Karen Rauch Carter

Karen Rauch Carter Profile Photo


Karen is the national best-selling feng shui author of the book IMove Your Stuff, Change Your Life (in 9 languages) and Make a Shift, Change Your Life. She is the founding principal at The Academy of Exquisite Living where she trains others to become professional feng shui and healthy home consultants.
she has the amazing ability to take the ancient art of feng shui and not only make it accessible and relevant, but make it fun! Karen has spent decades learning how to quickly create healthy, vibrant lives for her clients, and effortlessly translates that information into her easy-to-learn talks. As well as being an expert and best-selling author in the field of feng shui, her credentials also include being a licensed landscape architect, a certified bau-biology practitioner, a longevity health counselor and a peak performance coach. Her light-hearted approach to speaking easily motivates her clients and audiences to rethink their day-to-day choices by implementing simple fixes for home, health, relationships and more.

April 27, 2022

Feng Shui - Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life | Karen Rauch Carter

You've heard the term, but do you really understand the concepts behind Feng Shui? This fascinating deep dive into the science of energy flow, not only in homes but in your body too, will have you changing EVERYTHING!

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