In this mind-bending episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians, we delve into the fascinating world of quantum biology with expert Jewels Arnes. Explore the profound concepts of scalar technology, DNA messages, and ancient practices aimed at elevating human consciousness.

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Jewels elucidates how to activate one's own quantum body and shares practical exercises to elevate one's frequency and attune to a higher state of consciousness. The episode includes practical insights into the application of scalar waves and how sacred geometry and skincare products infused with scalar energy can help enhance wellness, longevity, and spiritual growth.

And experience it yourself when Jewels guides us through simple exercises to distinguish between imagination and true experience, with a deep dive into how to integrate and practice these life-changing concepts.

00:00 Introduction to Quantum Biology with Jules Arnaz
02:14 Defining Bio Quantum
04:49 Exploring DNA and Multidimensional Bodies
07:19 Raising Frequencies and Consciousness
10:38 The Divine Operating System
17:25 Practical Exercises for Quantum Activation
18:12 Q Link Pendant and Personal Experiences
20:28 Tapping into the Quantum Biofield
27:08 Guided Sunflower Visualization
28:21 Experiencing Allowing vs. Forcing
30:25 Personal Reflections on Visualization
33:32 Activating the Quantum Body
40:20 Understanding Scalar Waves
46:23 Exploring Scalar Energy Products
48:59 Measuring the Effects of Scalar Energy

Reinforce your body’s resonance and return it to a clearer and more balanced natural state with a Q-Link pendant:

About Our Guest:

Jewels started her walk with spirit at the age of 16 when she had a chance encounter with a woman that saw her gift as a “seer”. Through the synergy of connecting with her soul family, she was revealed a method to transform cellular intelligence.
With over 30 years in Vibrational Healing and multiple accreditations, Jewels developed her Super Power of Tracing energy patterns to find the beliefs or programs that keep us in the cycle of aging and disease.

She Created DECU, DMT Codes and BioQuantum delivery systems as pathways to shifting from molecular to frequency. These cutting edge methods lead us to finding the true power of Becoming BioQuantum!

Guest Info:

Follow Jewels on Instagram: @becomingbioquantum or Facebook: @becomingbioquantum

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Becoming BioQuantum

Will: [00:00:00] Hey there, welcome to another mind bending episode of the Skeptic Manifestations, where we don't just think outside the box, we quantum leap out of the box. Today we're diving into the bio quantum realm with none other than the extraordinary Jules Arnaz. Now before you roll your eyes and wonder if we've taken one too many scalar waves to the head, let me assure you, this conversation is going to blow your mind in the most Delightful way.

Jules is here to unravel the mysteries of quantum biology. And trust me, it is way more exciting than anything you could possibly imagine. We'll be uncovering the secrets of scalar technology, decoding the messages of our DNA and exploring ancient practices that promise to elevate our states of consciousness.

And just when you thought it couldn't get any better, Jules is going to share some practical exercises for activating our own quantum body from the comfort of our own home. That's right, get ready to stretch your mind and your [00:01:00] understanding of the universe if you're ready to dive into the quantum rabbit hole and emerge with a higher level of consciousness and maybe a new perspective.

Stick around, you won't want to miss a minute of this riveting conversation that starts now.


All right, welcome to the Skeptic Manifestations, unfortunately, it is just me [00:02:00] today. I am all on my own. However, I am very well accompanied by Jules Arnaz. she is, talking to us about becoming bioquantum.

Will: Jules, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Jewels: Thank you. I'm so happy to be here.

Will: so that we can make sure that everyone is on the same page, let's just start with the basics, right? And I know this stuff uses scalar technology and things like that, but before we even get into all that stuff, can you define bio quantum for us?

Jewels: course. Well, you know, when we really break it down, it's quantum biology. We've just made it a brain that we could use for our business and for how we Things and it does it gets people's attention and we are working on a quantum level through biology And and you know, my passion is holding consciousness more in the quantum level of our bodies And You can actually get a degree in quantum biology, and they're [00:03:00] showing things like heart coherence and how our cells are have a very similar entanglement as that.

They kind of study in the quantum field that our body is actually has a lot of those same things that we can use. to elevate the experience of our body. And so my passion is activating those higher frequencies and then connecting consciousness to it so that we can have a more multi dimensional experience of the body.

Will: So bio quantum is using quantum biology to become more in tune with your consciousness with, to elevate your consciousness. That's what I got from that. Is that right?

Jewels: Yes, well, I would say what we do are doing it. That's a little bit different is that we're working with the physical body to raise the frequency of our physical body. And because there is, I mean, our bodies are already multidimensional, but we very much [00:04:00] hold our consciousness in the awareness of, I feel this or my body's this and, but there's this other.

Realm, if you will, many different dimensions of our body. And those dimensions are just as real as what we identify in as our body. And so when we raise the frequency of our physical body, which most people are resonating right around 7. 8 Hertz, we can raise the frequency of our body. And in that, we start to have the experience of our body beyond what we are experiencing now.

I say that we're in a distorted operating system, the way our body is operating now, because we are observing through a programmed experience, and most of that is a primal experience of our body, but we're so much more than what we're experiencing.

Will: Hmm. So does that come into terms, like people talk about the auras and energy field and things like that. Is that a part of what you're talking about here?

Jewels: You know, that's something that we can measure and that it is [00:05:00] showing that yes, and in the sense that those are different aspects of our being, but really what I like to to see it as another way of seeing it too, would be that we have 12 strands of DNA and science is really only looking at 2 of them.

That is. what we can study and read the epigenetics of and studying mutation, all the different things that we can look at as far as how we're going to age and if we're going to get diseases. And all of that is something that we can measure through a microscope and through blood tests. But then we have these other 10 strands of DNA that they're not really sure what they're doing.

And for me, the more, and that's a big part of what I do is I sit in frequency patterns with. My ability to read energy and see what is it doing. And that has been a passion of mine for quite a long time. And what I'm finding is those other 10 strands are holding the more multidimensional experience of our body.

[00:06:00] if we have normally experiencing two of 12 right now, you can only imagine what we'll move into when we start to move our consciousness into those other 10 strands.

Will: the scientists have their hands full right now with two. then it comes along someone like you and we've talked to someone who does a DNA activation before as well. So we are aware of the other strands of DNAs, but, if there's, if there's More than the two that we are looking into now you'd think maybe they would divide and conquer, right?

There's more than 12 scientists out there. Why do they not just well, let's check out what these other 10 dudes are doing Why do you think that is?

Jewels: because it's harder to measure is one,

Will: if you can't measure it doesn't exist right that's the mentality so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it maybe they feel it's a junk they call it junk DNA right the the stuff that's not that they don't feel has anything to do with what we're we're talking about.

What we are, who we are. And yet we all know that the human body is a perfection incarnate. How could it possibly be junk anything, right? There's gotta be for a long time. [00:07:00] They thought your tonsils were superfluous. They took them out left or right. And now they find out they actually help you fight off infection.

So it's just a matter of eventually we'll get to the point of people understanding maybe not so much junk, but rather something else. And I look forward to that. Thanks for going down that little digression with me. Let's go back to bioquantum now, becoming bioquantum. Okay, so now we understand that we have to enhance our frequencies in order to become more in touch and more in tune with our consciousness, raise our vibrations and all that kind of stuff, raise our consciousness.

Let's say that we buy into that. And we're saying, yeah, it makes perfect sense. We all know about frequencies. We're all frequencies and a shift in frequency will, of course, always result in some sort of shift. And hopefully it's a shift for the better, although not always the case as, as history has shown, but we know we've got to do this thing.

So then how does someone go about tapping into their bio quantum energy in order to help themselves raise their [00:08:00] consciousness?

Jewels: Well, that's always been my passion, right? Is finding first of all, is looking at how the body is operating now in, in this more distorted operating system. And then, What it would take to move it into a higher operating system, or what I would call the divine operating system. And a big part is how our cells are operating.

And a lot of Bruce Lipton's work has shown that the cells are observing the environment and our environment is held in a frequency pattern that matches our Our thoughts and how we feed our body and that we can actually change the way we think to turn off epigenetic codes or the way we think can actually turn them on.

And so the more you sat in that, the more I recognized that that is. Not the way that we're supposed to be operating. We're not supposed to be observing in order to be cut it to be something. We're supposed to be in an expression of a perfect energy. So if you think about [00:09:00] observing is what creates form, it's when we observe something, it creates form.

And that's why we are keep looping in this distorted operating system that we're experiencing because we are observing what's there. But when we move Into the higher operating system, we can we actually move into the DNA where the DNA starts to release a specific frequency, and it is a very specific frequency that's transcribed there.

And it's 963 hertz, which is measured as source intelligence. It's also measured as. The chemical of DMT, which a lot of people that have searched the psychedelics know are familiar with what that is. And when we start to release that frequency in the DNA, the cell recognizes, Oh, this is familiar.

I know this. And we'll start to actually identify in the frequency. Of its innate being, which makes sense. We're all [00:10:00] the innate being of source. And so it's moves from observation to expression. And when that happens, it's no longer observing its environment. It's just expressing a specific frequency. And that's when this higher operating system starts to turn on.

And then us as conscious beings, we have consciousness. That is a tool that we can use to become the intelligence of our innate being. Well, what is that define?

Will: but then we, go back to observing, right? We observe ourselves in that frequency and therefore we fall back down.

Jewels: No, see, that's what's so exciting. Is that right now? A lot of us think that consciousness is who we are And that is, it is true, but it's the observation of who we are, but when we start to use consciousness as a tool, so not a tool of observation, but a tool of attuning, so when we turn on this frequency of source in our body, we can use our [00:11:00] consciousness just like you would fine tune a piano.

So you press on key and then you have it. a tuning fork or however you're tuning the piano and you match those two frequencies. Well, we have the ability to do that with our consciousness. When we turn on the frequency of source in our DNA, our job as conscious beings is instead of observing the frequency, we match it.

We attune to that frequency. And when we do that, we stop putting our programmed thoughts on. It's this. It's this. It's saying this. We're naming all the time, right? And instead, we're just holding our consciousness to match a frequency. And when that happens, we begin to think. Think in the frequency of source.

We begin to see through the frequency of source and it's a practice. Of course, it's not going to happen overnight, but it is the way once we hit consciousness hits the frequency and we become that frequency, we're not conscious anymore. We don't need [00:12:00] it.

Will: then we're not conscious anymore. The obvious question is, what are we? I know the source I understand, but,

Jewels: because if you think about it, if you held the intelligence of source. There would be no need to be to be conscious of that intelligence. You just are the intelligence

Will: Yes, I, I can, I buy it. I see that. I hear that. I understand that. But It's hard for me to wrap my head around being conscious and yet not conscious.

Jewels: what you just said is that is why we continue to loop because it's hard to let go of consciousness right because there is a level of ego that's connected to the consciousness because the ego needs to identify an identity is The biggest reason that we have trouble shifting and changing and so if we and to think, Oh my gosh, I am the intelligence of source and not just in my mind, not just in my consciousness, but in my body that my body is running the higher operating system where this [00:13:00] intelligence is stored.

stored. And that's why I like to focus so much on the body first. Raise the frequency of the body, turn on this higher operating system, and then give consciousness somewhere to go that can have an experience. And once it has the experience, it's easier to surrender to the intelligence.

Will: the loop that we're in that you referenced, I mean, you can call it life, right? When someone thinks about leaving, their ego, right? No longer associated with their ego, no longer associating with it or being conscious.

that's, that's death, right? So to die in order to achieve this type of higher consciousness?

Jewels: I'm going to tell you a story, but I just feel like it's, I can't explain this without really explaining this part of it. So yes, is the answer and,

Will: That was not what I expected you to

Jewels: it's also no. Right. this was back a couple of years ago, a good friend of mine [00:14:00] of our family. He was 22 when he died on his 22nd birthday and I was sitting in my kitchen and he came to me after he died and he said, get a pen and a paper. And the first thing he said is that it's not supposed to be this way.

We're not supposed to die. in order to become one with source. And he showed me, he gave me a whole cell equation of what happens when our cells start to move into the entire operating system and what happens to the body. But what he showed was that when DMT is released, when we're born and when we die, and that frequency is transcribed.

In our DNA, and right now, because consciousness is observing the body in this disordered operating system, we go through cell mutation and we die when that frequency is released when we're born. downloaded into our, our DNA, and then our consciousness is separate from it. But what he [00:15:00] was showing is what I was saying before, consciousness isn't who we are.

We're the frequency that's transcribed. This is just the tool. And then what happens when we die? That frequency is released again. It leaves the body So does consciousness. And right now he was showing that our consciousness is actually connected to the bio photons and the electrons of our body.

And that all leaves and reconnects into that frequency. And so that's why he was showing when we can start to turn on this higher operating system and the intelligence starts to run and our consciousness organically with practice moves into this higher operating system and we become the intelligence.

We don't die. We become one. That's how we ascend the body. And there is actual cell ascension stages that we will go through and experience consciously.

Will: So can we go back and forth between the intelligence and consciousness or once we attune ourselves to the bio [00:16:00] quantum field, that's it?

Jewels: that's the practice, right? Well, I guess when I get there, I'll let you know.

Will: That was my next question. Have you experienced this type of intelligence?

Jewels: I definitely have, and that's it is becoming an obsession of mine. Just being able to see what we're capable of we can start to have fun with it, right? Because when we start to turn on the higher operating system and we get To know how to use it and we can start to do things that are fun. We're just, I like to go to that, the movie, the matrix when they're on the rooftop and she calls in and she's like, okay, I need to learn how to, what is

Will: a helicopter, right?

Jewels: And it's like, he's like, dude, and we can do, that's what we can do. We have the ability to do is, oh, I'm going to go play golf, but I'm not sure how. Okay. Turn it on. You put it in. But the mastery part is being able to hold consciousness in the operating system and not the mind. Right. Because when you let the operating system take over, [00:17:00] can do things that you didn't think were possible.

Will: Okay. So you are saying, okay, this is all theoretical, right? I mean, it's not,

Jewels: not anymore. I have enough people that are experiencing things that are, you would say, are impossible just by doing this.

Will: okay, sign me up. All right. Now, now that we know how to do that, I definitely want to learn how to fly a helicopter. So I'm on board. Now, the biggest question mark is of course, How does someone do this? And before we get you to answer that question, we're going to take a quick break because this sounds like a perfect place to keep people hanging.

So when we come back right after this break Jules is going to talk to us about how to tap into this intelligence, how to become this intelligence, really how to, how to lose our consciousness and instead become much bigger and broader and better than what we are so that we can tap into the intelligent field that we are all a part of.

So stay with us. We'll be right [00:18:00] back.


Hey there, it's Will. A lot of people have noticed my little Q Link pendant that I'm wearing right now and they're asking me what this is. Well, the Q Link pendant is a pendant that is helping me to feel more balanced, more focused. It has cleared my brain fog. I can concentrate more work. It's really incredible.

Will: But what is it exactly? That's what people are asking me. Well, You know how it's been proven that everything has a natural frequency that are determined by our physical structure. Well, it's also been proven that when something's exposed to external frequencies that match its unique resonance frequency, well, then that object literally becomes stronger, more stable, and its energies are more coherent.

Now, this natural [00:19:00] resonant effect operates in in us too. We sense it. We know it. We certainly experiences energies when we feel relaxed and focused and when we're surrounded by a close friend or loved ones. . Now grounded in these scientific discoveries and reflecting human experiences at the very heart of all Q Link products is the proprietary crystalline core, which they call sympathetic resonance technology or SRT.

Now it's this SRT core. That reinforces the body's resonance, returning it to a clear and more balanced natural state. I can tell you, I've been wearing it for about a week now, and it has really, literally, changed the way I do things. I don't think I'm ever going to go anywhere without this anymore, because it took a minute, It took a while, and they do say the longer you wear it, the more the effects you will feel.

And at first, I wasn't sure I wasn't feeling anything. But now, it's been over a week, and I'm definitely feeling myself more focused. Like I said, I don't have brain fog anymore like I used to, and I can [00:20:00] concentrate way better. And you know what? I used to have to, first thing in the morning, get my cup of coffee so I could function.

I still have my cup of coffee in the morning, but I don't feel like I actually have to have it to function anymore. And that's pretty cool. If you're curious about Qlink and its many products, I would urge you to go into the show notes and check our link in the notes. And hey, if you have any questions, just reach out. Hey, welcome back to the Skeptic Minimization. We're talking to Jules Arnaz, who is quite literally blowing my mind. I say that sometimes, but, but she is quite literally blowing my mind. As a pragmatist, and I say it all the time, it takes me a bit to really find a way to wrap my head around things.

You have gotten me there. I understand. I don't know if I truly know that I could ever get there. If someone can get there, I can see how it might be exactly what you're talking about, so it sounds [00:21:00] pretty darn cool. There are some of us who are a lot thicker than that. Then others and have a harder time finding a way to connect themselves with these frequencies and things like that, enter Jules, who is going to show us exactly how to tap into our quantum biofield.


Jewels: have some really easy ways that we can have an experience

Will: really so glad you said easy. That's great. That's perfect. Right up my alley. Okay. I got my notes pad and I'm ready to go.

Jewels: I'm gonna have you put that down this is the way this, we have to remember the intellect. is not going to take us there. It's learning through experience. It's having the experience and then being able to self actualize in that experience and then learning what happened to get there. It's Opposite of how we've been taught to learn something, right?

It's because when you have an experience, your cells [00:22:00] are activating that frequency. It's uploading that experience into your quantum body or your divine operating system. And then. You attune your consciousness there for a long enough period of time that you self actualize in it. And then you can go back and note, learn what happened and how you did it.

And it's going to make a lot more sense than trying to actually learn something that's so abstract that the mind can't understand. But once you have the experience, it's easy, right?

Will: Okay.

A good question then let's say I'm able to do it and I get into this intelligence Will I be conscious of my experience, my existence in that, in that realm, in that state? So it's not like you black out and you come back and then you go, Oh, all these things happen.

It's actually a conscious experience.

Jewels: of course, because your body, you know, your body will turn on right up to the point before you go unconscious because your body wants you to be conscious. that higher operating system or what's the point, [00:23:00] right? It wants you to experience it in a way that you can come back and talk about it, but you can also remember it.

So when you have the experience and you remember it, just like you remember, maybe a vacation you went on and what it felt like, and you have these memories, well, the same thing will happen with this. And so when you want to go back to it, you know how to get back to it. And then it starts. to strengthen your operating system to where it can take you to higher and higher frequencies of it.

Will: the times that you have experienced this, and I still want to find out how, but before we get there, the times that you have experienced it, what did you experience? What did it feel like?

Jewels: It feels pure. It feels very clear and your consciousness of course is very clean and you feel strong. You feel like you can. Do anything I loved. I know this is bizarre. I'm actually teaching a whole entire class on it right now [00:24:00] on how to work out in the quantum body and how to actually release that frequency of 9 63 through the pineal gland while you're doing it so that it strengthens the quantum body people are reporting.

Can't believe how much more I can do. I can do so much more. Like I'm so much stronger. I don't even feel like I'm doing anything. It, everything that feels hard in the physical body is easy in the quantum body,

Will: Again, sign me up. That sounds perfect because I can't stand working out, but maybe it'll get me to do it. So are we talking about when meditators drop in and they just exist. Is that what we're talking about? Is that the same thing or is is a different experience?

Jewels: it would be similar except for your body. So a lot of times when we meditate and there's a lot of Different religions are different practices where you go to higher states of consciousness, [00:25:00] and a lot of them you're leaving the body this one. You're not. You're actually uploading your consciousness into a higher operating system of the body, so you're not going anywhere.

And then once you're able to do that, you can access information. You can access different things that maybe you didn't think, you know, because the operating system is everything. It's all the information is there, and it's just the practice of learning to get out of the mind or even the imagination, and that's one of the practices we can do.

So we'll, activate the quantum body, and then I can give a little practice of knowing. Am I imagining this or am I experiencing it? Because that difference right there is everything.

Will: Perfect. one of the biggest questions when I talk to someone is how you know, how do you know for sure? How do you know you're not just making it up or not making it up, but rather being using your creative mind to make an existence, an experience for you that is perfectly valid, but it's not the same as actual.

physically experiencing [00:26:00] it. And if you understand what I'm saying,

Jewels: I know exactly what you're saying and I think it's really one of the most important conscious awarenesses that we can have is knowing what level of consciousness that we're in. And when we're in a level of consciousness that's connected to our programming, Yes, we can imagine and that at least gets us a little bit outside of our programming because we're tapping into more of that creative energy.

But we really want to move even beyond that. We want to get to a place where allowing information to come in or an experience. So I have a really simple exercise to just show the difference between the two, and then we can turn on the quantum body, but we'll do the exercise first and see if you have any questions about it, and then we can go in and turn it on if that sounds good.

Will: I like simple, let's do it.

Jewels: All right, so let's just start with just shut your eyes and you're just going to drop in just center yourself. And now I want you to [00:27:00] imagine a sunflower. So just imagine a sunflower. See what comes up. If you see it in the field or if it's just the flower.

And just notice what your body feels like when you're imagining a sunflower. Okay, now open your eyes and shake it out. Okay, now I'm gonna have you shut your eyes again. And you're gonna ask that the divine intelligence, source intelligence, whatever you want to call it, show you. Sunflower. So you're just allowing an intelligence to show you a sunflower

and it may not look like a sunflower, just noticing what, how your body might feel [00:28:00] different.

And then you can open your eyes. You're like, um, I don't know what to say. So the point was, is one that you were making it happen and the other one you were allowing and having the experience and you know, for some people that'll even be a practice is going from trying to allowing because that is also a muscle and a practice.

Will: Absolutely. And I think as I'm thinking here, I mean, something, there was a difference and I don't want to say what it is just yet. I want to ask you that in a second, but there is something to be said about, we've got, I've got a microphone in front of me. I got headsets on. I'm, I'm talking to thousands of people who listening to this right now.

So [00:29:00] part of my mind is not allowing that complete disconnection. Right. So it's a bit more difficult, but I tried and there was a difference between one and the other. I do think I've got to work on it. It's going to be a practice for me to be able to let it go for sure. And it's something I'll, I'm going to see if I can do. Next time I meditate tomorrow morning, but if someone went along with us and did this with us before I mentioned what happened with me or what I saw, what makes them know that they had a successful experience and I'm not gonna change my answer. I'll tell you what it is exactly, but I'm curious for someone who's listening right now.

Jewels: The way your body feels. So one will feel a little more tense. It'll feel more forced. It'll feel tighter. And then when you go into allowing for the intelligence to come in, it immediately your body opens up and moves into more of that heart space, that peace place. And it doesn't matter so [00:30:00] much what comes because you're, you're, you're consciousness immediately moves into the experience of your body and the more you practice it, the more that will happen and, and a lot of times people won't see anything and they just get a knowing or they get a sense of what that would because they're tapping in more into an intelligence of what it is versus trying to make it happen in the mind.

Will: Gotcha. All right. So now I'm going to tell you what happened to me. And it's weird. So, when, when I forced the sunflower, I was looking at a sunflower with a stalk. I was in the field full of sunflowers and bees everywhere, like they usually are. And and I, I felt, oh, how lovely, right? when I allowed it was a lot more close up.

It was actually the, strands inside the head of the sunflower. And what happened was that I actually, Hmm, this is [00:31:00] weird. I felt like melted into the sunflower. It's weird, right? So don't judge me , because I know how weird it sounds. But, so I don't know whether that was my mind saying. That's what I'm supposed to feel or do.

That's why I asked you first before I revealed what what happened. So I guess I was somewhat successful based on what you're saying, right?

Jewels: It sounds very successful you know what I was picking up on as you're speaking that to you is, that release of the DMT immediately happened was it was able to shift your perspective and put your consciousness into more of that abstract space where we'd have experiences of oneness or however, and that's what I was picking up on when you were sharing that.

So I would say you were very successful.

Will: Well, that's, that's cool. It's, it's interesting because I, even though I allowed myself to go with it, for lack of a better term, to a certain extent. It was still it just felt like it was still me, my consciousness, but it wasn't, it [00:32:00] wasn't what you said would happen, which was I would join intelligence.

I was still conscious. It was still Will, but Will was melting into a flower. I don't know. That makes sense.

Jewels: I feel like you're having the right experience, and the more that you do it, the more the gap between your consciousness and the intelligence will get right. Because you can imagine your first time there might still be a gap where you have that awareness. Kind of like if you're hypnotized, right? You still have that part of you that's aware of.

Oh, I know exactly what's happening. I know what I'm saying. And then you wake up and you get out of it and you don't remember anything. Well, in some ways, That is a similar experience. So the part of you that knows you are the intelligence will have the experience, but then there's going to be the part of you that's also observing the experience.

And eventually that gets smaller and smaller to where observation and the experience of it gets smaller. It's small enough that it's not, there's not a very big gap, but you'll always have a little bit of [00:33:00] consciousness until you learn to fully surrender into it.

Will: I definitely do have some, some work ahead of me because like I said, like I, I think if I had, if I had allowed myself to relax completely and really dropped in, it might've been a different story. I think I was too conscious of observing, right? Which is exactly what I shouldn't be doing. So, I'm, I'm, I'm curious.

I'm, I'm going to, I'm going to do that tomorrow morning and I'll let you know how it goes. Alright, so that was pretty simple. Is that all it takes? That's all it takes to raise our frequency and become bioquantum?

Jewels: Well, now it, the next step would be to do that your body, right? So we can do a simple little activation of the quantum body and then just recognizing as you're going through this little process that I do, and I'm going to make it super easy. It's just noticing, am I imagining or am I allowing? And the more that you, and when you start to maybe go into wanting to name what it is, let it [00:34:00] go and just keep surrendering into just having the experience.

and that is the hardest part, right? Because anytime we do an activation, our mind's like, Oh, I'm seeing this and this is happening. Oh my gosh, my body's this, this, this.

Will: I have to keep, I have to remember it because, you know, I have to, I have to tell everyone who's listening what happens. I will try. But no guarantees,

Jewels: Okay, well, you, you be you, and then just allow it, and then, you know, like I said, it's the first of many. So we'll just make it simple, so if you want to show your eyes again. And we're going to use the breath a little bit here. So I'm going to have you just breathe in through your nose and you're going to see a white blue light as it moves through your nose.

It's going to trace along your brain and moving down through your spine. And then it's going to create this wave and just feeling as you breathe out a wave moving up your spine and then having the light enter into your pineal [00:35:00] gland. And just expanding. And then you're just gonna breathe in another.

Breathing in that white blue light, allowing it to move down through your spine. And then creating that wave. And then you can just, as you're breathing out, just feeling it expand. into your heart space as the light enters your bloodstream, raising the frequency of your blood to that 963 or source intelligence.

And then on this last breath, we're just going to breathe in that white blue light, allowing it to move down through the spine, feeling that wave as it moves up your spinal column. And as it enters the pineal gland, it's going to move right into The master cell, it's just a [00:36:00] cell that's connected to every cell of your body.

That white blue light is going to activate the frequency of source, turning on those other ten strands of DNA, just releasing the frequency of source, moving the cells of your body. From observation to the expression

of the intelligence of source and just feeling that frequency as it connects to every electron Raising the frequency of your bio photons creating a system a technology that's running these frequencies Feeling all of the electrons clicking together Feeling the water of your body [00:37:00] moving into a higher spin state as it structures supporting this divine technology.

Just feeling your physical body raising in frequency. And you may have the sensation of electricity in your body. And as this divine operating system is turned on, just noticing where your consciousness is. And just with. The awareness of where your consciousness is, just allowing yourself to almost move it right into the divine operating system, this divine technology, you are the most advanced technology there is.

And just having the experience of what it is to attune, to match the frequency that's been [00:38:00] released from your DNA,

allowing you to move beyond the physical form into that multidimensional experience of your body.

And just noticing how your breath may change.

And just knowing that from this system, that anything you need to know is right there. You can google it just like a computer. You can google your own operating system. And then you get to have the experience of what that is. So just taking in another deep breath, and just noticing And then as you blow out, just allow yourself to open your eyes for the first time and just noticing [00:39:00] what feels different from that frequency.

Simple, simple. Of course, we have lots of other different ways that are way more complex than that, but that is the beginning stage.

Will: and that, and that is going to take some practice. I am looking forward to playing this over and over again and doing it because I was super conscious for a certain time. It wasn't until the very end that I started like actually feeling things and um, felt very, like I started getting really hot and I got very tingly, my whole body was tingly and things like that.

And when I opened up my eyes, it felt like I wasn't here. I was looking, but I was looking out. I wasn't, it was so weird. Anyway, I'll have to, I have to practice it more. So very, very cool. It is a very simple exercise. I think Joe Dispenza used something similar with your, the energy in your spine going up and down, things like that.

But this is, see, when I do [00:40:00] things like this, it's difficult to continue the conversation because like, I'm like, now I'm just spacey. Like, I just want to go, I want to go frolic in a sunflower field. if this is the, the modus, the way that we raise our frequencies, and that it's basically just by willing it.

So, right, for lack of a better word, it's just willing it. So, where does scalar waves fit into all of this stuff?

Jewels: Right. So the quantum technology that we use and all of our products and is also taught in the school as well. It actually has foundational pieces that teaches how to hold consciousness in the frequency that is released so that you can obviously move out of the operating system into these higher states.

And. With that, we use scalar, scalar waves. So we basically put the scalar waves is the, the quantum technology is the delivery system and I'm trying to see if I have what it looks like. This [00:41:00] is the technology itself. So each of the, the symbols is doing something and then it's being trans, it's connected to a scalar machine that's transmitting.

The frequency of source or nine sixty three.

Will: Okay, so let's back up for a second for those uninitiated. Can you explain what a scalar wave is?

Jewels: Yeah. So I'm not a scientist, but the way I like to describe it, that just makes it super easy to understand what the difference is, is between a Hertz wave and a scalar wave. So, a Hertz wave diminishes over time and space, and we all have that experience. If we're in a room and so many strums a guitar, you can hear it, you can feel it.

And then after a few minutes. It's not there anymore. And unless you strum it again, you won't hear it or feel it. Well, with a scalar wave, it doesn't diminish over time and space. So it's the ability to harness energy and connect even program it to hold a certain [00:42:00] frequency, and then it will not diminish over time and space.

it will stay the same.

Will: Interesting thing about scalar waves, the CIA actually put out a paper on it. So because they were, I mean, obviously there's a lot of stuff that CIA has been, studying over time. And a lot of people don't realize if you go to the cia. gov, there's a lot of the, I think there's a reading room that you can go into all those documents.

They released a lot of stuff. Scalar Waves was one of the things they looked at. And they're believed to have zero frequency. Meaning they don't oscillate in traditional sense. So it allows them to technically transcend the constraints of space time.

It doesn't actually travel as much as it stays put. it's energy in between the space, which is a weird thing to think about when you get down to it. When you say scalar machine. Is there like a nuts and bolts kind of thing in the back room somewhere that that symbol is connected to that's just hashing out these scalar ways or what did what do you mean by that [00:43:00] exactly?


Jewels: exactly! I mean there's not nuts and bolts. It's more, we use a lot of radionics and convert through like pyramids and magnetics and that sort of thing. but yeah, there is an actual thing that's releasing the frequency that's Moving right through the technology and is connecting to it.

I have to say what you were just saying, though. I'm so fascinated by, and I, the reason why is that we have the ability to become scaler. And when you were saying it's outside of time and space, that's really where we're going as we evolve as humans. And that's just so exciting. I'm just all lit up right now.

Will: it's interesting because some somebody talked to a while back actually explained to me that his thought process was that scalar energy is actually what we are made of, that we are scalar energy. And so it's tapping into. that intelligence that you're talking about, right? was his, thought process, not [00:44:00] mine. I'm just messaging it up, right? But as I researched before our conversation today, I've stumbled on all that information again, and it's, it struck me. so then, you know, you've got these pyramids and radiology and all that kind of stuff that you're working with that the scalar machine, how is it connected to those symbols?

It's just a symbol on a card, right?

Jewels: It actually, it's. The sacred geometry. So the sacred geometry is also holding the scale, the same scaler frequency. So all we're doing is really boosting. So the machine itself has the home frequency or the the technology on it as well, and it's. a way of transferring the frequency. So just like you would like a Bach flower remedy or something that you're converting a frequency from one thing to the other.

It's no different than that. I think they even have some radionic devices where you can put like your pills and then you can put the frequency of it in the waters and it's just shifting the frequency from the pills to the water. It's very [00:45:00] similar to that, but we're just doing it into. Our products and orus and that sort of thing.

Will: Ormus,

Jewels: Yeah.

Will: you lost me there.

Jewels: okay, this, you're gonna love this. We don't know what ORUS is. Okay. So orus me, it stands for orbited rearranged unidentified substance, or another word for it is orme and it's orbited, rearrange monoatomic element. So it's an element that has, that you can use in alchemy to convert.

A copper element into a, into a monatomic element that is also in a spin state. So they call it a multidimensional element and there's a lot of studies out there that are of course showing what it's doing. It's a really hard element to study. And I think you can see why, because if it's always spinning in and out of this dimension, it can be harder to study, but they can study what it's doing.

And some of the things that it's doing is [00:46:00] activating the extending telomere length and partially reversing aging. They used to call it the food of the gods and the Egyptians used to make it in the pyramids for eternal life.

Will: I had heard of Ormus, but I hadn't heard it referred to as Ormus. So now I understand, now I put them together.

So yeah, it's very cool. Okay. So you now have these products let's say that Sacred Geometry peak card that you showed us just a minute ago, we just stare at it? Do we put it up against our bodies? Do we sleep with it under our pillows? Like, how does that work?

Jewels: so we have a lot of different ways that you can play with it. It's on all of our products. So the products are holding the frequency. So part of it, we have a skincare line. So you're actually putting this frequencies and shifting the way that your skin is going from observation to expression. [00:47:00] So it starts to diminish aging in a way that is a little bit different than I think any other skincare, at least that I know of.

And it's amazing. It works.

Will: So wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You're saying, you're saying, let me make sure I understand this. You're saying that you have a skincare product that has scalar energy, infused into it that helps you to raise your vibrational frequency that will also help you to stay young. Did I mention signing up before? Because if I didn't say it before, so, so basically just, I mean, I should ask, is this for both men and women or is it just strictly for women?

Jewels: Yes, I was very conscious about making it neutral so I can go either way. Even the packaging can go either way. And and that's really what it's about. Like this is, it's the skincare is the delivery [00:48:00] system and. It's a really fun way of bringing those frequencies into the body. And you know, we have other ways to we have the essential oils.

We have um, the Ormus, of course, we have a couple of different kinds of Ormus or monatomic gold. If Maybe that's the word that you've heard. And, and then we have something we call the DMT codes, which are 12 specific codes that work with those 12 strands of DNA that we do a lot of fun things around as well.

So there's just so much. It's, it's people. I'm one of those people is when I get tapped in, I just go. And when I get a hit to do something, I do it. So we have. So many different ways of playing, which is a lot of fun. And I do like to say that it's playing, even though it can, it's a practice, of course, if we, if we choose to make it the practice, but I do it in ways that you can see what lights you up and go in that direction and takes you down the rabbit hole.


Will: the, [00:49:00] again, the pragma, putting my pragmatic hat on how do you know? I mean, I'm sure you must have done lots of testings and all kinds of people have tried it and said that it's wonderful.

Jewels: Well, one of the things that we do to test is I have a neural check from brain tap. I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's a, it's a thing that measures your brainwaves. It'll measure your heart. It basically a full body measurement. So what we like to do is do it before and then have them either do an essential oil or do the DMT card or they can put on the skin care and then we'll do another one right after.

And it's incredible. The difference between the two, especially with The mind and the energy field will show kind how much life force energy your body is holding. And we've had people go from like 35 to 98 in three minutes. It's that [00:50:00] fast. So that's

Will: That is exactly what I was looking for that right there. That's exactly that scientific way of proving it. So in a way you can measure this, even though it is an unmeasurable, you did find a way to measure it. So that's, that makes people like me kind of excited about it

Jewels: Okay, I'm going to tell you one that's even more exciting than that, though. Okay, so I, I don't know if you've heard of a company called True Diagnostic. They take your blood and they measure your telomere length. So I decided I was going to do it, so I did it. And this was, I actually did this as a test for our supplement.

We have a supplement that's called the Particle Accelerator that's raising the frequency of your cells. It's working on NAD and those kind of fun things. So it's working with the technology on a cellular level. And I 10 months later, the first, when I took it, my telomere length was 37 years old. I took it again [00:51:00] 10 months later and my telomere length was 19 years old.

Will: Wow. That is quite a difference.

Jewels: That's a big difference

Will: And that was in 10 months.

Jewels: in 10 months.

Will: All right. If someone wanted to in touch with you or purchase some of these products, what's the best way for someone to do that?

Jewels: Go to becomingbioquantum. com Just start playing there. So and you know, I really do like people to have an experience. And that's why I love doing these kind of podcast is get informed, make an informed decision, learn. And if it's if it's that, yes, that's not an emotional response. Yes, because I. I teach not to make decisions based on emotion, but more from that knowing and that feeling.

And if it feels like, Oh, okay, so this is something that feels right for me, then you have lots of different ways of playing there. But otherwise you could also go to [00:52:00] our YouTube channel and the podcast and just learn, learn more, experience more. And when you are ready to make an informed decision, we definitely invite you to do that.

Will: = right. It's, you have a lot of great stuff on that. So, if you missed the web address, don't worry. All you need to do is go to skepticmetaphysician. com. We'll have on her episode page, we'll have a direct link laid in there. So all you need to do is hit that link and it'll get you connected to Jules right away.

I can't believe we've been talking already for an hour. This time has flown by. I'm so. I'm thrilled to have met you and to have had you come on the show. I'm excited about this stuff and I'm definitely going to do a little bit deeper dive down that rabbit hole. Jules, thank you so much for coming on and sharing this wonderful thought process. Cause really that's what it is. It's changing your mind, changing the way you think to, to become much more than you actually are. So thank you for coming on and doing that for us.

Jewels: Thank you for holding this space for such an amazing [00:53:00] connection.

Will: And a huge thank you to you. We know that there are tons of options out there and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. If you did and you feel called to give back, we invite you to visit our website at SkepticMetaphysician.

com where you can donate to the show or subscribe as a member through our Buy Me a Coffee campaign. Your support will go a long way towards allowing Karen and I to bring you these wonderful conversations and teachings in more and more robust ways. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Jewels Arnes Profile Photo

Jewels Arnes


Jewels started her walk with spirit at the age of 16 when she had a chance encounter with a woman that saw her gift as a “seer”. Through the synergy of connecting with her soul family, she was revealed a method to transform cellular intelligence.
With over 30 years in Vibrational Healing and multiple accreditations, Jewels developed her Super Power of Tracing energy patterns to find the beliefs or programs that keep us in the cycle of aging and disease.
She Created DECU, DMT Codes and BioQuantum delivery systems as pathways to shifting from molecular to frequency. These cutting edge methods lead us to finding the true power of Becoming BioQuantum!