect with you?
0:35:50 - Susan
There's a contact me on my website as well, but they can book on my website as well.
0:35:56 - Will
All right. Well, your website is susanallanmediumcom Perfect. Well, we're going to add direct links to your website, to your social media accounts, all that kind of stuff In our show notes. All you need to do is go to skepticmedivisioncom, Go to episode page and you'll see the links laid in there directly. So it's super easy for you to connect with her. Susan, it's been an absolute pleasure. One last question before we go, is there any type of animal that you don't seem to be able to connect with?
0:36:21 - Susan
Honestly, no, I connected with a frog, a fish, I connected with a wild gopher. I mean this woman, all her planting was being eaten by the gopher. So they called me and she owned an organic farm and I said well, the gopher just said it's not the gopher, it's the deer, and she goes damn it. I saw the Apprent.
0:36:45 - Will
So Ha ha, ha ha ha, yeah, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, it wasn't.
0:36:51 - Susan
So the woman was like, oh my god, that makes so much sense, so fabulous, and I'm so grateful that I found them much later in life than I wish was the plan. But I would have had very uses, like all the things that I've done in my life, all the careers that I've had to help use my brain as a filing cabinet to help people that have work or relationship issues or animal issues. So I feel like nothing was a waste of time. That's the other thing. We're all here by the grace of God and we're all here. We all wish you a pandemic that are still here, and everything that we do in life is just it layers. It's a layering effect upon your foal that will help you in the next thing that you're supposed to do. So nothing is a waste of time, nothing.
0:37:44 - Will
Absolutely Everything happens for a reason.
0:37:46 - Susan
No doubt about it.
0:37:47 - Will
No doubt. Well, susan, thank you so so much for coming on the show.
0:37:50 - Susan
Oh, you guys were adorable. I'm so glad, just with my pleasure. Thank you so much.
0:37:56 - Will
Well, thank you for saying we're adorable. That's the best we've heard in a long time. We've heard all kinds of things Adorable. Thank you so much. We look forward to staying in contact with you, and if you're interested in contacting Susan, go to our website and our episode. You'll see all her links directly there. Thank you so much for tuning in. We'll talk to you again next time.
0:38:15 - Susan
Thank you so much, bye.
0:38:17 - Will
And a huge thank you to you. We know that there are tons of options out there, and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. We'd love for you to contribute by sending us a voicemail or an email from our website, or leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or any other podcasting platform that supports them. Karen and I love hearing from those that are moved to message us. It truly does fuel our passion. You are the reason we do this show, and knowing what you like and don't like help us craft the very best show we can, so that we can help raise the vibration of the planet together. That's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of the Skeptic Manifestation. Until then, take care.

Susan Allen
Evidential Psychic Medium / Animal Communicator / Healer
Susan Allen is an intuitive healer and medium who began studying mediumship and mysticism in her late teens. She can connect with all life and all souls, including animals, at their soul level. She has been communicating with animals on a deep soul level since childhood. She calls what she does, SOUL SPEAK, a name that came to her through meditation.
Clients from around the world have benefited from the work of Susan Allen. She communicates messages about clients’ loved ones and pets, present and passed. The information she provides is insightful and transformative. Susan provides specific, precise details that will BLOW YOU AWAY! Every session is unique.
What makes Susan’s gift truly special is her ability not only to communicate on a soul level with humans, but her gift to channel animals through SOUL SPEAK. Susan’s genuine love for animals is evident by the authentic readings she gives. Her readings are insightful, powerful, and truly useful to you and your pet’s environment and well-being.
There will be no doubt in your mind that she has connected to your pet or deceased loved ones, whether your pet is living or crossed over. Through both her healing work with pets and people, Susan is able to use animals to help heal their people and environment. She brings information that no one else could possibly know about you and your pet.