David Winters

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Author/Spiritual Teacher/ Lightworker

David Winters grew up in the hill country south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US in the 1960s and 70s. As an empath, he was stigmatized for his sensitivity in an insensitive world. This brought anxiety and confusion around who he was and what gifts he carried. He studied science and microbiology for many years to understand what was beneath the surface of life. This can be seen as one path to understand truth against the falsehoods of world commercial systems (a Druid mission if ever there was one!) In the 80’s, he received a Masters degree (M.S.) in Microbiology from North Carolina State University and a Ph.D. in Food Microbiology from Cornell University.

In the late 90s, he began to question his continued commitment to study science and wondered if there was a truer path ahead. He began to wake up to the hidden world, not of microbes, but of life beyond the veil! In other words, he had a pre-middle-life awakening. Eventually, by this last decade, he realized his connection to his Druidic past. He eventually found his connection to the ancient people of Ireland and Scotland. This included the ancient mythological Tuatha de Danann (tribe of the goddess Dana) and spiritual and nondual teachings of the Celtic Goddess and Saint Brigid. He has since visited many unknown worlds and sites in America and has a deep understanding of how the mystical world is connected, bridging mystical sites in Europe and America with healing potential and liberation from false realities. Once he experienced this ancient reality, he knew that his calling was to help others ‘find their home’ in the world and to be free of influences that keep us from our own enlightenment.