Unlocking Transformation: The Power of Frequencies

Unlocking Transformation: The Power of Frequencies

Join us for an enlightening conversation that opens up new avenues for personal transformation and growth through the power of frequencies. Discover how to break free from the past and step into a healthier, more empowered future.

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Episode Highlights:

  1. Introduction to Frequencies and Transformation:
    • Guest Masati explores how frequencies can induce rapid personal transformations without needing complete understanding.
    • Discussion on how these frequencies impact our everyday lives, particularly in relationships and health.
  2. Near-Death Experiences and Exponential Intelligence:
    • Insights into near-death experiences and their role in unlocking exponential intelligence.
    • How these experiences contribute to a deeper understanding of life and consciousness.
  3. Core Level Frequencies and Personal Relationships:
    • The influence of core level frequencies on relationships and overall well-being.
    • Importance of releasing ingrained patterns and burdens for true personal growth.
  4. Self-Healing and Natural Abilities:
    • Awakening the body’s natural healing abilities to combat severe illnesses.
    • Emphasis on the potential for self-healing through frequency modulation.
  5. Breaking Free from Negative Patterns:
    • Strategies to identify and break free from repetitive, negative patterns.
    • Empowerment through rewriting personal narratives for greater success and fulfillment.
  6. Inherited Patterns and Transforming Relationships:
    • Understanding and transforming inherited patterns that affect personal growth.
    • Techniques for improving relationships through meditations and accessing a higher sense of self.
  7. Ethical Use of Frequencies:
    • Discussion on the ethical application of frequencies for relaxation, pain relief, and overall healing.
    • Addressing the challenges posed by toxic energies and how to mitigate their effects.

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Speaker: Hey, Karen.

Speaker 2: What?

Speaker: How would you feel if there was a way to access higher consciousness? Just by listening

Speaker 2: to

Speaker: an audio track.

Speaker 2: I like that. That sounds easy. It

Speaker: does sound easy, right? Now, what if you didn't even have to understand what was being said, or even be good at meditating, or you could even fall asleep?

Speaker 2: I mean, I already fit all those categories.

Speaker: I think we both do, right? Well, after multiple. Near death experiences. Our guests today gained amazing insights into the workings of our reality and he gained the ability to tap into individuals at the frequency level to help them transform from the inside out in record time.

And don't have to understand what's being said. They don't have to be even be conscious. They can just play in the background. We are upping the vibe in a big way with the help of our next guests on this episode of the Skeptic Metaphysicians. [00:01:00] Welcome to Discussing Manifestations. I'm Will. And I'm Karen. And today's guest is pioneering change from the inside out. As Nikola Tesla stated, if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. Well, as science confirms our vibrational universe, it's been shown that we can indeed change at the frequency level.

And our guest today is pioneering human transformation, consciousness, and human potential through the use Frequencies. After several near death experiences, ma, as he is known, came into seemingly super human knowledge and abilities that [00:02:00] transcend anything we've ever known. He works in the world of frequencies and sees the underlying patterns that cause our lives to be what they are.

And he's even helped thousands awaken and transform in record time. I am beyond excited to chat with him today. So welcome to the show, Misati.

Speaker 5: Thank you so much. Well, Karen, it's so nice being here.

Speaker: Oh, the pleasure is ours. And trust me, the more that I read your introduction, the more I am pleased that you are our guest today. So, let's just get right into it because I know a lot of people are asking the question you work with frequencies and you have helped people transform radically.

In record time. How, what how can you listen to something and make something change transform so quickly, so fast, so easily. Well,

Speaker 7: thing I just want to, I just want to spell out that, you know, we do this all the time, but we just don't understand how we do it. Just you know, the way we use our cell [00:03:00] phones, the technology is there, but We don't really know how the cell phone work, how you know, wireless communication works, but it's there, right?

We don't know how our heart works and all the things that it takes to run our heart or our liver or, you know, the tens of thousands of processes that entertain our body, that keep us alive. We have no clue what's happening. Even the latest, greatest science, they have no clue, but it still works.

So, after my near death experience, I actually started to realize it's gosh, you know, I got into the realm or into the field observing, being an observer from an outside perspective. Because like Einstein said, you know, you have to really separate yourself from the reality that you are to find better and bigger solutions.

So when I died, three times. It was a conscious near death experiences. And it sounds way out there is like scary, but it's really a great way to accelerate your growth.

Speaker: yeah, it whatever doesn't kill you [00:04:00] uh,

Speaker 6: Well, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2: It did kill him.

Speaker 7: Yeah. So, yeah, it really improved you know, my consciousness or my awareness of how we really create ourselves here in this reality. Right? So again, we all do this, but we just don't know how we're doing it. So exponential intelligence, the science that I've uncovered, not discovered. Or created, but uncovered or literally shows you step by step on how we create ourselves and how we render ourselves here.

And once you start to understand, it's like, oh, that's why we do what we do, then we can easily change it. And then where the massive transformations that people get, whether, you know, it's health, wealth, relationships spirituality whatever it might be.

Speaker: Well, it's interesting. You say create ourselves because that's a perfect way to put it. However, and what you're talking about makes a lot of sense. However, I know very, very well that I've got to lose a lot of weight and I'm not changing for some reason. So, so just the pure knowledge of it isn't enough for me to change.[00:05:00]

Speaker 2: Maybe you have to die first.

Speaker 6: No.

Speaker: that three times. No, I'm not, no . I So, so then how can, I mean, it's got, there's gotta be more to it than that. Yeah.

Speaker 2: How do you get this knowledge without going through what you went through? Because I mean, it seems like that's, I don't wanna say a fast track 'cause that's, you know, not a track that most people wanna take.

But how can you get to that point without going through that? Mm-Hmm.

Speaker 7: well, through what I've learned, you can learn from others because that's what we're here for. Yeah, you don't have to have the near death experiences like tens of thousands of people don't, but you know, well, just to get to your point is like, well, you know what to do. So to speak, or you know, you have this issue, but you didn't get to the core level or what I call inception frequency on why you need to lose weight or why you're having a weight issue.

Most people think it's a surface issue. And that's, that's the problem. You know, like I can't make any, I can't make any money. I have bad relationships. And then they try, you know, they try. say [00:06:00] psychology, you know, they go to those gurus that are out there, not going to name names, but you know, the famous gurus that are out there.

And you know, and yes, they do work well. They have, you know, they have a great say knowledge on say how the mental mind works, but we have to get to the core level frequencies of why safe in your case are, you know, you lose, you have a hard time and I can point that out for you if you want but why you have a hard time losing weight or why people have a hard time repeating the same relationship patterns because they don't get to the core level frequency again, the inception frequencies on an inception frequencies or frequencies that generate who you are,

Speaker 3: hmm.

Speaker 7: there's a frequency for relationships, there's a frequency for wealth, there's a frequency for how you see your body, okay.

And I can tell if you want, I can tell you. It's up to you.

Speaker: I mean, you can't just say that and not , you caught our attention. So Yes, we'd love, I'd love to know. I

Speaker 7: personal, [00:07:00] but and this is how crazy it gets. But once people start to unlock the real reason on why, or the first principled reason why things happen the way they do, this is where the massive changes come through. One of my abilities, and this is where, you know, again, a lot of CEOs and, you know, high profile individuals or, you know, companies seek my advice is like I can get to the point without years and years of research.

So I can get to the point and exactly tell you what's going on if you want.

Speaker: would, I would love that. Now if it gets too personal,

Speaker 7: You can always.

Speaker: edit this out.

Speaker 6: There you go. Yeah,

Speaker 7: it's all up to you. So, so when I see you, Will I want to say around two or three years old, it seems like, somebody died around you, like a grandmother from what I'm sensing? And that burden, that really, I think it was your mom's mom, yeah, on your mom's side.

That heaviness or that burden or that weight so to speak, really burdened your mom [00:08:00] So you're not only carrying say again grandmother's identity when she crossed over, you know, or that burden or What your mom couldn't get over you're carrying that weight or that burden for people because you carry Burdens for people if that makes sense ever since you were well shit like two so

Speaker: So you're saying it's my mother's fault.

Speaker 7: It's not your mother's fault.

Your grandmother's fault. It's just that we don't evolve properly. You know, like in that case, for example, you know, death should be an awakened death. But most of us again, don't realize that death is an awakened death. It gives us an opportunity, the living to say, release those patterns that, you know, distorted the family and grow from it.

And then it also allows the dead say to cross over properly or enlightened, so to speak. Right. Or to heavenly space, if you want to call it that, but it allows the living to release those patterns and not carry the burdens of [00:09:00] who we are. So in your case, and I can, again, do a quick session, maybe afterwards.

And even during the show, frequency wise, where you'll start to just realize that the weight of your body is not just the weight of your body, it's the weight of All the burdens that you've taken on in people because you're just a nice guy, you're a helper. I don't know you obviously, but I see the pattern that you're running.

You're just a helper. But the way you help people might not be the best. It's not the most efficient way. Because again, you just carry their burdens in white.

Speaker: Well, that is fascinating. my mother's mother did indeed pass away at an early age. It wasn't two and three. It was, closer to five. Five or six, I think on my but darn that's darn close. And it was quite, quite an ordeal when she passed. It was a big deal, so it makes great sense.

And nobody knows that, so you couldn't have looked it up online. [00:10:00] Cause that's impressive. That's incredible. So then, now I know. I'm carrying around burdens for people.

Speaker 7: Yes, so, so when you do that, though, and again, even if through this, I'd like to talk to you in about a month, actually, and see how you look, because you'd start to see, you'd start to attract foods that are good for you, move away from foods that aren't, and then this is where people naturally start to become of a healthy state.

So this is again, the underlying reason on if you get to the core reason you know, the base reason, the bottom of the barrel the reason on why things happen and you know, just talking about it and just helping you remove it will, you know, help you elevate to a different level of say consciousness where, again, like I said, you naturally will gravitate towards the foods, move away from those foods, move away from people that would burden you.

And learn a different way of helping people.

Speaker: So just the act of knowing that, of you telling me that right now, that, that knowledge [00:11:00] is going to be the catalyst to change.

Speaker 7: Well, it's not just the knowledge, it's the frequency underneath the knowledge. Cause if I can, the way I have to access your records, so to speak, starts to edit it. So the knowledge not up here, but the knowledge of how you render or you create yourself.

Speaker: that's astounding. I mean,

Speaker 2: it's like the 3d printer knowledge,

Speaker: but I don't even know what to say.

Speaker 7: I can explain it maybe a little simpler. So, so there's a superintelligence that created you before you were, it was there before you were a single cell, before, you know, you were an apple of, you know, your father's eye there, you know, you, there's a superintelligence called you and that permeated into physical form, right?

And that say, developed or designed a blueprint for you. Before you even had a brain before he even had a body. So that's the super intelligence that you want to [00:12:00] tap into that. That is basically your core level programming. And then once you rewire it at that level, which I literally just helped you with you'll literally see just, I can guarantee it in about a month's time, you would just start to feel better, lose the weight.

Speaker: okay. Okay. So can

Speaker 2: you do me now?

Speaker 7: Uh,

Speaker 6: yes, absolutely. Yeah.

Speaker 2: Do me, do me, do me.

Speaker 7: I mean, we have longer sessions, but yeah I can read you if you don't mind. Um, Is that's okay. In your family, from what I'm seeing just physically, and again, I don't claim to cure anybody, but what I do best is awaken people's natural healing abilities. So, and nobody should say that they cure people, not even medical doctors, you know, because they don't.

That's why the medicines aren't as, you know, proficient. They're not duplicatable. You know, it depends on the person, right? So you wake up if you awaken somebody's natural [00:13:00] healing propensity or ability, they start to heal themselves from the craziest diseases like stage four cancers and all these things that, you know, we think that uh, there's no solution to.

It's amazing what you can cure once you awaken that. So, so I'm, I'm just telling you this because. In your family hunt, it just seems as you age, your back starts to curve more like they start to hunch from what I'm seeing. Does that make sense to you?

Speaker 2: My grandmother was hunchy, but she was the only one. But my back hurts all the time.

Speaker 7: yeah, the upper back area. So you're basically your propensity to You're okay. So here's the deal. Your genetic makeup or your recipe of your life. Oh, yeah. Now that I see it better that your recipe of your life is very close to your grandmother. You might be like maybe a couple years off. Say like something happened to her at [00:14:00] 36.

From what I'm seeing something happened to you very similar at like 34. And again, I could be off by timeframes depending on, you know, your age, but around that time. So, yeah, something happened to you at 32, 32, 33. Yeah. it's a loss of something.

Speaker 2: yeah, but that was, I was four 40 which.

Speaker 7: so I might get the time frames up, but I'm seeing a loss of something. Your grandma had that same loss. You seem and again, I see spiritual age, not an actually physical age. So I think you're a little off, you know? So, so in that scenario, your grandma basically had the same pattern of losing a child, no matter what the reason was.

So that's how close your genetic patterning is. So no matter,

Speaker 2: Which grandmother?

Speaker 7: Whoever, I can't tell. I'm not a psychic. I read algorithms, but it feels like that grandmother frequency that you've adopted. [00:15:00] Whoever has a curved back. That one. So think of it this way, you know, for you, for example, you know, you're always trying to define who you are.

You're always trying to go out and try different things, but then you always feel like you're like running in a rut and you can't, you know, see above that rut. Does that make sense to you? Or life becomes a rut. Okay. So that rut is basically shit. Oh, can I swear? Can we

Speaker 3: Yes. Yes. You're fine. No.

Speaker 7: gosh, this guy's a spiritual leader. And what

Speaker: No, we're not.

Speaker 7: really quantum.

Speaker: Yeah. We're not that hung up on, on that. Absolutely not.

Speaker 7: Yeah. So I'm just again, more of a quantum type individual that sees into that realm. So again, that rut for you, right? So no matter what you do, basically you'll fall into a rut, no matter how successful you get. In fact, the more success you have, Karen, the more. You will feel like the rut [00:16:00] got deeper for you the more in love that you get that you fall The D the higher the rut will feel because again, those things are magnifiers for you Does that make sense to you and then somehow you got to get out And then this is where things might break apart for you, or it's like you feel like I gotta go do something, I gotta jump out of this rut, but then you jump out, but then sooner or later you just fall back in.

That rut, Karen, is literally you running the same path as your grandma, and it limits you, because you're a free spirit. You feel like it's free spirit that's contained. So I can help you disconnect from that pattern. And then you go, woohoo, I'm me. And this is where you start to question yourself and go, you know what?

I don't have to have my back like curved as I age and the back end [00:17:00] that you have. so the lower mid back almost Oh, and again, it's just personal, but it seems like your left. Is it your left? Your left ovary doesn't function as well, or when you have your cycle, that side might hurt more. I can see the

Speaker 2: Wow. Holy cow.

Speaker: Does that sound loud? Tears.

Speaker 2: The left side in tears.

Speaker: Wow.

Speaker 7: so I can help you with that stuff. Again, I don't cure you. I don't prescribe you medications, but let's go into the underlying story that's stored in there from, again, other people and then help you release the storyline. I can't change what happened to you. You know, people have been, you know, abused when they were kids or whatever.

I mean, obviously you can't change because that's written in the sands of time, but what you take away from it. You can definitely rewrite for yourself and make it a grander version of it, right? And that's the difference between highly successful [00:18:00] people and not those people who aren't so successful. you know, their parents are alcoholics, and then, you know, there was a study about that.

It's the guy comes up, he's like, why are you an alcoholic? He's well, what the hell? What else can I do? You know, my parents We're an alcoholic. What do you think I was? And then the other twin was highly successful. I think he was a plastic surgeon. And it's like, what was the cause of your success?

It's well, well, well, what else could I do? My parents were alcoholic. I didn't want to be out. So again, you can rewrite, you know, you can't change what happened, but you can rewrite the storyline. And that's what we do. Really rewrite this storyline.

Speaker: for you to help Karen now to get out of the rut doesn't mean she's gonna have to fall out of love because as a person that she's in love with, that would be really, really bad. I need her to stay in love.

Speaker 7: No, she would actually redefine that. She would actually feel free. And then the two of you would actually get closer because [00:19:00] when you see each other, for example, and you guys are together, right?

Speaker: Yes, we are.

Speaker 7: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I see that. Cause the way you explained it before the show, it's like, Hmm, there's something more to that, but I just wanted to be sure.

You never know.

Speaker: Yes. Yes.

Speaker 7: I've gotten into trouble sometimes that way.

Speaker: I bet. What do you mean? Yeah.

Speaker 7: Yeah. But, when you, Will, when you see Karen sometimes, you are actually, you're here, Grandma's filter is here, and then Karen is here, so you're seeing Grandma when you're looking at Karen. It's like, hmm, sometimes that's why that relationship could even get closer. I mean, it's great, but again, if you remove the burden patterns it's of it.

And then, you know, you remove the grandma pattern, you'll actually see Karen for her beauty, even, you know, deeper beauty than she is. Because again, she's not running grandma's beauty, she's running Karen's beauty of her own, which is more very seductive [00:20:00] for women. And that's where like seduction comes in for women when they're really, you know, of their own, so to speak, of their own creation.

Speaker: Well

Speaker 2: now you're like, remove it. Remove

Speaker 6: I'd remove it.

Speaker: It's like, Don, I already love you more than I could possibly bear. I don't know if I can bear, I can love you anymore. That'd be difficult. That'd be difficult. 'cause that would be, get me in trouble.

Speaker 7: Well, for you, Karen, you look at him and then, you know, sometimes again, not to get into too much detail, but Karen, you know, for you, it's like, sometimes you feel like you have to burden or feel like Will has to help you at some level because he needs that situation to feel needed or wanted, so to speak.

Speaker: Look at her smile. This is crazy.

Speaker 6: do you

Speaker 2: so, so when we first started dating, one of the things he would get so. frustrated with me about was because I didn't need him. I was very independent woman. And so then I started letting myself need him and letting, you know, I wanted him to feel needed because that's what [00:21:00] he needed.

So here we are. Wow. Dang. Freaking me out.

Speaker 7: Yeah, do you see all those little nuances that, you know, no, nobody talks about? You know, and again, this is the first time I've met you, but you know, once you get deeper into the programs, you know, through, you know, the hyper meditations that we do, the 18 day human update that we do, where you literally transform yourself and in the 18 days, you can see that your real self comes through.

And when you, when it does that, it's like radical changes really fast

Speaker 2: Wow.

Speaker 7: and all you're doing is literally listening to me, but underneath, I'm actually helping you edit the frequencies. I just make it look simple.

Speaker 3: Yeah, you do.

Speaker: No, the craziest thing is that you are helping us just by talking to us here. At least that's what I'm understanding. And that is amazing. Crazy. I don't know how else to put it. So, so you are just a, [00:22:00] you know what? Let's take a, let's

Speaker 7: Hey, Will.

Speaker: Yes, sir.

Speaker 7: Oh, this will also help your audience that run the similar patterns as well.

Speaker 5: It's crazy.

Speaker: Oh my gosh. Okay. So you're saying anyone who's listening to this right now and has the same patterns as me within 30 days, they should start seeing dramatic weight loss.

Speaker 7: They will start to see or awaken to going. Why is my, why do I hold on to that?

Speaker: Okay, so if listener you're listening to this, I would love for you to tell me 30 days from now how it's going for you. And I will give an update on the show, how it's going so that people, so people can follow along. That's interesting. So I would assume the same thing on Karen's pattern as well then, right?

This is exciting. Oh, my gosh. But you are blowing our mind, especially like some of the very specific things you've mentioned about Karen have made her lose her mind. And that doesn't happen often. So, so thank you for that. Everyone who's listening in right now who [00:23:00] has the same patterns as me or Karen within, is it 30 days that Karen's pattern will also adjust?

Speaker 7: Yeah. You'll actually, you'll start to see changes a lot sooner than that, you know, but it takes the body to acclimate to itself, you know, and go, gosh, I got to lose weight. So that takes time, obviously, you know, 30, 60 days but the process will start, let's just say way well before that.

Speaker: I got to tell you, I'm super excited. Like this, if this is real, then I am going to be very happy. So Masati, thank you for, for helping us with that. And we feel bad because you've been giving us basically a reading right here on the show. And we feel very selfish but thank you.

Uh, cause holy crap. All right. So we were talking about frequencies, but now I want to talk about Re frequencies. I saw on your website you have these meditations. You can listen to these meditations and they can program you or deprogram you while you're sleeping or even when you're not, if you don't.

And what do you mean? You don't under have to understand how you say it's like a [00:24:00] tuning fork. Yeah.

Speaker 5: It is.

Speaker 7: It is. So there's a lot of science behind it and it's right now it's getting into say the quantum mechanics or quantum science that a lot of people go new discoveries and so on. But I've been doing it for the past 15 years. So right now the science is catching up to what we're doing.

You know, like it always does, right? Science always catches up. So, everything is a frequency and everything resonates at a frequency. You know, when you start to understand, say, a concept or when you start to learn, you, you get into that vibe. Say you want to learn something, whatever it is, you know, longboarding or snowboarding or I don't know, cooking, whatever it is.

Um, do you cook a lot? Do you like cooking?

Speaker 6: Yes,

Speaker 7: you,

Speaker: Oh boy. Does she, oh, I

Speaker 2: have a cooking

Speaker 3: show.

Speaker 7: Oh, okay. So you're in the vibe. Um, if you want to have great ideas pop in your head, just cook for your own [00:25:00] pleasure and you'll get into that zone or that vibe where you, this is where athletes work with athletes as well, you know, or, you know, musicians or talent, you know, and they get into that zone or that consciousness.

Right? There's a consciousness that you get into. Most people try to create it from their mind and that's the problem. You want to connect to that consciousness that gives you that information or helps you access who you are. So that's why it goes, it's easier for some people because they're over controlling you know, cause they want to control it in their mind.

So when you sleep or when you're just zoned out, you know, through the, in the hyper meditations, It just allows you to. Stay out of your way. And then it allows you to connect to a higher sense of who you are. So that's why it's so, so you really don't have to understand um,

Speaker 6: what it's all about.

Speaker: Right. So you just helped us get to the [00:26:00] root of our problem, of our pattern, I should say, shouldn't say problem, of our pattern. And, while you're doing it you're working in our frequencies and helping us clear that. You hear a lot about people who feel like, yes, I want to get better, but deep down inside, they don't, is this something that whether you want to or not, it's going to help or it's going to shift your frequency?

Or can you like throw your feet in the ground and say, no, no, I'm not going to do it.

Speaker 7: Yeah. So, so a couple of things it's well, the what I do is like, Ooh Listening to the truth or hearing the truth. The point is that when you hear the truth, you can't go backward. You can't change your mind. Because, again, we're bypassing the power of the mind. Your natural essence or your core structure of who you're supposed to be is to be a better version of who you are.

So once you, not it's not about hearing the truth, it's about resonating with that truth that you are. Does that make sense to you? So it's different. So it [00:27:00] goes, and that's why it's frequency work. So that frequency helps you remind you of who you are, not what you've become through, you know, genetic patterns, society's patterns, and so on.

That's taking us off our path, off our human evolution. So once you hear the truth, yeah, you can dig your feet in, but again, once you hear the truth, it's pretty hard to cover it up. You know, so, so you literally some people, a lot of people, they go, you know, I'm done with the truth. I'm done with the lies.

I just want to go into my expansive self and they transform really fast. Right? Because they just want to let go of their old habits and patterns which falls away again, in days or weeks for people other people go, gosh, you know what? I'm not exactly sure. You know, Masati might have read somewhere or, you know what I mean?

Did research on me

Speaker 2: Mm hmm.

Speaker 7: obviously I didn't, but they always make up an excuse to hold on to their patterns. But deep inside, it's The truth is still there and it, you know, and it still pushes them. And some people dig their [00:28:00] feet in because they're so scared because they literally have to do the work and they really have to change.

They literally have to, you know, speak up and take action in their lives. people. So it just depends on the level. If you have success orientated habits those individuals change like. It's like hell that old self i'm out of here I'm, just going to go that way and just let it go really fast and then people who are really scared It's like gosh, you know what?

I need to know what's in front of me before I jump into it and those people it's a little harder for

Speaker: Wow.

Speaker 2: So when you, when you talk about, you said that they have to do the work, what kind of work do they have to do?

Speaker 7: so, for example You if it's okay to use you again, okay So you are going to see opportunities where you can see above that rut So for you, it's so you to get specific from what I'm seeing, there's one, two, one, two, three, one, two two, three weeks. Yeah. In about two, three weeks for you, [00:29:00] you'll you'll see an opportunity.

That's very different than the rut that you've been following. Okay. So in that scenario, an opportunity shows up and it just draws you. And this is the chance that you've had, and it'll make you feel really young. Okay. So, so when that opportunity shows up I would take it. It's called confirming your deletions.

Or for example this happens a lot in relationships, you know, say you've always had you know, bad relationships and again, it's got nothing to do with you, but you know, people

Speaker 2: Mm hmm. In general. Yeah.

Speaker 7: listening. Yeah. So in this case, you know, I help you change your frequency and then the next person you meet. If you don't have a relationship, the next person you meet, you know, you connect with them.

It's like, gosh, you know, this person reminds me of my, you know, spouse or, you know, date that, you know, beat the hell out of me. So what does that tell you? It's there for you to go. Okay. It reminded me of the person that beat the hell out of me. I should [00:30:00] say no to this.

Speaker: Right. Yeah. Unfortunately, they usually don't say no. All right.

Speaker 7: So, so in that case, You know, it's against free will for, you know, to intervene. But, you know, if they do go ahead with it. you know, they disconnect quite rapidly rather than taking a year, you know, it's a shorter time or they just go, yeah, this person reminds me of that last day at Helena and they just like nip it in the butt.

And then that's where they change again, confirm their deletions and they will start to date or attract somebody else that's better for them.

Speaker: like for me, the work would be not to eat the half gallon of ice cream every night. That's the work I would have

Speaker 7: yeah, and it's not willpower. literally, you will. No it's very different than willpower for you will. What will happen is I, you know, say you approach something that's not good for you and deep inside, you'll go, God, you know what? That's not good for me. [00:31:00] And then for you, you've got, you know, you're actually got strong willpower, so you'll just go, yeah, I'm not going to eat that.

It's easy. You'll just won't eat it. It's no willpower at all. The same way I help people with addictions. They don't have to put patches on or they don't have to go, gosh, I can't go into a bar and you know what they do with, you know, Alcoholic anonymous and all that. They literally have no propensity for that addiction.

So for you, well, it's actually quite easy. It's Oh, I'm not going to have that. By the way you're not the one, did you say ice cream? You're not the one eating the ice cream. Your grandfather had loved ice cream. That's not even your propensity. That's just like a perpetuation. There's, it's not about enjoying the ice cream or not. You will enjoy it, but from a different point of view, rather than. Just because grandfather did it and you come from a long line doesn't mean [00:32:00] that's your likes. You just pull that over So next time you have ice cream, it's like wow i'm enjoying that ice cream and you'll do it properly Does that make sense to

Speaker: It totally makes sense. Yes. That's amazing. On your website, you have these meditations that obviously if I, if you and I hadn't had a chance to talk, you hadn't had a chance to connect with me and seeing my frequencies and help me adjust the patterns. I go to your website and I grab those meditations that are meant to help with frequency.

How does that help someone that you've not actually taken. Taking a step to help.

Speaker 7: Okay. So, so, so, you know, having a one on one session in my one on one sessions are, you know, we're like a couple hundred people out, four or 500 people out. So, so the, so yeah. So, so one the 18 day. You know, human upgrade is really good. Even if it's on a recording, [00:33:00] it allows you to understand who you are.

So it really creates a strong version of who you are. And then as you understand the stronger version of who you are, you start to realize it yourself. It's like, gosh, you know what? This feels like my mom's pattern. This feels like my dad. This is like. I copied this from you know, a person I liked when I was in high school.

So you start to weed out all those things that, that aren't you know, in a slower way. I just do it much faster, you know, cause it's, you know, I'm just that geek that goes, Oh, this is what's happening for you, but you really don't need me. It's just a, it's just a tiny bit slower process.

Speaker: way faster. It's way faster to have you.

Speaker 7: way faster, but the hyper meditations instead of again, taking decades, you know, literally in, in the first few days, you actually start to see the changes in yourself.

Speaker: Oh, good God.

Speaker 7: Yeah. And like, like I said, once you become aware of, say the patterns that you're running. That's, you know, that's over 50 percent of the issue. Most people [00:34:00] don't really realize the underlying problem. Like I said, so they try their best and they have the purest heart to do something with their lives, but they've tried so many things.

Sometimes people turn sour. It's God, I did this and I did this and I did that. It's well, you know what? We just didn't go deep enough. That's

Speaker: Uh,

Speaker 2: it's like treating the symptoms

Speaker: right? Like was like I just say western medicine.


Speaker 5: the way it is. Well,

Speaker: yeah. Yeah. So. What kind of things have you helped with? I mean, you've helped thousands of people transform

Speaker 5: tens of thousands. Yeah.

Speaker: tens of thousands of people transform. Do you, have you ever done it like in mass, like a big group of people and they all come together with the same pattern or,

Speaker 7: Oh yeah. And even if you're not of the same pattern what I do again on the, you know, the hyper meditations on any hyper meditations and we've got a lot of titles, you know, better sleep, letting shit go, you know,

Speaker: is that the actual title [00:35:00] letting shit go? Cause I'm getting that one. If it is.

Speaker 7: It actually is. we'll gift it to you.

Speaker: Oh, well,

Speaker 7: We're letting it all go.

There's a ton of titles that you can search for. But in there, within the meta, they're not just normal meditations where you just go and zone out, you know, you escape. You actually, what happens is most meditations they allow you just to escape and you feel, it's a feel good process.

But what we do in the hyper meditations is like, no Let's flip around how you view yourself. So instead of you viewing yourself as your limited body of who you are, you know, your concepts of your experiences and your parents and society, let's flip you into your grander being, your limitless self.

your spirit, if you want to call it. Let's have you look at it from that perspective. And that's what those meditations do. And then as you go inward, you look inward and go, I don't like this about myself. I like this about myself. And then you start to weed it out. that's how that process works. And I do create different.[00:36:00]

So within, within these meditations, I create an umbrella frequency, you know, say if it's on sleeping disorders, And then subgroup frequencies on, you know, this person might have they were scared at night when they were, you know, when they were young, so that's why they don't sleep this group might be, you know, frequencies where they slip away from their body.

for example, then they don't feel safe, you know, deep inside. So there could be different reasons for sleep. So I, I create those different frequencies for the group for them. So again, you don't need say single Oh, but my latest one, and I can't talk about it too much, but I've been approached by a company to work on a quantum computer.

Speaker 2: Wow.

Speaker: Uh, I should, that's exciting. I should mention you used to be a programmer, right? So you, this is, you're no stranger to that world. That's incredible.

Speaker 7: Yeah. we've had some crazy results. In fact, You know, the scientist that's helping me, he's like, I've never seen [00:37:00] results like this, you know, and they run tons of tests on the accuracy and how long, you know, that that state, that electron can stay in a certain state. I quadrupled it and it's like, Whoa, how do you do that?

So, so, so it's all in the world of frequencies. And again, there's so many, so much research on coming up,

Speaker: on your, on your site. I should have mentioned this earlier. There is a, an experiment you did with was it water?

Excuse me, with water where you see the water molecule or droplet, and then you send your intention into it, and then the next picture is the transformation, that, just looking at that by itself makes you go, okay.

Speaker 6: Yeah.

Speaker: here. There's something really interesting here. And you hear about these all the time about, you know, the way you speak to water will change. You could actually break water. This water has an intelligence, all these kinds of stuff you do with plants all the time. So we're no stranger to that.

This is a little different. This feels different.

Speaker 7: it's a lot different. I mean, those are rudimentary. Those are just [00:38:00] vibes that you're sending out, you know, and plants or water pick that up and they go, Oh, nice person, you know, they can relax and be themselves, right? This is basically editing. I can generate pretty much any frequency. I've gotten people like on psychedelic type.

Like mushroom trips, not as extreme, but same kind of feel without the trip. So really or people who have like need pain medication, I can generate a frequency of, cause everything is a frequency. Like I said uh, uh, you know, they're in pain. So you create something like whatever, you know, whatever pain medication they want and it's like, Oh, no, so,

Speaker: You say you generate frequencies, is it, I mean, you create sounds for them, or do you actually exude frequencies?

Speaker 5: uh, Exude frequencies.

Speaker: do.

Speaker 7: Yes. It's sound frequencies. Frequencies it's just different modulations, you know. So there's solid objects that resonate at low frequency. And then the higher you go, you know, there's sound. And then, you [00:39:00] know, you turn up the modulation and then it turns into heat. You know, and then higher and higher it turns into light.

And then higher and higher turns into like x rays, gamma rays, and higher and higher and higher. You know, so you get to the top level, say, frequencies are how we generate ourselves. So that's the level or the inception frequency.

Speaker: And so your near death experiences is what allowed you to find that you can do that. You can exude these frequencies for people.

Speaker 7: Yes. Yeah, and I teach people because we all exude frequencies at some level, this is where, you know, when you meet people, you know, you get a vibe off them, you're reading their frequency now, you know, so I teach people how to, you know, get more in tune with what they're reading. From their people. Cause you the things that I, you know, read about you all, you're sending it out to everybody, but yeah, it's crazy, right?

You're sending that out to everybody. It's not just like privy, but people don't know how [00:40:00] to read it. You know, it's like a foreign language. So I help them teach that foreign language to them. It's like, oh, okay. And then they get to see it. The beautiful thing about that is that when you get to these levels, you see somebody that has issues.

You can't really, you can't manipulate them. You don't want to control them. You create, say a proper frequency that helps them heal, whatever they're suffering from, and then they help you heal from whenever you're suffering and that's the way it should be. And that's how we. But in today's society, you know, you know, people take advantage, but you can't take advantage of people at this level.

Otherwise, you, you can't access that level. It's totally on honor.

Speaker 2: I was gonna ask you something. In that kind of arena there is, there are a lot of just very toxic situations and atmospheres and environments and ultimately, I guess people and energies. Does that affect you when you're doing this type of work?[00:41:00]

Speaker 5: No I, I dominate the space.

Speaker 2: you're just so up there that, okay. Well that's cool,

Yeah. That's good to know.

Speaker 7: Yeah, there, there's lower level frequencies, you know, that need to control things. Uh, In this case there's different types of control and I think, well, this might interest you, but I think you're in the bigger scope or the bigger realms of why I guess people do what they do right at a world scale, I guess, because they have power, they have, you know, they generate frequencies, but they're not using their own frequencies.

They're tapping or channeling into somebody else's frequencies. Even if you're a healer, most people channel something or someone else, it's not their frequencies. When you do that, it starts to really drain you. And when you start to get drained, you start to need more energy or you start to control people, right?

The more people you control, the more you feel like you're more powerful. Again it's all a lie because when you [00:42:00] get older, they just take that power away from you. Look at all the entertainers that die young.

Speaker: Yeah.

Speaker 7: That's a whole different subject, but you know what I mean.

Speaker: I, I do

Speaker 7: I'd love

Speaker: You've gotta come back. I, I mean, that's it. Yeah. You've, you, you've gotta come back. This has been absolutely fascinating and I really, truly, truly believe we've only scratched the surface. Mm-Hmm. There's so much more we can talk about. if someone wanted to, I know that you are 400 people deep into your one-on-ones, uh, and that's amazing.

But someone was adamantly. Wanting to connect with you. They're going

Speaker 2: to be

Speaker: 401. Right, or if they wanted to access some of these hyper meditations and things like that, what's the best way for someone to reach out to you?

Speaker 7: They could go to the xicode. com. I think it's team at the XI code. You know, if you really, really, really, really want to, you know, a session, but a lot of times if you're new to me, I would just suggest doing just at least one human update. You know, just to help you understand, because it is so new, it'll help you in the session as well.

[00:43:00] And it helps you get more out of that session. And again, like a 10 or 15 minute session is worth, well, this is worth, would be decades for you, for the two,

Speaker 2: Holy cow. Uh, at

Speaker: least. Yeah. And I'm excited. And you're talking to someone who's been in therapy for decades. So this

Speaker 6: that's my point.

Speaker: a

Speaker 2: fast track. I love it.

Speaker: Oh, you know, absolutely. Okay. So we're going to add a direct link to your website on our show notes. So if you want to connect with Masati, just go to skeptic, metaphysician.

com. You'll see on this episode page, you'll see a link laid in there directly. So you can just click away.

Speaker 7: And if you go to YouTube and just type in Masadi, there's there's a live show that I do every Sunday, on a ton of topics on, you know, why the world is the way it is, you know, helps evolve consciousness. So we have a better world for us and the future. And there's so many titles on, again, hypocrisy, you know, there's so many titles that I've done over the [00:44:00] years.

So it's all, and it's all free for you.

Speaker: Awesome. We'll add the link to that as well so that you can you can access that easily because you just have to experience this for yourself. This is going to be incredible. So I'll see you in 30 days. I'm going to I'll I'm look, I'm really hoping to see change and I'm excited to see change.


Speaker 6: Totally.

Speaker: so much for coming on and,

Speaker 6: Thank you.

Speaker: helping us break our patterns and seriously, we'd love to stay in touch because I think we've got a lot more to discuss, a lot more to talk about and a lot to uh, to experience. So thanks again.

Speaker 6: Thank you.

Speaker 9: And a huge thank you to you. Yes, you, the person that hit play on this episode. We know that there are tons of options out there and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. If you did and you feel called to give back, we invite you to visit our website at SkepticMetaphysician.

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Mas Sajady Profile Photo

Mas Sajady

Mas Sajady is changing everything we know about human transformation. Using unprecedented knowledge and abilities gained from multiple near-death experiences, Mas has helped hundreds of thousands throughout the world transform in record time. After just a brief session or simply listening to his frequency work, people have reported massive changes in all aspects of their lives.

Mas is pioneering human consciousness and calls the unique knowledge and abilities acquired after his near-deaths Xponential Intelligence(XI) which goes far beyond psychology, willpower, or any other known self-improvement method.