Jewels Arnes

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Jewels started her walk with spirit at the age of 16 when she had a chance encounter with a woman that saw her gift as a “seer”. Through the synergy of connecting with her soul family, she was revealed a method to transform cellular intelligence.
With over 30 years in Vibrational Healing and multiple accreditations, Jewels developed her Super Power of Tracing energy patterns to find the beliefs or programs that keep us in the cycle of aging and disease.
She Created DECU, DMT Codes and BioQuantum delivery systems as pathways to shifting from molecular to frequency. These cutting edge methods lead us to finding the true power of Becoming BioQuantum!

Aug. 21, 2024

How To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

In this mind-bending episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians, we delve into the fascinating world of quantum biology with expert Jewels Arnes. Explore the profound concepts of scalar technology, DNA messages, and ancient practices aimed at elevating human consciousness.
Guest: Jewels Arnes