Elizabeth Sabet

Elizabeth Sabet Profile Photo

Life & Transpersonal Spiritual Integration Coach, CEO, Founder of The Institute for Transformational & Transpersonal Coaching

Elizabeth uses her background in business consulting, coaching, entrepreneurship, spiritual integration support, and education (President of The American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences), and administrative law dispute resolution (Dispute Resolution Officer for the State of Texas) to teach her clients how to negotiate and monetize their life on their own terms using psycho-spiritual developmental tools, strategies, and planning to help her clients live a fully authentic and lucrative lifestyle. She is the founder and CEO of The Institute of Transformational and Transpersonal Coaching.

Nov. 13, 2024

Navigating Emotions Post-Election: Insights from Spiritual Leaders

In this special episode of the Skeptic Metaphysicians, we address the overwhelming emotions following the recent American election, whether you feel joy, disappointment, or confusion.

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 10, 2024

I Went to Hell and Back - Integrating Spiritually Transformative Expe…

Does the feeling of a deep, unexplainable shift in your life sound familiar? Have you been told to simply ignore these experiences and carry on with your life as usual, only to feel a deep sense of disconnection and longing …

Listen to the Episode