Living 3D & 5D Simultaneously
Living 3D & 5D Simultaneously
In this compelling episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians, hosts Will and Karen sit down with Jason Zuk Ciofalo, an attorney licensed in fiv…
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Living 3D & 5D Simultaneously

Living 3D & 5D Simultaneously

In this compelling episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians, hosts Will and Karen sit down with Jason Zuk Ciofalo, an attorney licensed in five states who also happens to be an accomplished psychic medium. Jason shares his fascinating journey from practicing law to providing intuitive guidance, detailing the life-changing events that led to his spiritual awakening.

Discover how he separates his legal career from his psychic abilities, his experiences with accurate premonitions, and the profound messages from his late grandfather that confirmed his gifts. From his cancer diagnosis to compelling paranormal investigations, Jason's story is a testament to balancing professional life with spiritual pursuits.

This episode is a deep dive into the intersection of law, spirituality, and the unexplained. Don't miss this riveting conversation that promises to enlighten and inspire.

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(Times are approximate)
00:00 Introduction to a Unique Guest
01:48 Meet Jason: The Psychic Lawyer
03:52 Jason's Journey to Psychic Awakening
05:13 A Profound Experience with Grandfather
08:29 Balancing Law and Psychic Abilities
10:54 Cancer Diagnosis and Premonitions
14:27 A Spiritual Encounter During Colonoscopy
17:38 Family Intuition and Psychic Abilities
19:24 Exploring the Paranormal
21:33 Personal Paranormal Experiences
22:25 Psychic Abilities and Daily Life
23:26 Saging and Spiritual Practices
24:30 Childhood Fears and Ghost Stories
27:04 Balancing Law and Psychic Work
29:59 Spiritual Awakening and Life Lessons

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Follow Jason on Instagram: @the_social_psychic

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Will: [00:00:00] My name is Will, and

Karen: I'm Karen, and

Will: unlike Mulder and Scully, we

Karen: both want to believe.

Will: So we've embarked on a journey of discovery.

Karen: We've talked to people deeply entrenched in the spiritual and metaphysical world.

Will: We've thrown ourselves into weird and wonderful experiences. I even joined a coven of witches.

Karen: And, wait, you joined a coven?

Will: Yep, all in the interest of finding something,

Karen: anything, that

Will: will prove that there's something beyond this physical,

Karen: three dimensional world we all live in. This

Will: is The

Karen: Skeptic Metaphysicians.

Will: Hey there, welcome to the Skeptic Metaphysicians. I'm Will. And I'm Karen. And today we have a special treat. See, our guest today is named Jason.

Karen: That sounds special.

Will: Just to begin with. I know. Now Jason is an attorney.

Karen: Okay. Yeah. Yes. He's

Will: an attorney. He's licensed to practice law in five different states.

Karen: Does he know about, nevermind.

Will: We'll get to that. Uh, he earned his [00:01:00] bachelor's from the University of Tampa, his Juris Doctorate from Nova Southeastern University and his master's in law. in international and comparative law from Georgetown University, right? Not someone you'd typically think would be on our show, right?

Ah, you've listened to the show before, right? The twist, the twist is it just so happens that Jason is also a psychic medium and he's been providing accurate, intuitive advice and guidance since 2004.

Karen: So he can help us.

Will: I think so. Pray to God on so many levels. Now in 2017, he decided to offer intuitive guidance professionally so he could further provide clients with a chance to gain insight on matters within their life, which require further attention, just like an attorney.

Karen: Right. What if you want to forget some of those matters? Can I help with that?

Will: Uh, attorney can definitely help you with that, but, uh, by working with others to confront existing obstacles and challenges, Jason aspires to provide clarity and [00:02:00] reassurance to those seeking advice. I am thrilled to welcome to the show the social psychic attorney, psychic medium, and podcaster Jason Zook.

And I don't know if Zook is the way to pronounce your name, but I hope you got it. It is.

Jason: First off, it's a, it's a, it's such a pleasure and you can call it Zook. I go by Zook.

Will: Zook. Okay. So do you want us to call you Jason or Zook?

Jason: It's either. It's fine.

Will: Okay, good. So I thought we had to rerecord the whole thing.

I don't, I don't know if I had the energy for it, but, um, so we're thrilled to have you and we talked on the show before many times about the fact that a lot of people who are in this space. A few years ago, it was the, just the people with like the colored hair and the gypsy robes and all that kind of stuff that had the, the, the crystal balls, right?

Um, but now it's everyday people are awakening more and more people like you, an attorney, a doctors, um, just a professional folks who you wouldn't [00:03:00] necessarily think would be in this space. Your journey as both an attorney and a psychic medium, it's kind of interesting. So how did these two seemingly different roles compliment each other in your life's work?

Jason: They were totally unplanned. And what I mean by that is as a normal person, and I still feel normal even being intuitive, but before I knew I had any intuitive abilities, I. Went to school to become a lawyer without realizing it at first. I went to college and went to law school and I've been doing that for 23 years.

So my grandfather passed away in 2004. I used to get premonitions as a kid. My mom and my grandmother both have psychic intuitive abilities. My brothers even told me in the past that he's had some brushes with intuition and stuff. So for me, I knew during college and law school that when my grandfather passes away that I'd be by myself with no one to console me.

And fast forward, go back a second. I moved to Florida from New Jersey because my grandparents helped raise me as a single parent, my mom's parents. [00:04:00] And so they raised me. And so when my grandfather died in 2004, seven years later, it was my premonition came true. He had a stroke. A couple of days before I went to Wisconsin to cover a deposition.

My family wanted me to continue working. I did get a chance to see him the day of his stroke, but he was just communicating with his hands at that point. And he passed on when I was in Wisconsin, I got stuck there overnight. So the actual premonition I had about being alone by myself with no one to console me came true.

But what flipped that around a little was my grandfather came to me in hotel room. Orbs of light. Looks like an unsolved mystery episode. I stepped from being me normal to me in this new reality with my grandfather crossing over his orbs of light and all that. A feeling of unconditional love washed over me in the room.

I went from having my greatest fear. To having one of the most profound experiences of my life that transformed my life and made me realize I was like,

Will: and so this was like a light switch, right? From one minute, you're an attorney. The next minute you are. [00:05:00]

Jason: And a different reality. It's like the matrix. I came out of the pod looking around going, what do I do now?

Karen: So how much time passed between seeing the orbs and the feeling of love? Like, was there a little bit of terror in between? Or were you just like,

Jason: wait a second? I bring up unsolved mysteries because I'm like 48 right now. People younger in your audience may not know what that is, but it was just my whole reality got shifted.

And I also had my first mediumship experience that night after my grandfather, because my grandfather said to me, son, I love you. Don't, don't grieve me. Don't cry for me. Go get some food for yourself. I'm always going to be with you. I'll be in your dreams. I'll communicate with you. And I was like, Whoa, okay.

Grandpa, I love you. And then I went and got food and like, Had no like no emotion about it and one of my close friends from high school called me Tracy and she asked me about my grandfather. I said, Oh, he died and I could sense for the first time, not from my five senses. I could sense from my intuitive abilities that she was doubting what I was telling her orbs of light.

My grandfather, you know? So I said to her, Hey, Tracy, you know what? You don't believe what I'm [00:06:00] telling you right now. I get it. I know you're skeptical. I am too. If it didn't happen to me, I'd be a skeptic. I was a skeptic. And I said, I said, what if your grandmother could come through to you right now? She goes, my grandma's been dead six months.

I said, well, what if she came through? And then her grandmother relayed a specific message that only the two of them knew. So she drops the phone. Starts crying in the bathroom. Her future husband grabs the phone at the time and says, what did you just say to my wife? Why she's crying in the bathroom. And I was surprised, I guess my best friend I know since I'm like 14, 13, you know, and so are you okay?

She grabs it. She goes, how did you know that? Only my grandmother knew that. And then I got scared, went back to the hotel and left the lights on for 10 years, like everywhere for 10 years, I always had the lights on. So that's. In a nutshell, how my, you know, reality shifted.

Karen: So how did the grandmother's message come to you?

Is it just a feeling that you knew or did you some people hear like the actual voices? What was your experience?

Jason: You know, interestingly enough, [00:07:00] I sensed it. Um, you know, when you get a deja vu moment, you think about someone and they call you and you're like, Oh wow, that's the, how the feeling feels. So I would have like these tingles, like you, you sense it.

You just, your spidey sense goes off as I call it. And, uh, her grandmother was telling me as I was just, I don't know if I channel it, connect well, strongly, but as a medium, she's telling me, let Tracy know. And she said this specific message. it out without realizing it. And they, they come through like, um, charades so that I'll get sounds.

I'll get images. My clairvoyance has grown a lot in the last few years. So I'll get a lot of images, premonitions. If you're still to show charmed. It's kind of like that. Sure. It's the premonition images. Those are pretty spot on because I get stuff like that. And so a mixture of various different things such as that.

Will: Okay. So as an attorney, how many times have you been in court and you, and you get a premonition, you get a vision that all like maybe the, the perps, uh, partner who died in the, in the case, like [00:08:00] comes out and says, here's what it is, where the bodies are buried. Here's where the money is. Right. How

Jason: many times has that happened and you've solved the case?

I have a formal answer for this since I am an attorney and a lawyer and a psychic and all this fun thing. I'm going to tell you.

Karen: Oh.

Jason: Since the rules of ethical conduct, the rules of prophetical conduct, do not have any provisions that govern lawyers who have psychic abilities, I've kept the two so separate that when I'm in court, I just use my lawyer skills because I don't ever want these two to conflate each other and.

Karen: Yeah. Back and

Will: forth. Yep. Spoken like a true attorney. I agree. Perfect. And

Karen: good for you using the lingo.

Will: I am. You busted

Karen: out the perps.

Will: That's right. The perp and the body's buried in the right. I got it. You know, I got it. But all right. So, um, but so you, you do keep the two worlds separate then. Yes. How can you, you just

Jason: kind of switch it off when you're in court?

Yeah, well, when I'm in lawyer mode and I do, you know, I started out with this 20 something years ago, right? But I really didn't start doing it like full time, like I say part time, right? [00:09:00] Actually, as like a night thing, it's like a, it's like moonlighting, but not moonlighting. It's who I am version

Will: of night court.

Jason: Yeah. And except, so what I do is even when I had my own physical office, cause I don't have a physical office anymore, but I had, when I had one, I do readings in the evenings after six. So I have clients line up for readings without telling anyone else in the building, that's what's going on. And then I had my law clients during the day and they'd leave, but I do a lot of like insurance stuff.

So I wouldn't have to be around people as much, but it was mostly remote. But even now, like I have interesting days where I'll have two podcast interviews, two like depositions as a lawyer. And then at night I'll do two interviews and it's like shifting the gears between the three, but a lot of people have.

Multiple roles they fill. So true.

Karen: What would you do or how do you handle it if you were like in a case and the victim was dead, but they came to you and they're like, he's lying. He actually did it. He's he's separate. He doesn't allow that. What if she just came to him?

Will: Well,

Jason: you know, I mean,

Karen: Can you be like, don't come?

Jason: It sounds like [00:10:00] it'd make a great script to a show on Netflix or something you could watch, right? In real life, I don't, I don't, I don't mix the twos and I do property insurance. So I haven't had anyone who owns a house tell me they, you know, in that, in that setting, I haven't had those kinds of facts present themselves.

Karen: So no Wizard of Oz, the house falling on Dorothy or the witch or whatever.

Will: Well, uh, super, your story is really interesting, not just because of the grandfather thing, uh, but we do have something in common, you and I, and that is that we're both survivors of cancer. And the interesting thing about this is that you actually predicted. You got a premonition about your diagnosis before, like six months before, right?

Tell us that story.

Jason: So basically where my old office building was, I'm in Tampa, Florida. So there's a place called Davis Island and there's an office space. Like my, my old office had commercial space under it. And this is back in 2018, March of 2018. I had just started my podcast around the same time. I went for a walk outside just to get some [00:11:00] air, you know, March in Tampa is like, Really nice spring warm weather, but not too hot yet.

And I'm walking and I walked past the window that's underneath my office space and I'm looking at my shirt and I'm looking at my pants and I'm like, just, you know, it becomes like a mirror that time of morning. And all of a sudden I'm looking at my reflection. I get, wouldn't it be weird if you had cancer and didn't know it.

And I was like, cancel that out. And then I look again and it did it a second time and then a third time. And all of a sudden I was like, okay, I have cancer. Cause this is my body I'm looking at. And this is my intuitive voice speaking to me. So I went and spoke to a bunch of the people I worked with and friends, and I told my family, I said, I might have cancer.

I don't know how to find out, but I feel as if I do. And they were all like, no, no, no. That's just a crazy thought. And so fast forward, I had suffered from diverticulitis for 15 years. So my doctor wanted me to get a cat scan to get it checked and see about getting diverticulitis surgery. So I was kind of doing that.

In anticipation of that, I went and got a cat scan and the doctor calls me and says, we need you to [00:12:00] go to see a urologist right away. And I'm like, why? Well, the imprint from the cat scan shows You have stage one kidney cancer. I'm like, just like my premonition. Oh my God. And my doctor was like, you're premonition.

I'm like, yeah, doc. I, and I explained it to him. He was like, well, luckily this is the most aggressive cancer. You'll be able to remove it. So he was already kind of giving me a pep talk, but yeah, it was pretty crazy because then I won't do that transition for three months as it is. When you go through cancer, depending on what you got, you have to wait for the MRI and then the surgery or the procedure, chemo, whatever it is.

And so,

Will: yeah. What I'm surprised by, but that you actually talked, told, told your doctor, I got it. Hey doc, I had a premonition I had cancer talking about crossing the lines here, but

Karen: yeah, well it was different for you.

Will: It was

Karen: different. We were surprised. We had no premonitions.

Will: Yeah, but we're not here, but we're here about Zuck.

We're not here about

Jason: it. Let me say this though, in reference, cause I know you be a cancer survivor or something. I had a cancer scare two years ago and I don't [00:13:00] really talk about it much, but my doctor, I had a kidney stone went into the AR and they thought they found another growth on my kid cause I didn't get the kidney removed.

I got a cryoblast nun. And let me tell you something, you have a type of thing going on your, your psychology, your spirituality, your personal, everything, mental health, it all gets whacked out. Right. And. You just, I respect you so much for sharing this on your show and bringing it up during the interview because I have utmost respect for you and any cancer survivor because only a cancer survivor knows what a cancer survivor experiences when they go through a diagnosis.

Will: Yeah. There's nothing quite like a doctor saying, yes, it is true. You have cancer. And then going to a second doctor and having that confirmed. That's the worst, right? Because you always have that hope that now the doctor, second doctor, you know, now they got it wrong. Nope. When the second doctor says, yep, they're right.

Your world, the floor drops out from under you. Yeah. So. Anyway, uh, so I just found that interesting that you were able to diagnose your own. You intuitively knew that you had it, which, which it was complete opposite for us. But, um, so [00:14:00] beyond that, you also had a, you were having, I'm bringing up all your medical histories.

Okay. You're undergoing a colonoscopy and under anesthesia, you ended up having. Quite the experience. Can you share that with us?

Jason: Yeah, I did an episode about it. I don't do my own talking episodes where I don't interview someone else. Like, it's just not my format, but that experience is so profound.

So I was diagnosed with the stage one kidney cancer in August, almost to 2018. So do the math six years, six years ago. And I went through this waiting, whole waiting period in order to get my MRI done. So then I had the surgery. And then it was cancer free and I was determined cancer free on September 26th of that year.

So then I had to go in for a colonoscopy for, uh, uh, the prepare for my diverticula surgery in December. It was a great year. Um, well, I go in for the colonoscopy, not expecting much and I get put under, but before I got put under, I started reading the [00:15:00] nurse who was putting me on, like, who was, Catering to me.

And I thought she had someone die around her. That was her ex husband, but he really wasn't around. They got divorced, but he still considers her his wife. And I was talking to her while she was like, getting me prepared to go under and telling her your son, don't fight with him. Just let him graduate. Just let him graduate.

Morning. My son and I just had an argument this morning. He's graduating in may. And I had a big argument about an issue. Anyway, that was a side story. So I go on. I'm in this garden again, like the first time that my grandfather came orbs of light. It was like one way, but this time I'm in a garden and everything was alive and connected as one.

And when I say that, I mean everything felt like it, bre it, it would breathe. Everything was emotionally love, unattached, everything's one. We are one. And that's the interconnectedness I felt from that experience. It was like if we're living in like. 10 80 right now as like pixels. This was like 5 billion pixels.

All my senses. Oh, wow. It was profound. And [00:16:00] my grandfather spoke to me and he said, son, I love you. When you get out of the, out of here, talk to your mother. When you call her, get out of here. Call your mom. Tell her the specific words. My girl was very specific. Tell your mom that every night she prayed about you by herself and never told you that she didn't want you to pre seize.

She's gonna live a normal life. You're gonna live a normal life to the best of your ability. She's gonna die after you. You're not gonna pre decease her. I was like, okay, grandpa, I love you. And then I come to, then I call my mom and my friend picked me up. My best friend, Megan picked me up and we got pre deceased.

We left the place to get something to eat or whatever. And I called my mom and said, mom, I just had the most profound experience. I think it was grandpa. And she's like, well, what did he say? And I relayed the message back to her. And I said, he wants me to know to tell you that when you prayed every day for sick, he goes, she goes, Oh my God, my prayer that you weren't going to die before me that I would die.

I was like, yeah, she started crying. I, my mom's not the most emotional person. She was a school teacher in Patterson, New Jersey, inner city school and very strict. But you know, anyway, she kept [00:17:00] crying and I knew right then and there that this was significant and authentic and real. So, I started crying. My mom was crying, I'm crying, and we just had this big kumbaya moment.

And, you know, I have a lot of moments like that with my mom about my grandfather, my grandmother. You know, being connected with the other side, you feel these things all the time. You sense

Karen: it.

Will: It's very cool though. It sounds like your family, a lot of people who go through these kinds of things and suddenly, one day, they've suddenly, their psychic mediums, uh, they, They find themselves kind of at odds with their friends and family and their co workers.

It sounds like you kind of landed softly. We just have

Karen: some abilities,

Will: right? Right. But did, were you aware of that before you found yours or was it an

Jason: after the fact thing? I want to give you an anecdote for a minute, just explain my family dynamic. So I went back from Tampa to New Jersey when I was 18 and I wanted to go into the city to get like a fake ID for myself.

I know I shouldn't be talking like that being an attorney, but that was what I was thinking at 15 years old. So my mom was sleeping and I was upstairs and I went down the steps and she goes, don't, she goes, don't go to the [00:18:00] city tonight. I live five minutes outside, five miles outside of New York city in New Jersey.

Don't go to the city tonight. You're going to lose 50. You're gonna be upset. Don't do it. I was like, Whoa, this before we had cell phones where, you know, like I had a landline in my bedroom. That was my home phone for me. You know, we each have our own. And so I go in the car and tell my friends this. We'd go to the city.

Stupid me, 18 years old goes into the city. I lost 50. I came home upset. And when I got home, my mom was waiting for me. And she's like, you didn't listen to my advice. I go, no. She goes, when I get those kinds of feelings, follow them. I was like, Whoa. I always felt like she was like watching me when she wasn't there, but that's how our family was.

My grandmother used to get itchy hands and go play. Yeah. And then at the dog tracks and seacoccus, New Jersey and went thousands of dollars and be quiet about it. And like, you know, like my family had this, I don't know how to explain it. This intuitive abilities and

Will: So Zook, I, I gotta, I gotta, we gotta meet because I gotta rub off on you a little bit cause I need a little bit of that.

It needs itchy

Karen: hands? Yeah.

Will: Not necessarily itchy hands but you know.[00:19:00]

Karen: So with this ability and it's, I love hearing you talk about the feelings of love that have been coming through but have any shadows ever come through? You

Jason: When you say shadows, you mean, like, do I deal with

Karen: like, does scary stuff

Jason: like not

Karen: your own personal healing, but just like anything kind of creepy that's not you or your family?

Jason: Well, I'll say this to you. As a medium, I use my abilities as a medium. If you want to call it that. I mean, it's like saying, do you have great vision? And can you be a marksman and shoot, you know, at a range? Or do you have the ability to go bench press 5000, you know, 5000 reps? It's just an ability I have, but I use it to focus on the light side of things.

So when I work with clients and they call me for a reading, I tune into their energy. I just say every medium as an intuitive person, whatever, and I'll tune into their energy and their loved ones will come through. And it's usually I focus in the light. So I focus on clarity, reassurance, giving people that ability not to feel so caught in grief when they know that their loved [00:20:00] ones are watching them now.

And so in terms of the dark side of things, I have done some paranormal investigations one three weeks ago in Utah, where My whole paradigm shift about the paranormal changed. I never saw anything like that before. And it was, we just did a video for it. So it's actually on a YouTube channel called RealmTube, uh, called Ghost, I don't try to think, Ghost Quest.

And so if you watch it, it's one aired each week right now. It's, it's, it's a remarkable thing because I got scratched. by something and we actually caught stuff on tape like the paranormal investigator ghost hunter shows you see, I was part of one and it was crazy and I enjoyed it. I want to do more of it in a safe, you know, controlled way, but it made me realize that we're not, you know, our world's a lot bigger.

Our universe is so much larger and more profound, even for me as a skeptic because I was always skeptical of those shows or a skeptical spirit. And even as a medium, I was skeptical about. [00:21:00] non related spirits popping in and having to deal with. But you know, when I say related spirits, I mean people who I'm friends with, I can pick up on their relatives or people I read with and they trust me to read for them.

I pick up on normal, you know, when I say normal, I pick up on connected spirits to those people. Investigation. That wasn't the case. It was, it was very different.

Karen: I was really hoping when I asked that question, you'd say, nope, doesn't exist.

Jason: If it would have been in July or a month or two ago, I would have been like that.

But now, I could tell you that. I know there's stuff out there that, you know, you have to be prepared when you deal with them kind of thing. And you, you have to make sure you're, you know what you're going into before you go there.

Will: Crazy kooky thing is that you said you enjoyed it. I actually did it for a while and I hated it, man.

I did the feeling. I was so freaked out. I like the one time I went into a place and you could tell immediately that there was something in there and the closer you got to this one particular room, the more it felt it was like palpable. And I was like, Nope, I'm out of here. I did for like, I think I did two or three times [00:22:00] and I was done.

Jason: I went to this place in Utah and I'm telling you right now, if you were to see these videos, I'm not trying to, I mean, I guess I should promote myself, but I'm not, I don't, the videos themselves do enough justice to show when you're going into a place and I already know as a psychic, I have spiritual things happen to me every single day.

Like, I'll wake up and one of my close friend's fathers will pop in and tell me, call my daughter, let her know everything's okay, and then I'll go grab the phone to call her, and she's calling me about something else. And the synchronicities are off the charts. So I'm used to communicating with familiar, loved ones, deceased.

animals even or whatever, but when you have the paranormal and it's really there, it just makes you realize how big of a universe we have, even on the other side.

Will: Now, I've heard that, that the stuff that I felt, the stuff that you felt, the, the, the, the weird vibe stuff, it's a lot of our own shadows that we're bringing to these kinds of things.

Now it might not be ours, but it could be someone who was there before or something along those lines and not necessarily like a [00:23:00] demon or something like that. So just so we can let Karen sleep tonight. Just go ahead and say, you agree with me on that. That is just, it's not really demons or anything like that.

It's actually just like our own shadows. And it's just, as long as you're

Jason: fine, I'll say this. I've saved my house since I've come back from my trip each week. I used to save once every few months. Now I'm staging weekly, but I find that it's a good practice to do anyway. Cause it's like, Dustin, you're clearing the energies out.

Do I know what I encountered in Utah? Was it this or was it that I don't know exactly what it was when you get scratched next morning and those scratches appear for four hours and then disappear and then you have weird dreams and you come back to Tampa. Yeah, it was, it was a unique experience,

Will: but I'm trying to, I'm trying to let Karen sleep tonight.

You're not going along with the plan here.

Jason: Let me, let me, let me comfort you with this. I would recommend saging once in a while, and that should give you, that should give you peace. And when you lay down, one of the things I learned as a [00:24:00] psychic medium is I lay down, I take three deep breaths, I go to meditate a little, and I pretend, I don't, I mean, I, I imagine myself with a, a ball of white protective energy protecting me.

And I let that energy come from me and fill into the entire room. And I keep the doors closed. And that allows me to sleep where I'm not afraid of any spiritual activity around me or anything. And so you might be able to do something like that just to comfort yourself.

Karen: Yeah. I mean, I've had some, I don't know if I ever told you this, but when Sienna, our daughter was little, uh, when we lived in the little box, um, we didn't really live in the box.

It was a very small duplex, but

Will: it wasn't her bridge.

Karen: I had this dream one night. Like I went into her room and there was something dark moving towards her bed and I remember just mustering every ounce of strength and everything in my soul and just yelling no. And it looked it like kind of turned on and stopped and left.


Jason: I'll say that here's an observation as we talk about this. Don't we all have our eight year old inner child [00:25:00] within ourselves that gets scared no matter what, even when we can be what we are in real life, an attorney or, you know, any of our roles. Because my mom, the other day told me, and I was watching her when this happened, cause she lives with me now and she's 77.

And she went into the kitchen and she goes, were you just behind me? And I'm sitting in front of her on the other side of the room on my recliner. And I'm like, no, she's like, well, that was that spirit. I go, what? She goes, well, there's a spirit that's been visiting here. I'm like, what? Wait, whoa, what? Arm on my shoulder to reassure me that everything's going to be okay.

And I'm like, I picked out the sage and I started staging. Yeah. It's weird. Cause I'm not, I'm not seeing this and I'm supposed to. So what if it's a good ghost? Well, she said it was, so I take her word for it, but I'm still staging anyway, because you don't want him around just in case shipping towards a mortgage or something.

Will: In spite of everything though, the, by the scariest movie, Poltergeist freaked the living crap out of me. No, but that's, that's not the [00:26:00] freakiest thing for me. For me, the freakiest thing was when she's in the kitchen, she's doing whatever and she turns around and the chairs are all splayed out and she goes, well, that's weird.

And she pushes them back in and she goes back to doing the dishes. And she turns around and all of a sudden they're like all stacked up on the chair, on the, on the table. That. Freak. Me out for some reason, and I can ever, never watch that movie again because of that.

Karen: Oh, I was just gonna say we should watch it, see if it holds up.


Will: no.

Karen: No, The Clown, man, that was the thing. No, yeah, that knew he was gonna kill

Jason: it. Those two movies.

Will: Well, so I grew up in Connecticut. I grew up in Connecticut. So Amityville was right down the street for lack of a better term. So when that movie came out, I hated it because it's like, it's like, that's my neighbor.

I mean, that's not, not a good thing. So I'm not a horror fan. I used to be, I used to, I used to be loves being scared and all that kind of stuff, but I can't watch them anymore. Uh, it's the, you know what? We're living in a horror show as it is. We don't need any extra added horror crap on it. Piled up on it.

Jason: We're living in [00:27:00] King's script without realizing it.

Karen: We are for sure.

Will: For sure. Uh, all right. So let's get back to the topic on hand because I, I, your story fascinates me. Um, so the, Uh, what you are walking that fine line between law and the Wu really, really well, uh, for, for everything that I've looked in you, uh, learned about you when I was doing my research.

But how have you been able to so successfully separate the two and, and how can someone who is trying to do something similar, not find themselves. in too deep in one world or the other.

Jason: Well, thank you for that. First of all, I'll say two things. One, there are other psychic lawyers out there. There's actually somebody who is trademarked psychic lawyer, psychic attorney.

Will: We know him. I know him quite well. Uh, you don't know.

Jason: And I admire that. I, it's funny cause I go by [00:28:00] Jason Zook as a pseudonym. That's actually a shortened version of my name from my grandfather, where Jason Ciafalo is my legal name. So no pun intended, but for the longest time I had two, two, two identities going on without the two interrupting each other.

And I, I did that very strictly just so that I can have. A normalcy to an extent. I wanted to be able to be intuitive. It gives me endorphins. It connects me to people on a deeper level and it's so much more meaningful and it gives me purpose when I can, you know, have a good reading with somebody and connect with someone, help them know that we're not just living in time, matter, space.

We, we ascend and we keep going. That's the mystery of death. A lot of us don't appreciate that. I feel after. Talking to thousands of people on your side. I feel pretty strongly about we just keep going like

Will: You can't just say that and just walk on like like you didn't just step on it. So what what do you mean we We keep going.

What does that mean? After we die?

Jason: Well, if I was to tell you that these are meat suits and our bodies are avatars on this planet. My personal belief from talking to everyone on the other side [00:29:00] is when we die, it's like falling asleep on the couch or watching TV. Think of that image for a minute. Think of after this interview, you go laid out later and you're watching a show and you just zoom out, you know, you fall asleep and then you're on the other side and then you're given a greeter, somebody who's like a familiar person for making my grandfather, my mom, whoever, and that person orientates you.

And I believe that We are very closely connected. Love connects us to the other side, like an umbilical cord. So when you want to talk to your loved one that's on the other side, I want to talk to my grandfather. I will look in the mirror as I'm brushing my teeth and I'll speak to him telepathically in my head and I get a penny later on, or I'll get confirmation in a dream.

Like there's a connectedness between our sleep, our meditation, our prayer. And the, and the other side, and they talk to us in breadcrumbs, like synchronistic numbers, like angel numbers will line up and synchronize with a song, a penny from heaven on the ground, a bird, a feather. There's all these signs that happen out there that most of us just think serendipitous.

I've had plenty of enough experiences. [00:30:00] in my life that I know that's not serendipitous. When it, when it's authentic, you'll know, you'll get goosebumps. You know, these things aren't something you can just create or make up. It happens as a force of nature, I believe.

Will: Um, yeah, I, I, I might know someone that feels that very strongly.

So you're reaching to the choir in a very, very strong way. So then how do you. Someone who is living in both worlds, how can you, what can you give us? What kind of advice can you give us with the world being as the, as it is? People are talking about this, this big spiritual awakening happening and all kinds of stuff, but then yet the more people awaken, the more the crap was finding in the world.

I mean, the, the, the stuff that's going on is so insane. How can everything be getting better when things seem to be getting

Jason: worse? Great question. I'm going to give you one point of, There is real. This is all like the woo woo is real and I'm in between [00:31:00] both worlds. And you know, my day might start doing something as a lawyer, but by five o'clock I'm doing a podcast on a spiritual topic or I'm having someone call me from California asking me for a reading, telling me that as she's been meditating the last two weeks, her spirit guide told me called Jason Zook and she just Googled me and found me.

And I was like, wait, what? That's an interesting story. I've had that happen. Wow. So many times that you just can't make this stuff. And so when you're asking me about being between both worlds and trying to make sense of it, I compartmentalize. When I got diagnosed with my cancer, I compartmentalize that.

And I think if you can compartmentalize things, even with our chaotic, hectic world we're living in right now, with all these changes and things that are happening, turbulence and all we're going through, unrest, whatever else we want to call it, um, uncertainty. I've had enough information through over time that I know we're going through this right now, like turbulence on an airplane.

The plane will land. We will resume our normal lives in the future and look back at this as if you, you know, you go to a [00:32:00] party and you're, you're looking at it years later, trying to remember what happened that night. Like, I feel like we have point in the future where we get past all this. And I do believe that there is a spiritual awakening going on when you watch home, like a home, like a home repair type home warranty commercial and you have an actress acting as if she's meditative and she's psychic and she's telling people American home warranty.

I don't mean to plug them, but they're doing where you'll see, you'll see apps for meditation. I'm like, Whoa, what's going on here? We're in a different world than we were five years ago.

Will: Right. I'm sorry. I need to, this episode was brought to you by Home Warranty Service. Oh, sorry. No, go ahead.

Karen: So you're talking about how you compartmentalize everything.

Do you think would happen if you didn't, if you just kind of let the woo come into the lawyer?

Jason: Well, I'm always going to be a lawyer because I trained for that. I took my student loans out for that. I've gone through all the, right? But I feel like [00:33:00] the psychic part of me, I make a joke about it. If there's any part of me that has the most confidence about anything I can do, it's my psychic side.

I'm gonna tell you why. Cause it's, it's, it's in me. It's, it's who I am. And I've got so much confidence in what I do with it, that I know that that's just, Me breathing when I'm a lawyer, I've got to read a book. I got to figure it out. I got to look at the statutes. I got to do analysis. It's, it's tiring sometimes.

I love it, but it's tiring. And I help people when their houses get damaged and their property and the insurance company doesn't pay them. Right. And that's very rewarding and gratifying. I've been doing it for 23 years. But when I get done with that and then I'm on a weekend and I have someone call me grieving their mom and they have been distraught for months and I get a chance to talk to them for a half hour and we connect to their mom and she's crying and I'm crying and we're both having this awesome experience and I get off the phone and I'm just sitting there and like, ah, that I could be a part of that.

It kind of is, I call it like the, the cherry on the cake, you know, like it's, it's, it's just one of those moments I appreciate with what I can do.[00:34:00]

Will: And we appreciate that you can do it too. Mm-Hmm. , um, it's, it's a special kind of thing, especially. One foot in each world because that's not an easy thing to do on my side of things I want to be more in the woo, but the 3d is is gets too much in the way So I'll ask you this question that I like asking a lot of people that come on the show and we get really interesting amount of answers on it, but what's

It just flew away.

Karen: Maybe you're not supposed to get the answer to that. Maybe

Will: not. Because I keep asking it. Maybe the answer will

Karen: come from within.

Will: No. Damn it. This is a really important,

Karen: okay. So you're talking about having one foot in both worlds, but for you, the 3D usually takes over the woo.

Yeah. So maybe how can you stay firmly ensconced in that as well?

Will: How can you, how can someone stay firmly ensconced in the 5D [00:35:00] world? If I want to be in the woo. What can I do to find my peace, my way in there?

Jason: Don't call it woo, first, make it normal, it's just energy. And when you think about energy, it's, it's, it's all around us.

We tune in, this is my belief, we tune into the energy, it's normal, it's part of our daily routine. And you can live a 5D experience with your own intention and, and as you are willing it in your life, you know, like I could ignore people call me for help or for readings or whatever and, and just be a lawyer and sometimes I burnt out on being a psychic and sometimes I burn out being a lawyer and it gets exhausting some moments, you know.

But I just, I've learned my ego is no longer in the way of that for 10 years. I didn't tell anyone about it. My ego was in the way, which meant, Oh my God, what if my clients found out in Mississippi or Alabama that I'm a psychic? Am I a heathen? Am I going to be excommunicated from their Christmas card list in the future?

You know, like it was those thoughts [00:36:00] that hit me for a long time. And then I met my best friend at a wedding in 2016. Sounds like a movie. Megan, she and I do our own show called Psychic Visions together and when she saw me at this wedding She's like sat next to me. She's I've been trying to meet you for five years I'm like what so I heard you on a podcast and we went to college together and we're at different times But I'm supposed to be best friends with you and we're some do a lot of things together spiritually I was like should I change my seat?

Check please What floor and the synchronicities just came flowing through our lives. And we just had this like profound soul connectedness. And ever since then, we, we, we had this relationship she's married, you know, but we're super close and best friends and we've created a lot of great things together.

And if she was with me on that trip in Utah and saw all the crazy stuff I saw, like we see the, and she owns a metaphysical store here in Tampa. So like, we're all in gross in these different aspects of our lives. But she's an entrepreneur, so her day job is owning a shop. But then afterwards she's into it.

So a short answer to your question would be not to [00:37:00] make it like it's complicated. You don't have to make it like a Facebook says it's complicated. Make it simple. Just be like, Hey, you know what? I'm intuitive. I can read things. So what? So can other people. But what do I need to do to do it responsibly?

Get your ego out of the way. Understand that the days I don't read people, there's people want to read me to read them or do something with them or, you know, discuss things or whatever it is. And so the time I dedicate away from one to the other, I try to balance it because I'm a Libra. So, and in your, in your context, I would say, try to bring it into your life more.

Will: Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Um, so we talked earlier about, uh, So first of all, yes, the ego is the problem and I'm processing it as I'm saying this right now. So I'm, I'm distracted, but back to the question I had for you. We, we, we went earlier on, we talked about, we talked about the, I don't want to say chaos, but the challenges that we're experiencing in this, in this 3d world right now, in your estimation, you've got a lot of [00:38:00] experience with people on the other side, in your estimation, are we supposed to fight to make it better, or are we just supposed to be.

Everything is perfect because we've heard both sides and I'm really curious to hear what your take on it is

Jason: when you say everything is perfect. Just, can you elaborate on that? So I can understand your question better.

Will: Like everything is happening for a reason, the exact way it's supposed to. All the challenges are there for, to help you get a certain place or whatever.

So just.

Jason: So that's what you believe. I do believe that because look, there's some things you might be introduced to somebody who's a twin flame, for example, and you might go through this horrendous personal experience, but there's a, there's a method behind that. It's a learning experience. There's soul contracts involved.

There's so many crazy things, right? And then you can go through spiritual experiences the same way. You might have to learn certain things. Um, us getting cancer might've taught us to be more authentic with ourselves, have more authentic, deeper relationships with people in our [00:39:00] lives, making us strive to live.

5D lives now instead of waiting till later, you know, there's, there's different aspects of how to see that. And so even the experiences that we dread that we might, like 10 years ago, somebody said, what's the most scariest thing you'd go through that you'd be fearful of? I was like, yeah, getting cancer.

Now I've got a card. I've done that. Like, I wouldn't be afraid. Like, I try to find humor and things I go through. Because I think it helps, you know, with everything we've been through the last five years as a, as a world and humor is an elixir. It's something that can keep us grounded and can help us make light of things that we can't normally make light of.

Will: Yeah. Very true. Okay. Uh, we're running out of time. I want to make sure we definitely talk about your podcast because you've, you've brought it up a couple of times already. I think you've got two podcasts, right? Yeah. It's not like you're an attorney and an overachiever or anything, but, uh, so tell us about your shows that if someone wants to listen to you, they can.

Jason: Sure. My, my original podcast is called Jason's look, the social psychic, and I'm the host of the social [00:40:00] psychic radio show. And that's available on all platforms, Apple, everything else. Um, also in a, um, also I have another show called psychic visions, which my best friend, Megan, I mentioned earlier, Megan Kane and I are co hosts of, and both shows are signed with electric cast media, electric cast me is out of LA, uh, Mark netter and Peter.

Um, and then we also have a paranormal universe network for podcasters who delve in paranormal spiritual psychic kind of realm. If they would like to join our network, we're building a podcast network right now. We have almost about 10 shows and we're trying to get to a hundred.

Will: Wow. Great. That's great.

And then if someone wanted to reach out to you and either get a reading from you or just kind of hang out with you, cause you are just like one of those guys that you just want to hang out with. Right. Or even if they had like. Legal questions, , two separate websites, but there's the website

Jason: breach of those.

I have the website for my lawyering, my last name, and then I have my. my website for the social psychic, which is the social [00:41:00] psychic. com. And um, you can just contact me on social media. I go by the social psychic on Instagram. I use that the most, but I'm also on other platforms. You can find me with the social psychic or Jason Zook.

Feel free to reach out to me and I'm happy to talk to anyone who's interested. Want to talk about spiritual stuff or if you want to reading or. If you want to find out about podcasting, because it's always fun to talk about that stuff too.

Karen: All right.

Will: Very cool. Well, we're going to add links directly on our show notes.

So if you missed him saying all that, if you didn't have a piece of paper and a pen in on hand at the moment, just go to skepticmetaposition. com. You're used to it by now. Just go there, go to his episode page. His links are going to be directly on the show notes, either in the show notes or in the blog.

Either way, they'll be there. It's easy for you to connect with him. So this has been a lot of fun. And you are. I'll. Ton of fun to hang out with. So I hope at some point, uh, I, I spent a lot of years in Tampa. I met when we met, I lived in Tampa. So you guys on

Jason: my show, I'd love to have you guys come on my show as well.

And that would be fun. Continue to. Enjoy. I mean, this is just when I do [00:42:00] podcasting, I make the joke. Can you imagine 10 years ago, if you were telling somebody, Oh yeah, I talked about my most vulnerable moment. And there was a large audience listening to us. But if you were at a restaurant, you'd be whispering to each other, like, I review that, right?

Yeah, this has been a lot of

Karen: fun.

Will: It, it has been a lot of fun. But to follow up on that, I don't think I would be necessarily, and again, ego talking, I don't think I'd be talking about this quite so loudly in a restaurant. You said, you said

Karen: whispering,

Will: right. So I would be whispering the restaurant . And yet where I'm right now speaking to thousands of people who watch and listen to this podcast on daily basis.

Um, so to your point, yes, that is great. They've pre qualified themselves. Like they, they've shown that they're interested in this stuff by coming to our show. So I feel a little bit more comfortable. The people in the restaurant are like, these guys are wackadoos. Let's get out of here. Let's check, please.

Jason: I've gotten those looks

Will: over the years.

Jason: I smile and wave

Will: at them.

All right. Well, Jason, thank you so, so much for coming on the show. It's been an [00:43:00] absolute pleasure and we look forward to staying in touch.

Jason: Thank you. Look forward to it. Thank you so much.

Will: And a huge thank you to you. If you know someone who would benefit from hearing the message we're sharing on the show, do them and us a favor and share the show with them.

It will help get the word out about us and it might just change someone's life for the better. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Jason Ciofalo aka Jason Zuk

Psychic Medium, Attorney, Podcaster