This episode, we're in the company of more than 50 years of spiritual leadership. Richard Lassiter spent at least that long sorting facts from storylines and fairy tales surrounding spiritual practices and his mission is to enable others to rise to their potential, and live from an inner pivot of spiritual freedom.
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Main Themes:
- Spiritual and Metaphysical Exploration:
- Richard Lassiter’s out-of-body experience with angelic beings.
- Personal Growth and Service:
- Emphasis on learning from experiences and overcoming challenges.
- Developing psychic abilities through the Inner Peace Movement.
- Temporary aid to a sick son and the importance of energy work.
- Balancing Energy Exchanges:
- Working with energy and understanding interconnected experiences.
- Achieving inner freedom and trusting one’s inner guidance.
- Evolving Societal Values:
- Discussion on changing beliefs in Western society.
- Reflection on five spiritual truths about individuals.
- Emphasis on finding one’s purpose and evolving spiritually.
- Love and Relationships:
- Overcoming possessiveness and embracing unconditional love.
- Letting go of control and fear of loss for true love and personal growth.
- Interconnectedness of souls and the transient nature of life.
- Life as a Learning Journey:
- Life likened to a video game designed for growth and learning.
- Importance of pursuing happiness and intuition in life choices.
- Mastering consciousness for positive outcomes.
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Will & Karen: to the Skeptic Metaphysicians. I'm Will. And I'm Karen. And in the hopes that he'll forgive me for outing his age, today we're in the company of more than 50 years of spiritual leadership.
Yeah, now he spent at least that long sorting facts from storylines and fairy tales surrounding spiritual practices and his mission is to enable others to rise to their potential. And live from an inner pivot of spiritual freedom. I like that. That sounds perfectly right up our alley. Right. I need some [00:01:00] spiritual freedom.
I like to pivot.
Well, we are thrilled to at long last, finally be able to welcome fellow Virginian, Dr. Richard Lasseter to the show. Richard, such a pleasure to have you.
Richard: Hey, it's an honor to be here. I'm really looking forward to this.
Will & Karen: We've been looking forward to this for many, many months. It seems like the universe has continually thrown roadblock in a way in uh, trying to prevent us from getting the messages that you have to share with our audience today. So we're excited to hear what that message is, because it's got to be super important to your point.
Richard: Well, it basically is let's quit fooling around and start doing what we came here to do. Have more fun and rid of some of the dogma and theology and woo woo surrounding probably the most practical thing that anyone can do in their life, and that's understand who they are, where they came from, and how to work with their energy.
Will & Karen: If I had a handheld [00:02:00] microphone, I would just drop it right there. Okay, show's over. Thank you, everyone. That's all we need to hear. I like, you know, having fun being what we're supposed to be here to do. I'm good at that. Well, I just like having fun. It doesn't matter what, you know, if I'm doing something else I'm not supposed to be doing.
What are you talking about supposed to be doing? Well, he's, we're supposed to be doing things. We're here for a reason. And we, I would just. But what better reason? I mean, I'm not denying that fact, but I'm saying I do like to have fun period, whether I'm doing this thing I'm supposed to or not, but Richard's here to help us to find our path.
So I think we should just let him speak. Well, I just want to let me set the table first because your story is really fascinating. I would say late one evening in March of 1976, it all started. When you had an out of body experience driving right down the I 64 What? Off Richmond, an out of body experience where you were surrounded by six angelic beings who kind of gave you all of the answers.
Is that right?
Richard: Well, they gave me one. You know, at the time there was a lot of concern about there being an [00:03:00] antichrist or stuff like this, and I was raised like most everyone my age was in a christian religion. And I was beginning to learn how to do these things. I had met a man and gotten involved in a program called the Inner Peace Movement, and he was different.
He had shown us how to do the things that other people know how to do. You know, all these psychic abilities and everything, I was beginning to learn how to do them for myself and it frightened me a little bit. So at that time I had a concern because I wanted to help people, but I didn't want to hurt people. And the message I got in that out of body experience the only one talked to me was the one far on the right. I remember the rest of them were just kind of, we're just going along.
Will & Karen: Were they just kind of hovering, floating, like flap, flapping their wings or?
Richard: No, no, it was just like, you know, I remember one of them had this kind of [00:04:00] childlike look into the wind, you know, like enjoying just moving through.
And I, I didn't even have, I could draw what I thought I saw, but they were just kind of like flowing beings. See, they didn't look like angels. They didn't look like anything I'd ever seen before. But the one on the right asked me, he said, what's your concern? And I, in a nutshell, told him what I just told you.
And that one said you want to do the will of God. And I said, yeah, yeah. I don't want to go against that. And he said, well. If you will just do what feels good to you and do your best never to hurt people. You'll always be doing the will of God. I was like, can't be that simple. But,
Will & Karen: And yet,
Richard: but it, you know, we talked about it another, I don't, you know, it's kind of like a dream now, but it seemed like we shared back and forth a little bit, next thing I know I'm back in my car and I'm just like, Whoa, [00:05:00] you know, I had to pull over and stop.
It was just South of Bottoms Bridge or East of Bottoms Bridge. And I got back in the car and drove home to Williamsburg. And I remember I went in the house and my son at the time was in bed. And uh, he's still my son, but at the time he was in bed.
Will & Karen: thank you for clarifying that because I was very confused. I wasn't going to ask.
Richard: And it, there was this big kind of light thing around his neck and uh, it didn't look good.
And I asked his mom, I said, how's David? And she said, well, he's been pretty sick. And I remember I just reached over and moved that thing away and the next morning he was fine. And for about a week, I could do all these things and then slowly I got back to just being me or I lost these abilities. And then I realized, well, the question is not, can I do it?
The question is, what am I doing [00:06:00] to keep myself from doing it?
Will & Karen: I was going to say you mentioned that you became, you went, you came back to who you were. I would maybe say that you actually were who you are and you were falling back into the illusion of who you think you should be.
Richard: You're more accurate there. Yeah,
Will & Karen: I like being accurate. Thank you. That I think that's the first time I got one Richard.
So thank you for giving it to me
Richard: You're welcome. So anyway, that started an adventure of just years and years and years of, of expanding and growing and learning new things. And I don't think it ever ends. party, you know, the road goes on forever and the party never ends as far as expanding what I'm capable of
Will & Karen: Right.
Richard: and how happy I can be and how fulfilled I can be.
And at this point in life, I guess the only frustration I really have [00:07:00] is that finding a way to share it with more people because right now uh, you know, you said you mentioned something a while ago about you like to have fun. Well, if I'm not having fun, I'm doing something wrong. It's on me. And I used to think that was kind of a little tongue in cheek thing to say.
But as I've gotten older, I've realized that if I'm not having fun, I'm either doing the wrong thing for me, or I'm doing the right thing at the wrong time, or I'm missing the lesson what I'm involved in, or rebelling against the lesson what I'm involved in has to teach me.
Will & Karen: Mm. There's the rub. Right. Because sometimes it's hard to understand or just to stay in the moment enough to know that everything that's happening is happening for a very specific reason. Sometimes we just get caught up in the stuff that happens and we don't get the lesson from it. And that's, that's a big miss, but it's easy.
That's the easiest thing to happen. [00:08:00] So how does someone. maintain their composure and ability to stay in the moment to be able to get these kinds of lessons from every experience that we have.
Richard: I don't, you know, I know you can do it on your own, but I find it a lot faster and easier if I surround myself with people who have a similar goal. Who can share with me what's working for them and I can share with them what's working for me. People who can show me things that they actually can do that will strengthen those spiritual muscles that I tend to need to stay cool, calm, and collected when I'm encountering an important lesson.
Because growing pains, they're part of life on planet Earth, but suffering to me, that's a totally optional thing. I really,
Will & Karen: a very Buddhist thought process. Yeah.[00:09:00]
Richard: I don't know, I'm not that religious anymore.
Will & Karen: Just take, take it, take it from me. So what would you say to someone you talk about? We're here to just to be happy and not hurt other people. And if you're doing that, you're doing the will of God or you're living the way you're supposed to live. Both. What would you say to those who say we should be in service to others?
Richard: let's phrase it, being of service. Being of service is a spiritual concept where I seek opportunity for my own benefit. In other words, I came on this radio show to be of service, to share with people. But I also came on. For my own benefit so that I because it potentially has an opportunity where I could actually communicate to more people So first and foremost, I know what i'm getting out [00:10:00] of it So when I walk away from it, I don't know you anything.
You don't know me anything
But that's the difference. I have a lot of friends who believe that being of service, they don't understand the part of I need to be getting something out of it myself in order to be truly being of service. It has to be 50 50. it's not 50 50, then There's not a balance there, and things aren't clean and clear, and someone's going to feel that someone owes someone something.
Will & Karen: Well, it's an interesting thing that you mentioned, because we have heard before the flow of energy you've got to have a give and take. So when you we talked to Ken Honda about abundance, when he's talked about when we got money, we had to give it out in order to pay back that energy exchange.
It has to be an exchange. And if you don't, if you do something for someone, but you don't get anything in return, It doesn't have to be from that person. It could be from anywhere [00:11:00] else. The universe will actually provide that exchange. In the instance you were mentioning. Yes, there is an even exchange, but when you are something you don't think about, when you are of service to others, when I help people, I get a feeling of, I'm helping people.
So I'm getting something from that, but it helps me to feel better about myself as a human being in another soul. So in a way that, that would, I would say that would be the exchange. What are your thoughts? No, that makes sense. Yeah.
Richard: Yeah, it doesn't have to be money, and you know, that's where I don't like, I want to work with energy. That's it. If I start getting into money or things like that, which are energy, then I tend to focus on one means of energy return and leave out all the others, because there, there are a lot of things Every time I've had something [00:12:00] really fortunate happen to me, I've always figured somebody's paying the bill. You know, somewhere I've done something that I earned, I earned this opportunity or it wouldn't have happened to me. I just don't believe it would. I think that's why the harder or the more focused a person is on an opportunity and the harder they work at it seems the luckier they become.
Will & Karen: uh, yeah, I would say too, but also it seems that the more that you are in service to others, the more you're paid back, the more that the good things happen to you as well. It seems to be.
Richard: well, most of them are the good things that I create for myself. I have to know there are five things that we all have in common, all of us, everybody on this planet. Number one, your energy. You don't have energy. You are energy. What's talking to you and what's [00:13:00] listening to me is an intelligent being animating a physical body.
The sum total of every experience they've ever had throughout eons of time, focused in the present moment, and animating this body because it's the only way I can stay here on planet Earth. Without it, I float back out to my real home, the universe. Number two, we're all here to learn and grow. I see a lot of learning.
I question how much growth some people are having. And I question that in myself when I keep running into the same challenge over and over again. I'm learning something, but I'm not growing from it. When I'm growing, I move beyond it. And attract a new and higher level of experience. And I have to have an experience in order to grow.
I can't read my way into my next level or watch you go to your next level. And I'll [00:14:00] get there with you. I have to experience it myself. number three is everybody has their own unique purpose and what I call their spiritual thrust, which is a way of being that when you walk in the room, that's what I feel from you, your spiritual thrust, when you're expressing yourself from that pivot point.
It's really the purest you I can get at this time. Number four is everyone has inner guidance. Those guys flying with me out of the car outside of Bottoms Bridge there, those are my spiritual helpers, angels, guidance, whatever you want to call them, they're real. And they're with all of us and everyone has their own team that came here to help them Accomplish number two number three that purpose
Will & Karen: Okay. I'm glad you said number three because number two makes me feel like I'm thinking of something else. So let's not,
Richard: [00:15:00] then
Will & Karen: goodness. Hmm.
Richard: that's number five and I that is a biggie I have a 11 year old son. I seem to have a new litter of children every 20 years just to see if I ever get better at it. And, you know, I live on a street, kind of a busy street here in North Chesterfield, that has a red Left hand turn light.
It doesn't have one of the yellow ones. It's very slow to turn green and a lot of times There's absolutely nothing coming the other way or either other way. So I'm sitting there one day I got the impression go ahead and go through the light Liam needs to learn this So I go through there and leave you can't do that dad.
You can't do that. I said we just did it Liam He said put that's against the rules and I said, let me tell you about the rules Liam. They're here for our convenience You if I want, if I try to [00:16:00] make that turn and a policeman saw me, I already agreed that I, I'm willing to pay that price. I'll take that risk.
But you're free to do whatever you want to here as long as you're willing to pay the price of it. And I think I know as I watch him and watch my other children begin to get indoctrinated at school, they begin to lose that freedom. They begin to believe they had to do things a certain way or they would fail.
And it's all a fairy tale. What I have to do is follow my own lead. I have to trust my inner guidance. I have to trust my sensitivity and I have to give it a go. If I don't give it a go, I'm never going to live to my potential. I have to exercise that freedom.
Will & Karen: So what do you think is the biggest? Block that we have with believing this way to be the true way.[00:17:00]
Richard: A lot of us were trained in our first seven years that it's, we were taught something very different. That all of our answers are outside of ourselves. That If I respect myself, I'm not being a good person. There are a lot of, there's a lot of training that, especially Western society. You know, I've lived for 77 years.
I remember when there were no lawsuits. I remember When the first time there was an argument about, okay, let's let's let lawyers advertise. I remember when the doctor used to come to our house and my father, who was a postman, could afford it. You know, I remember when the Pledge of Allegiance didn't have under God in it.
That happened in 1953, and I remember in elementary school, you know, when they changed it because they were afraid of the communists.
Will & Karen: Oh My gosh [00:18:00] color me ignorant. I had no idea. I didn't either that's the first I'm hearing of it.
Richard: The Knights of Columbus lobbied Congress to add one nation under God, when it used to be just one nation, indivisible. with liberty and justice for
Will & Karen: that is very interesting Yeah,
Richard: watched in my lifetime how America has become more afraid of itself. It's a, and reliant on something outside of itself. And at the same time, we are one of the few countries where I can come on here and say whatever I want, and I don't have to worry about somebody coming knocking on my door.
Will & Karen: it's very true. Although we do know where you live so we could knock on your door. So don't we don't disqualify well For the sake of the show. We know where he lives. He he's in Virginia, Virginia. I mean, Virginia is kind of big. We can find you though. Virginia is not that big.
Richard: Yeah, that's it's not and you could find me and I was alert during Vietnam War and [00:19:00] I'm old but I still I'm still kind of ruthless, so come on.
Will & Karen: I just got, I think you've just been chatting. That's like a glove. I just suddenly forgot, very scared for some reason. I don't know, but okay. So, so let me just go over the five again, just to make sure that I understand the five were your energy, you're here to learn and grow. You have a unique purpose and spiritual thrust.
You have inner guidance and you are free. Those are the five spiritual truths about everybody.
Richard: That's our foundation. That's your spiritual foundation, and if I have that foundation very solid, I have a very good chance of accomplishing what I came here to do this lifetime.
Will & Karen: okay.
Richard: And if one of those foundations are a little rocky, it's going to stimulate an inner search to find it. [00:20:00] Um,
Will & Karen: And understand it, and it's almost like a journey to going back to realizing these five things.
That's what we are here to do almost like this is the purpose that we're here. Something that really called out to me because it seems to be the thing that So many people are looking for In this spiritual space that we're in that's our spiritual thrust.
So how does someone go about? Finding what they're actually supposed to do on this planet
Richard: That's a good question. It's not really a job or a lifestyle. It's more of a state of being. What I'm my greatest works this life will be me what I evolve into how much of my innate sensitivity or psychic abilities [00:21:00] can I manifest and work with in a practical way here on planet earth how much can I take these spiritual concepts of and the understanding of peace that passes understanding and make that part of my beingness And share that with others.
That's the journey. The journey is to learn how to not let planet earth rattle my cage. While still not becoming anyone's doormat.
Will & Karen: Wow. I'm, I'm failing that miserably. That's a hard journey. Yeah. I got a long
Richard: it's really not. It's just a journey that takes, like I said, there are growing pains for everything and sometimes it's a big pill to swallow. I'll give you an example. I, I got divorced I mean, I'm kind of in the process of it still, but we actually moved out two years ago and this was a person I really loved living with and I really admired and respected.
And that was [00:22:00] hard. It was really, I hadn't, it isn't the first time I've done that this lifetime, and I'm going, there seems to be some lesson here I'm missing. What, why is it I keep having this happen when I really don't want it to? And as far as I know, I'm doing the best I can not to have it happen. And, but I would get, And she started dating a man and I got furious.
I called a friend of mine, you know, and I'm doing a class. I'm watching a television show one night. And there is this young couple who had just fallen in love and they were so excited to see each other and all the, you know, all the stuff that goes with the newness of love, sneaking off, you know, let's do it here, you know, all this kind of thing.
Will & Karen: Wait, do what?
Richard: you know, whatever, have a drink.
Will & Karen: Yes. There you go.
Richard: and [00:23:00] it dawned, I got the thought, isn't that what you want for people you care about? And I'm like, wow, here I am trying to be possessive of this person when really what I want for her is that, if that's what she wants, I want her to have that. So why am I sitting here acting like this?
Someone's doing something against me. And I realized I've been playing a game with this kind of thing. I get caught up in the shoulds and shouldn'ts and how things should be and all that and forget about what I really want for the people I care about. And then do I have the strength to let them go and do that if they choose to.
Will & Karen: A freaking men, Richard. That is the, such a profound statement and something that I have been learning [00:24:00] over the last three years in a very profound way myself. I'm so glad you brought that up because it, I mean, it almost, it's almost a we talked earlier about in service of others. It is. We are here.
We are. We heard that we're energy. We're also love, right? We are love. And the way to live should be in unconditional love. If we love others, truly love others, there should be no conditions there. You should want the very best for that person that you love. And sometimes it means it's not being with you.
It's being with something or someone else. But if you truly love that person and you help, you want the best for them, you want to support them in their happiness. And that's a beautiful thing and something that people don't really think through and think about. So thank you for bringing that up. Sorry to
Richard: Well, the thing is, I was torn in myself. You know, again, I said, I need to know what I'm getting out of it. I could see clearly what I was doing to myself. [00:25:00] On, you know, it was like a monkey caught between two trees, wanting to go to this one, but refusing to let go of the one he jumped from. I had to let go of the one that made me think I had some ownership, or that I was benefiting from that, in any way.
How it just dawned on me. How am I benefiting by being controlling of this individual? How am I benefiting? By getting angry or trying to put roadblocks in the way of what she wants to do How much what is that doing to me? And when I could see that clearly I made a choice. I had a choice I could make a choice now and I decided to be loved instead of to be possessing it But honestly I had to go through that a few times in order to realize what game I was playing with myself and how I was putting myself in bondage with my own [00:26:00] concept of losing something.
Will & Karen: And that's the key what it was doing to you when you were able to release that, the peace that you get when you're finally able to release that is what you're getting. That's what you're getting out of it. You know, when you talk about that. But I think that can be so hard for people because it's not that you don't want that other person to be happy necessarily.
I mean, in some cases it is, but in some cases it's not that. that you don't want them to be happy. It's kind of reflecting back what you don't have, you know, so you are missing that happiness yourself. So it can be hard to be happy from someone else. All right.
Richard: to those five truths, Number one, you are energy. That has to be the foundational understanding of all other messages I will get during, forever, during my life. I have to have that clear. And as energy, I'm one with all things. No, you cannot take anything in reality. [00:27:00] You cannot take anything away from me and you can't give me anything because I'm already one with all things.
Now, I knew that intellectually. I have, I've worked with that concept so long that I thought I had it, but the situation with my friend that I was just talking about showed me very clearly that I still had some concept that I could lose something. But now I realize by letting that go, I opened the door to so much more richness in my life. So what I was doing, I was being possessive of my own limitation.
Will & Karen: It's a, it's a great thought and I follow it perfectly and I do subscribe to it and I believe it and I try to live it a hundred percent, but there are people who are listening or watching this right now who are hearing the words, but it's a difficult concept to really grasp
Richard: [00:28:00] Big pill to swallow.
Will & Karen: It is a very big pill, probably the largest pill to swallow.
Because to Karen's point if you're no longer with this person who you love and they're sharing that happiness with somebody else, and you're not having that with that person, so you don't have that happiness, suddenly you have lost something in the physical sense, in the physical sense. I understand energetically you haven't because you are one and everything, you still have it, but you're having the experience in a different perspective.
It's hard for someone to really think through and understand it and let that be their truth.
Richard: then they don't really understand how attraction works. Because, let's say, let's take two individuals. And you're born and you're going to pass on A to B. And we have, my life has things I need to learn. And your life has things you need to learn. [00:29:00] But for this time, we're working together and it we're, I call it flying the H because my life, your life.
And there's a line between here that gives us that H pattern. We're working together. Flying toward the same goals, but the moment one of us realizes that I need to make a little bit of a shift, and that's going to pull me away from this age. If they decide not to, they could blow a lifetime. If I decide not to, they could blow a lifetime.
So it's based on a concept that isn't really realistic at this point in time. There are a lot of, especially for souls who understand a lot of what we're talking about right now, they came here to grow quickly. And sometimes to grow quickly means You can't [00:30:00] stay in that same age pattern. You've got to realize that it's good for now.
And when it's over, I'm going to love everything I've done. But if I try to hold on to that person. Not only am I slowing them down, I'm slowing me down and I'm setting a terrible example for anyone who looks to me for guidance. In this case, our son Liam.
Will & Karen: hmm. Mm
Richard: So if I, and it is a big pill to swallow, but
Will & Karen: That's hard.
Richard: of understanding I've got to come to and sometimes I just have to take a leap of faith.
And the fear that I will never have anything as good as I have it now is pure bullshit.
Will & Karen: Bullshit or not, it's a pretty big bull it comes from because that is,
Richard: it's been well programmed into
Will & Karen: yeah,
Richard: You know, it's like I, I was, I had an insight the other day. If I think I really own something here on planet earth, I'm going to [00:31:00] have a fear of losing something here on planet earth. I don't own anything. I'm here for a temporary time in school to learn specific lessons, and then I'm going back home.
I'm just passing through. You might say I'm on the earth, but I'm not of it. I work with an organization called way showers college, and it's whole thing is about helping people understand this from an experiential point of view, to give them an opportunity to experience things that will add life to these ideas that are so hard to grasp if I don't have some experiences that lead me to believe their truth. I mean, Will, if you've never had a banana, there's no way I can intellectually tell you what a banana tastes like. You have to have a banana. And it's the same, and it's the same with being a soul in a body. I have to [00:32:00] experience that. I have to know that. For in the core of my being, I have to know that I'm a soul.
I'm here to learn and grow. And that's why that energy one is so important because energy can't be created or destroyed. It destroys the myth of death. So when I have that really solidly, then I'm kind of free to be Richard and all the scars and gold and everything else that make me up, they have value.
They've taught me things. Life's beautiful. You're faced with it, whether you like it or not. Why not get the most out of it?
Will & Karen: That's a good point. Yeah. I do like that term, the myth of death. I like that. That resonates.
Richard: It's a myth, an absolute myth.
Will & Karen: Yeah, I agree. Well, getting back to the, cause I'm not sure if I got the answer I was looking for because I [00:33:00] totally a selfish question, still trying to find my path, my spiritual path. So how do I go about doing that? Like, how do I know for sure that I'm on the right path?
Richard: Are you enthusiastic about it when you wake up in the morning? If that enthusiasm is there, enthusiasm comes from a word, I think it means the breath of God. If you're enthusiastic about what you're doing, it's getting you where you need to go.
Will & Karen: Okay.
Richard: It's like crossing a foggy river when all I can see in front of me are a certain number of the stepping stones.
I need to trust that this next stepping stone, there's going to be another one. Even though I can't see the other side real clearly, I'm not at this point in my state of consciousness. I may not be sure of certain things, but as long as I'm enjoying it and I'm looking forward to it and I'm enthusiastic about it, Take that next step.
Keep going. [00:34:00] And the minute it doesn't feel good, the minute it doesn't feel good, look for a new way. Look for another direction that does feel enthusiastic. And I'll tell you, it's worked for me like a charm. I'm standing in the physics department, William and Mary, just get this thought, you can't learn anything else here.
So I went in and told him, I said, I'm going home. And I remember Stan said, Well, good. Go ahead. We don't need anything today. We'll see you tomorrow. I said, no, I'm done here. I can't learn anything else here. And it really pissed him off. And I got home and I told my wife and it really upset her. The next two days or later, I'd found a job that paid more and wound up with me having works on display in the Smithsonian
Will & Karen: Wow.
Richard: life has been little things like that.
If there's one thing I've done well, it's that I have never not had fun at what I [00:35:00] do for a living. And I've never, Really, I've had some challenges, but I've never been hungry. I've always had what I wanted and I've never done things the way anyone else I know of does them. But I always sought that enthusiasm.
I think that's your main guide.
Will & Karen: Well, that brings up two, two different points. One, first, really quickly the fool card in the tarot deck, in the Rider Waite, specifically deck, it is a young man in a a jester's outfit, for lack of a better term, about to step off a big cliff, but he's whistling up a completely Oblivious to the danger that he's about to step off into and butterflies are fluttering all around him and things like that.
And the significance of that card is the, there's two paths, but he's moving forward, trusting in the universe that when he puts his foot down, he's going to have another step [00:36:00] to step on. The reality is the card doesn't show that step, but we all know spiritually that step will be there. He's moving forward.
When he puts his foot down, but we can't see it. So that takes a certain amount of faith. in putting that foot down, knowing it's going to be there. Alternatively, if you are concerned that the footing is not going to be there, it won't be, and he will fall off the cliff. So it's a really interesting card.
It's been my favorite card in Rider Waite since the first time I started studying the show. But second story, when I was growing up, My father's in business. He's always been in business. And he always wanted me to follow his footsteps. And I could not see myself following his footsteps at all. He was a sales guy.
We did sales in all kinds of industries. And it just, it wasn't for me. So I would, I did. Karen still teases me to this day that I've done everything under the sun, every type of job, because I was always looking for that thing that was calling to me, to your point that I had enthusiasm for. My mother or my father once said to me, everyone hates their job.
Just pick something and just go [00:37:00] do it. Right. And my answer to him was absolutely not. I'm not going to just settle for something unless I love what I do. I'm not going to just settle for it. So, and I didn't, I finally ended up in the job that I'm in. And one day, many, many years later, my mother and I were having dinner.
She turned to me, she says, you know what? You were right. You were right. Because I see how much joy you have in everyday living right now. You don't work. You play for a living. And I see that joy and it's great. Gotten you such success. Thank you for sticking to your guns. And that has always stuck with me.
It really resonates with your story right now. Absolutely.
Richard: We're the otters of the universe, Will.
Will & Karen: I'd like that.
Richard: we, everything we do, you know, I had a dream not too long ago that life was like a video game. I know, you know, I'm going to play, you might get killed. Yeah. But I've got another life [00:38:00] from the big picture point of view. I think that's very accurate as a soul.
I think, I mean, this lifetime is like a blinking of an eye and then it's done. I mean, yesterday I was a kid,
Will & Karen: Right.
Richard: so get in here, enjoy it. Look, but the most, the big thing to remember. Is what am I going to take with me? And what I'm going to take with me is the wisdom in my feelings, not the things in my head, the things you're talking about, the things that I learned to do from instinct, those, and to do things like that, there's no way I can learn to ride a bike watching you ride a bike.
I need to start riding. I need to take the falls. I need to do that. But the reward is I'll be able to ride a bike without even thinking about it. And that is true for all of our spiritual [00:39:00] abilities. It's true for our ability to earn material abundance. It's true for everything, but I've got to realize I'm energy and what is the state of my consciousness? What am I attracting? What am I putting out there all the time in my business, in my personal, in my social, this all has to penetrate all of it. And when it does that, then I can begin to think about I'm becoming a master of my life. And mastery means that it doesn't mean I can tolerate it. means that it doesn't affect me.
Will & Karen: Right. Right. In one way or the other, as they say. Life is like a video game. I love that analogy because when, the first thing people are going to say is, well, I need some, I need the cheat codes, right? To win the game. But
Richard: I'm giving them to you.
Will & Karen: Yeah, exactly. We've got the cheat codes. That's everyone.
Every conversation we've had [00:40:00] on this show has been providing us cheat codes. And for that, Richard, I thank you so much for coming on the show and providing us yet more cheat codes that we can utilize in our spiritual life. search because that's really what this is all about. If someone wanted to reach out to you, wanted to work with you, or learn more about you, or just sit down and have a conversation with you like we're doing today, what's the best way for someone to reach out to you?
Richard: RichardLasseter. com.
Will & Karen: Perfect. You make it a little too easy, Richard.
Richard: I told you life's supposed to be
Will & Karen: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Richard: Not all the time.
Will & Karen: Well, you make a great point. And in the, in that interest, we're going to make it even easier. All you need to do is go to skepticmetaphysician. com. We'll lay his direct link directly into the show notes. All you have to do is click the link and you'll be connected to his, I'm sorry, I'm distracted.
This is a a new thing this program is doing
Richard: know mine started doing that too. That's why I'm keeping my hands down a
Will & Karen: it's doing hearts, it's [00:41:00] doing all kinds of things. I like the hearts though. It's all about love. It's kind of distracting though, that's all I'm
Richard: guys, this was fun. I enjoyed it. I'm glad to finally meet you guys. Our mutual friend, Yeda. Talked about you and I'm, I'm glad I reached out and if I can ever be of service, feel free to give me a call.
Will & Karen: We are very glad that you reached out as well and this is by no means the last conversation we're going to have. You're so close. I know. We have to get together and go for a cup of coffee or something because I think we can talk for hours and a lot of the stuff we talk about is probably not meant for everybody's ears.
Oh boy. Well Richard, thanks so
Richard: This is the year, hey Will, this is the year the spiritual energy for this whole year is called free flowing. So it means go ahead and say the things you want to say.
Will & Karen: Oh, see, I'm giving you a thumbs up on the screen. So good. Good deal. Without even trying. Without even trying. Let's see. There you go again. I literally am not doing it, but yet it's still, it keeps, it keeps doing it. Cause the way you're moving your hand looks like a [00:42:00] thumbs up. Is it? Okay. Well, now I know.
But Richard, I love that. And I'm very much in the mindset of free flow being, being the right move forward. I just need to get my head around being free enough or comfortable enough to just let the chips lie where they may. So thank you for the reminder.
Richard: it was a pleasure.
Will & Karen: Another pleasure was ours. Thanks for being on the show.
Thank you.
Speaker 2: And a huge thank you to you. We know that there are tons of options out there and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. If you did and you feel called to give back, we invite you to visit our website at SkepticMetaphysician.
com where you can donate to the show or subscribe as a member through our Buy Me a Coffee campaign. Your support will go a long way towards allowing Karen and I to bring you these wonderful conversations and teachings in more and more robust ways. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic [00:43:00] Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Richard Lassiter
Spiritual Leader
I have invested 50 years into sorting facts from fairytales surrounding spiritual practices. My mission is to enable others to rise to their potential and live from an inner pivot of spiritual freedom. I am uniquely qualified at helping people see, feel and understand how they can free themselves from the bondage of limiting concepts.