Rob Gutro

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Author/Medium/Paranormal Investigator

Rob Gutro is an author, paranormal investigator and medium with Inspired Ghost Tracking of Maryland. He's become known as a pet medium, although he communicate with pets and people who have passed. Since he was a child he could receive messages from ghosts or spirits (who have crossed over). His latest book is ""Pets and the Afterlife 3: Dog Spirit Signs."
He has three different series of books: 1) Pets and the Afterlife - that includes Pets and the Afterlife 1, 2 and 3. ," 2) Ghosts on a Medium's Vacation - that includes Ghosts of England and Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre; and 3) Ghosts and Spirits - that include:
"Ghosts and Spirits: Explained," "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead," "Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit," and "Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking."
As a scientist, he also provides some scientific explanations about how energy is the baseline for the afterlife and the medium that entities use to communicate.

July 20, 2022

The Secret Afterlife of Pets

Everyone knows that mediums can speak to people from the other side. And this week's guest certainly does that.....but his special power is speaking with animals that have passed on to the afterlife. On this show, this pet medium gives us the low...
Guest: Rob Gutro