The Skeptic Metaphysicians

A true blessing

I love your show, and listen daily. My mother passed away last December, suddenly and unexpectedly, and I have had a very hard time dealing with her loss. Your show has helped me tremendously. She and I always had this deep connection that was very obvious to us, but we never really explored the "what or why", which is honestly because of fear that people would not understand. We always shared an almost telepathic connection, but never really acknowledged this to others. Since her passing, I have suffered a lonliness and emptiness I can't even describe, because I no longer feel her presence. I feel in my bones that I will find her some day, and we will be together again, but I don't know when or how. Your show has enlightened me to many ideas and beliefs from people, and given me hope that something wonderful awaits us after our physical deaths. I know the connection my mother and I had was real, and the void I experience now is real. Your show has given me both hope and comfort, and I thank you for that.

July 16, 2024 by Angela Burgess on This Website

The Skeptic Metaphysicians