Does it sound familiar to you? That feeling of encountering uncanny coincidences, as if the universe is sending you a message? Yet, you've been told to dismiss them as mere chance, leading you to doubt their significance. But deep down, you can't...

Does it sound familiar to you? That feeling of encountering uncanny coincidences, as if the universe is sending you a message? Yet, you've been told to dismiss them as mere chance, leading you to doubt their significance. But deep down, you can't shake off the lingering pain of not fully understanding the profound impact these coincidences can have on your life. It's time to embrace the power of synchronicities, unlock their transformative potential, and embark on a journey of awe and wonder.

“Gratitude is the highest form of prayer. Express gratitude for the coincidences in your life and watch as they multiply and bring you closer to your desires”. - Sophia Demas

Uncover the guidance of divine intelligence
By acknowledging the presence of divine intelligence and its communication through coincidences, individuals can unlock profound insights and guidance. Such divine intelligence may guide individuals towards their true purpose. Openness to this divine guidance initiates a deeper understanding of life experiences and a sense of connection to the universe.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Explore the transformative power of coincidences on decision making and experiences.
  • Grasp the subtle workings of divine intelligence in aligning individuals with their true paths.
  • Master the act of co-creating wonders by effectively capitalizing on coincidences.
  • Immerse in the freedom and peace attained by allowing life events to organically unfold.
  • Probe into the mystifying intersection of established science and paranormal study to decode phenomena such as miracles and coincidences.

For a lot more information about this episode, visit our website for full show notes and corresponding articles:

Other episodes you'll enjoy:
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Hare Krishna But Were Afraid To Ask

Calling All Skeptics and Rational Non-Believers

Mastering Empathic Abilities

ABOUT OUR GUEST: Say hello to Sophia Demas, an extraordinary lady who has explored the deeper realms of coincidences and their magical influences on life. Rather than brushing off coincidences as mere chance happenings, Sophia has embraced them and actively used them as life-changing opportunities, resulting in a fascinating journey that transformed her into the person she is today. Her riveting adventure has been beautifully wrapped in words in her book, The Divine Language of Coincidence, where she outlines her experiences, showing us how coincidences can, indeed, serve as a divine language if we just stop, notice, and act upon them.

Guest Info: Website:

Sophia Demas

Will: . [00:00:00] Karen. Yes. Have you ever experienced something that you couldn't explain like a coincidence all the

Karen and Will: time, all the time, all the time?

Will: Well, it didn't happen as often to me, but I think there's a reason for that.

The reason might be that we're just not paying attention. Right. I mean, a while back I talked about that incident that happened to me in the airplane that completely rocked my world. And I talked about the fact that I was adamant about remembering it and paying attention to it. Right. Well, this week we're talking about that.

Exactly. The power of coincidence when you stop and actually pay attention. Nice. Now, the stories that our guest this week is going to share with us will shake you to the core as we explore just how wonderfully strange our universe is.


Will: So this is interesting. I'm at the beach, see, and I'm meditating on the beach. I've got secret acoustics playing in my earbuds. And it's talking about knowing myself. I do this meditation that's meant to be inside yourself and help you to know who you are. This meditation is meant to explore inside yourself and help you to know who you are.

And so I start doing that and I get, starting to get all these different images. But the image that really struck me the most, like it made me stop the meditation, come out of it and record this. I found myself going through what could only be described as a tunnel, but not [00:02:00] really a tunnel like you see a circular, like you're going into a tunnel, but like the distance between the earth and the sky, that horizon line flying between the horizon.

That's what I saw. Then the next thing I know, I'm going into space. It's not really space. It's a womb. I'm inside of a womb. I'm being filtered into a body that's inside the womb to the fetus and the fetus is almost there. That's it. Completely formed already, but now I feel myself in there and I feel how safe and uncomfortable I'm in that womb.

How warm, how hugged safe, totally encapsulated by the walls of my mother's uterus. Just safe, feeling my mom's warm hug all around me. And then something happens. I find myself upside down and something is pushing me, pushing me. It's almost crushing me, almost stopping me from breathing. Before I know it, I'm pushed through a wall and now I'm outside.

No longer inside, I'm outside. It's wide open space, but completely open. And I [00:03:00] can't feel my mom, I can't feel my person around me, I can't feel anything but air, space. There's no safety, there's no warmth, there's no comfort. I'm like, what is going on? And here's where the personal stuff comes up. Most babies when they're born, they're given to their mother.

Those babies, I can only assume, feel the way that I felt. Completely vulnerable, open, alone, cold, confused, scared. And then, the babies are handed to the mothers. And the mothers bring the baby to them, to their skin, to a warm embrace. She holds them against her skin and suddenly they feel a little semblance of what we're feeling inside the womb.

Warmth, safety, comfort, being held close, feeling and hearing a heartbeat, a comforting heartbeat. Again, here's where the personal part comes in. Unfortunately, when I was born, my mother had terrible postpartum syndrome and the hug that I so desperately [00:04:00] needed never came because she couldn't hold me, she couldn't touch me, she couldn't be with me because she was so depressed that the doctors immediately took me away.

They did everything that they had to do, weigh me, measure me, then left me in the crib alone forcing me to never feel that warmth of my mom's embrace again. Sure, my aunt was there, she raised me, she helped me, she loved me, she gave me the hugs that I didn't get from my mom, but it wasn't the same, it wasn't my mom, it wasn't a part of me, I was a part of her, it wasn't the person who I was inside of, who I could feel that I was a part of, and then was taken away from.

And now my aunt, I love her and bless her and thank you for being you and being able to raise me and hold me and love me when my mom couldn't. But it wasn't me. It wasn't who I recognized as me. Right? I was another version. I was a part of my mother. And then I wondered, how many kids out there feel the same?

[00:05:00] Kids that are born and never get the chance to be hugged by their parents. By a mom that loved them, embraced them. That says a lot about me. Then immediately after the meditation, as I'm still meditating, after I thought that, as I'm sitting there, I come to the realization that suddenly there are angels all around me.

Holding me, wrapping not just their wings, but their arms around me, holding me safe, helping me to understand I was never alone. That the entire universe is here, hugging me, loving me, keeping me safe, that I can't not be safe. And that every time that I feel disconnected from the universe, from the me, I just have to remember that my angels are there.

And they're there whenever I need them, and whenever I need them will hold me, hug me, and love me the way I need it. The way that they did immediately from the time that I was [00:06:00] born. And they are assuring me that even though I felt physically that I was alone, they were there, holding me, keeping me warm and safe the entire time.

And as I had that realization, I suddenly saw the most beautiful angel I've ever seen or ever felt. In front of me with majestic wings in suddenly I realized. It was Michael and he held his hands out and came to me and wrapped his arms around me and hugged me and held me so tight, I've never felt so safe.

And he said, anytime anyone needs them, just know that they're there. And it's an amazing realization. It's not just that they were there for me. They're there for you too. All you need is know that they're there. We're all in this journey together. We're all on different parts of our journey and every part is just fine.

I know this sounds crazy [00:07:00] and I don't know if I really saw Archangel Michael in front of me or not, but I tell ya. The feelings that I got, the knowing, the messages that I received, that I'm sharing here with you today, it sounds crazy. I know it sounds crazy, but it makes so much sense to me. When you open yourself up to the presence of angels, to the knowledge, to the realization that we are never alone, that we are always surrounded and protected and hugged and kept safe by the universe, by the angels, by our spirit guides, by Our higher selves, suddenly an amazing feeling of love, warmth, comfort, and safety definitely came over me and I'm sure it will come over you as well.

I really appreciate you listening to me. Sounds like a crazy blabber. I loved it [00:08:00] and I hope it makes sense to you too.


Will: Welcome to Skeptic Metaphysicians. I'm Will. And I'm Karen. And this week we're bringing you a conversation about possibilities.

Our guest is the author of The Divine Language of Coincidence, How Miracles Transformed My Life After I Began Paying Attention. Now she's also going to chat with us about some of the miracles that are happening right now all around us and she's had the honor. of working or knowing such esteemed people as our Buckminster Fuller and President Jimmy Carter.

Wow. Yes, and she's here with us today to blow our minds with her stories of miracles , and coincidences that might just help you see the world we live in, in a whole new light. Welcome to the show, Sophia Demas.

Sophia: Thank you for inviting me.

Will: Oh my gosh, we are so excited and I hope, I hope I got your last name correct because I practiced it like 30 times.


Karen and Will: least 30.

Will: I'm glad to hear I [00:09:00] got it right. the title of your book, besides being, very specific is very intriguing as well. and reading your bio, saw that there are certain things happened to you. Coincidences happened to you that when you started kind of putting them together, it all started to make a certain kind of sense.

Can you share some of those instances with us?

Sophia: Well, um, it started when I was 19, uh, when I was going through some existential angst, like every 19 year old. But,

Will: Yeah. and some 50 year olds.

Sophia: these two issues just seemed unsolvable to me. And I was just in almost in a crisis. And then, uh, within two months, this involved a man I met and a dream. And as a result of these events, my problems were solved completely. And I had transformed. womanhood.[00:10:00]

a different person and it wasn't lost on me. I mean that, and this, this man appeared and then disappeared. I was 19, he was 27. He was an intellectual working on his PhD on universal theory. I'm a party girl. You know, you can only, you know, talk about, the. philosophical things to a point, so it was just this perfect thing that happened never really thought about it, but these things started to happen and Everybody I would tell these, stories or these events, you know, people started saying things like, Oh, these things only happened to you. And it was almost annoying because I know that it didn't only happen to me. and then things just. kept happening and, I would kind of ask for something and like an, a thought and then some coincidence would happen and [00:11:00] then I would get the miracle.

And a medium, a world famous medium, Vicky Gay, told me like 15, 16 years ago that I was going to write a book. and the way I met her was very weird. And I said, absolutely not. I said, that is not in the cards. And I told her why I said, you know, I have nothing to say. And, two, I said, I'm a people person.

There's no way that I am going to sequester myself and write. Okay. And he listened just and very calmly said, word for word, spirit says, when she's ready, there are many spirits here to help her in many hands on earth. And then what happened, this was in 2011. I was reconnecting with a childhood friend and I told her my latest miracle.

And she says, Oh. These [00:12:00] things only happen to you and something clicked because by this time, there were so many events that, you know, everyone has a coincidence story or a, an after death communication story, a miracle story, the number was so, I mean, they were just numerous and

Karen and Will: And things were happening every day.

Sophia: no, No.

No, just key events. And, so I really meditated on it and what came up was that whenever the coincidence happened, I never said, Oh, Whoa, what a coincidence. And then. Move on, you know, I took action and it was the taking action that brought the miracle. So basically, my philosophy is that there's this divine intelligence out there, this intelligence that wants us to be happy [00:13:00] and find our true purpose.

And by putting coincidences in our path, it's just one of the clever ways this intelligence Can communicate with us, but my experience is putting the coincidence in the, in your path to bring you closer to your true purpose. And then you take. action. And by taking action, you and divine intelligence co create.

Will: Mm. That, that little intelligence, I'll tell ya.

Karen and Will: So what do you mean by taking action? Can you give us an example of, of one of these coincidences that you had and the action that you took? So just so I can kind of understand that a little better.

Sophia: Okay. now another, philosophy, is that one miracle is not bigger or better than the other, but one can be more important in what yields. Okay. So I'm going to, you two very short ones that happened. Just before our wedding. and also I, and I did not want to get married. That was a [00:14:00] decision I had made.

I wanted no children cause I had my careers put my focus on. And, um, so I was very successfully single until I was 45. so Frank and I were getting married. so we decided to get married on the 4th of July. And the wedding was going to be the 4th of October. So that only gave us three months to put this wedding together.

And I wanted a really fun wedding, you know, well, you know, all the venues were taken and going to find a musician or going to, I thought, okay, you know, photographers, I thought we'll just put, instant cameras on the tables or something. at this point, the Mütter Museum, I don't know if you've heard of the Mütter Museum here in Philadelphia, but it, it houses all these like medical, oddities.

Will: That's the one that's right. That's the one that's right next to the fodder, right?

Sophia: The what?

Will: The fodder museum, the mutter and the fodder.

Sophia: Oh, God,[00:15:00]

Karen and Will: That's what we forgot. I forgot to warn her. I'm sorry.

Sophia: that's pretty good, you know, I have to say.

Will: Thank you, Sophia. See, it was pretty good. Karen, pretty good.

Karen and Will: She's being kind.

Sophia: so they called me and they said, you know, we have that date, it's canceled. And it was, it was like, You know, like 4, 000, I don't know what it was, but it was expensive, but it was a, we're considering it. Cause I thought, okay, you know, I, my friend is a, an event planner and she could turn a warehouse into something beautiful, you know?

but I really loved that room, you know? So about exactly at this time, okay. Timing is so important here. I call my friend Anne and a man answers, that's not her husband. So I said, hello. I said, is Anne there? And this man. That's all I said goes, Sophia. Is that you? Is that you? You called me. It's Jerry.

You called me. [00:16:00] Look, I'm really, I'm late from a meeting. I'm running. Can I call you back? And I went, Jerry, I mean,

Karen and Will: Ha ha

Sophia: I mean, this guy, I only knew socially. And he recognized my voice. I said, Jerry, would you please promise me that you're going to call a promise me you're going to call? It's it's it's crucial.

And he says, I promise so he calls and it just so happened that Jerry was the owner for a short period of time of this very beautiful old hotel and because of that call. He gave us the Barclay Hotel, for free.

He threw in the presidential suite for two nights, if I would allow him and his girlfriend to come to the

Karen and Will: What? Wow!

Sophia: hotel. Okay, now, the second one I get a call from this woman and she says, this is, Lisa [00:17:00] Marie and I just found your driver's license in Rittenhouse square. I went, oh my God, it was winter and I, I don't like to carry bags.

It was in my pocket. Lo and behold, driver's license is gone. So I said, well, great. You know, I said, where do you live? And she tells me she's two blocks away, which kind of makes sense. and I said, look, just, uh, just put it through my mail slot. She does. She writes this lovely little letter about how she and her boyfriend loved to go to Oregon because I'm from Oregon and I have an Oregon driver's license.

So, about two months later, I get a call and. It's hi, this is Lisa Marie. You know, I remember I found your driver's license and I know this is going to sound weird, but I just found your ATM card.

Karen and Will: Oh, my God, what?

Sophia: So I would go to this ATM machine that, you know, would spit out the card right away. Well, this one keeps it. And then it says. [00:18:00] Would you like another transaction? So the person after me, I left, I was used to having my card. the person, you know, could come and wipe out my whole bank account, right?

Karen and Will: Right?

Sophia: It was Lisa Marie.

Will: Oh,

Sophia: Okay. And so, so she says, would you like me to put it through your mail slot? I said, no, we have to meet. We have to

Karen and Will: gosh.

Sophia: We meet for coffee and I said, do you know how to play quinto de.

And she said, yes, it's one of my favorite pieces. So she gets the classical guitar, this is by Rodrigo. It's for the classical guitar. She gets her friend who used to play at this four star restaurant, the classical guitar. And I walk down the aisle to one of my favorite musical compositions.

Karen and Will: Wow. That's wonderful.

Will: Two things. First, Sophia, things like that only happen to you. Um,[00:19:00] Well, and I know, and two, well, no, this, that would be the third thing. The second thing is, uh, have you gotten a restraining order on Lisa Marie? It sounds like someone was stalking you. She's showing up everywhere you are at. I don't know. Uh,

Sophia: uh, but the, the, the point I'd like to make here for the listeners is that how easy would it have been with Jerry when he says, I'll call you later. I could have said, don't bother. I have nothing to talk to you about, this is just a bizarre coincidence. Wow. Okay. Bye. Or when she says, can I put it through your mail slot?

Yes, just put it through my mail slot. Isn't this wild? But no, it was bigger than me. I had to take action. So that's what I mean.

Will: I see. So you took action based on noticing this is a coincidence. Something must be there that I've got to explore further and that [00:20:00] ultimately ended up in being a wonderful thing for your wedding on both, both occasions. That's, that's a remarkable story. That's

Sophia: Yes. And in a very, sort of limiting time now, it, was it nice that I got these two wonderful gifts for my wedding? Yes. But what I would consider more important is. the three major coincidences and we don't really have to, I don't have to go into them, but they're huge coincidences because I had left my husband, I left him because he had anger issues.

He was a rager

Karen and Will: wow. Yeah.

Sophia: and you know what? I can leave. So I did, you know, I'd given, I mean, he tried everything, but these childhood issues, you know, kind of keep. eating at you. So, and it got to the point where I was never going to lay eyes on this jerk ever again.

 coincidences [00:21:00] happened.

This is in 2009. one was giving me advice. The second one disarmed me and the third one was just beyond, which involved a book. I'll tell you about that one because now I'm, we're flying to Hawaii, we're back together and we're flying to Hawaii.

So I could be the. matron of honor for my best friend for the third time. and so I had to say to myself, okay, if he's coming with you, you can't be in fear. Okay. You have to trust. You can always leave again, but you have to trust. just as we were getting in the taxi, I thought, Oh, I need reading material.

Cause you know, Maui is a long way away from Philadelphia. So I run upstairs and I just grabbed this book and I'm in the cabin. I went, Oh no. Endless energy this is no beach read, you know, anyways, I'm on the plane and I start reading this book [00:22:00] and it was amazing.

This woman, Deborah Green, who is, has a PhD in kinesiology, talks about These, oral, fields and she gives these readings and these are like energy readings and she heals people and I'm like, my God, that is incredible. I would tell Frank about it and, and then I'm, you know, going into the back of the book and looking at some of the, um, resources and, you know, like.

Dr. Larry Dossie says prayer works. Okay, back and forth, and then I go to the back of the book, and there it is, Deborah Green, Maui, Hawaii. Oh,

Will: Wow.

Sophia: that, she lived on Kihei Road, and that was where our condo was.

Will: Wow. Wow. Okay.

Sophia: when we had our, layover, I call her.

I mean, what else are you going to do, you know?

I call her, I tell her what just happened. I said, These are the times that we have [00:23:00] available. She's giving both of us a reading. I said, I have to check with Frank, because this is not Frank's lingo, okay?

Karen and Will: hmm.

Sophia: miracles and nothing like that. So I said, Frank, you know, I've been telling you about this.

Look, Maui. He wrote, I said, if you agree, it's your Christmas present, he says, well, it's meant to be. Now that again, whoa. So we will.

Will: Frank. It's like, I don't even know you.

Sophia: That was in 2009 and I am now married ever since to my dream companion. He has not had one episode. He's transformed. He's this absolutely incredible spiritual being. I can't be happier or luckier.

Will: And this was thanks to that woman's healing. She healed his auric field. And that is what you think.

Sophia: I mean, it's just the most incredible story. So I would [00:24:00] say that this grouping of coincidences, I would give them more importance than these wonderful little gifts for my wedding.

Will: it was interesting. Well, as you were talking about the first coincidences about the wedding, it just so happens that something very, very similar to us happened as well, where we had. very short amount of time to find a location. And then we were, we went, we got married in Asheville, North Carolina.

And everyone who knows Asheville at all knows you've got a, there's a waiting list of at least a year, sometimes two. And we were like, yeah, we'd like to get married next October. And she's like, what? Yeah. And then through a sense of cancellations, all of a sudden we had our wedding, a dream wedding in Asheville, North Carolina, and it was raining all the days leading up to it.

I'm sorry, were you going to say that? I was going to say

Karen and Will: everything, like the venue had a cancellation, the musicians had a cancellation, the photographer, and it was all on a Sunday. So the price was apparently way cheaper. No one wants to get married on Sunday, which [00:25:00] I don't know why, but it was great.

This lady calls me, she's like, I'm your fairy godmother. Guess what? Because we were living in Florida at the time and she's like, there's a cancellation here and this and this. And she just went on and on. It was supposed to happen.

Will: And then it was raining, raining every day, leaning up to the day. The day was beautiful, beautiful, uh, perfect weather.

And then the very next day it snowed starting in the morning, like, like snowed us in kind of thing. So yeah, it's, it was incredible.

Sophia: okay, and so when these things happen, exactly what you're saying, then you can communicate with this divine intelligence.

You just say thank you. And I say thank you all day long and I just get more and more and more. and gratitude is the highest form

Will: Absolutely. We talk about the power of gratitude all the time on the show and how important it is.


Will: So many people walk around having coincidences and miracles happening to them, and they just let it, Oh, Oh, what a coincidence and walk away. You actually took the bull by the horns and you made something happen and made a beautiful wedding out of [00:26:00] it.

So first of all, congratulations. Second of all, when we talked offline, you mentioned about, Michio Kaku, who's a, quantum physicist, who goes on YouTube now and talks a lot about how in the future we're going to be doing time traveling and by location and all this kinds of stuff.

But you mentioned in that email that yogis are been doing it for thousands of years already. Tell us about some of those stories that you have, experience with.

Sophia: well said Michio Kaku. I mean, he just loves to tell us that very soon we're going to be able to do this stuff.

Will: Yeah, tomorrow. Tomorrow. We'll do it tomorrow.

Sophia: Well, I'll tell you, I have wanted to read autobiography of a yogi since the 70s. And

Will: you've not done it?

Sophia: I not until like eight months ago, it kind of came into my orbit. And I just dropped everything in order this book and Oh, it is just fantastic. I swear to you, I was having a personal [00:27:00] relationship with this guy. Like I would question some things and then two paragraphs down the same page, he would answer me One of the things was, I said, I thought, wait a second, he was talking about these, quantum events that he had experienced his yogi and I thought you're not supposed to be talking about these things because I had heard that, yogis don't talk about it in fear of being prideful, two paragraphs down, he said, I'm not telling you everything.

I mean, it was like this communication. So anyway, so that, is a must read if, people are interested. But then I heard that, Greek Orthodox. Monks do these kinds of things up in, Mount Athos in Greece and Russian Orthodox monks off the coast of Alaska. I read this book, I believe it's either Silence of the Mountain or The Mountain of [00:28:00] Silence. But it, talked about some of these things the monks But her story is a firsthand story of by location that it's actually on my website, which is just sophiadmas. com on my influencers page. There's eight people that I have, had personal contact with who I consider to be mentors and she is one of them. And you can go and read. The blurb because it takes your breath away.

So it's true.

Will: read it. and it's, it has to do with being trapped under tons and tons of rubble and how someone might have helped her through it. Uh, it's a, it's a remarkable story, one I would definitely recommend you could check out. It's a great story. That one, and as well as the other stories you have about, uh, your experience with Jimmy Carter. And, but Mr. Fuller and a bunch of other people that, that you will recognize the names of. you have also just recently released a brand new book that kind of piggybacks off the first one.

[00:29:00] Yeah.

Sophia: Yes. Well, you can only write one memoir. So what I did is I listed. All the coincidences that led into miracles. and it was just the most natural thing to, include those stories in my second book. the title of the book is, consciousness beyond death, true stories.

 signs, messages and timing. So seven of the 10 chapters are my experiences and three are close friends. And it's very hard to pick which one is the strangest. So I'm,

Will: So it's a collection.

Sophia: yes, I think

Will: collection of coincidences and miracles and things that will make you go, whoa.

Sophia: I just, I have to tell you, just feel it's just bigger than me because I knew that scientists were studying consciousness. I had no idea they were studying coincidence.

And so they do, they're studying coincidences and then there's this outfit in the UK. It's the Scientific and Medical [00:30:00] Network and people should look this up because it's this conglomerate of, scientists that study paranormal things. And the executive director, uh, David Lorimer, every month.

he interviews a scientist and features their book. Well, I'm the person for September, so he is interviewing me and featuring both books and 14 of these scientists and me, he invited me to plan and participate in the synchronicity summit roundtable at the end of October. So

Karen and Will: Wow!

Sophia: yes, and it's all about synchronicity

Karen and Will: Write

Will: that down. Yeah.

Sophia: and furthermore, you know, this is really interesting because I had asked, Dr.

Eben Alexander.

To endorse my book and also Bernie Beitman, who is a, uh, scientist who studies coincidences and they turned me down. uh, Eben Alexander said, Oh, there's not Um, sufficient discussion of consciousness and Bernie [00:31:00] Beitman says, I'm sorry, I can't endorse your book because it's, uh, not my field.

Well, this is code. This is code for, Oh, I can almost die, go to heaven, come back, even though I'm a neuroscientist and write about my experience, my heavenly experience. Because it's an NDE. Okay, NDE's have been, have been scientifically researched for decades. But your topic, I can't touch it with a ten foot pole.

Bernie Bidman. same thing, you know, code. It's not my field. Well, then, this David Lorimer sends me two articles he had co authored. on after death communication. And now all of a sudden we have this new field instead of just in time for my book release. And, and they have the initials and acronym ADC, just [00:32:00] like NDE, now we have ADC, and three days later, Bernie Bightman emails me and goes, since your email, I have received a flurry of after death communication information, I will endorse your book.

Will: Wow, there you go. That is incredible.

Sophia: not his field, still not his field, right?

Will: yeah. So all the The research is being done in topics that were so taboo up until just a few years ago is, is astounding. I know the university of Virginia is right now is studying children, uh, and studying the potential for memories of past lives with, within these children and things like that. So there's all kinds, there's.

convention that just happened in Washington DC for a near death experience, investigations and things like that. I mean, there's all these taboo topics are suddenly becoming mainstream and more and more scientists are getting behind some of these

Sophia: And they are all part of this outfit, the Scientific and Medical Network. And

Will: Okay. Well, we may or may not add [00:33:00] link in our show notes if it depends on how much I can find on them, but I'm going to certainly do some research because it sounds astounding. I had no idea they were doing that. I had no idea they were such a, group of people doing that. So it's great. Thank you.


Sophia: everyone, I can't tell you how many people, when they find out about this, they tell me their story. And I'm going to just tell you real quick. I told my eyes, I surgeon about the book and she goes, well, I have a story for you. I go, okay.

She said, after a really long day, I was supposed to go to this gala with my husband and I really didn't want to go. I was dead tired. But I had to drive the babysitter home. Cause my husband's rule is never be alone with the babysitter.

Which I thought was interesting. And she says, I'm driving back home. And all of a sudden I hear my grandmother's yell, wake up. And she goes, and I woke up and I was heading right into a brick wall. [00:34:00] And she was able.

Will: that brings up so many questions, but going back to the term of coincidences and miracles, you mentioned the, the intelligence, the universal intelligence, is there a possibility that we are manifesting these things ourselves and putting things in our path so that different circumstances or outcomes will come to pass?

Sophia: Well, I think that's weirder than having divine intelligence. I think it's...

Will: I've been called worse.

Sophia: No! No, what I thought was not my target audience were the evangelicals.

and the atheists. Okay. I don't know any evangelicals really, but I know a slew of atheists. So I gave 10 books to 10 atheists and then they had to do a little, a little, uh, survey. I was stunned. All 10 atheists loved the book. All 10 said that they would give it to another atheist. However, in so many words, [00:35:00] what they all said was No, this is a man manifestation of your all powerful mind.

You manifested these things and then you cleverly seized upon the opportunity and these miracles are your achievements and you have no business crediting God.

Will: All

Karen and Will: those atheists, What if it's a combination of the two, you know, say, you know, you want the perfect wedding. So you're, you're, you really want that and you're focusing on that and you're kind of manifesting that. But these miracles happen to help you get to that perfect wedding.

So it's kind of both together. So it's your mind and God working together.

Sophia: creating.

Will: And I would say, I would probably give more credence to what you're saying simply because of the research that we've done on this show, where manifestation takes a emotional connection behind something. things that happened to you, these coincidences, there was no emotional, connection to your driver's license that Lisa Marie found [00:36:00] or your ATM card at the time.

It just happened to be a coincidence. You weren't emotionally attached to the outcome. You were emotionally attached to the outcome of your wedding, but, uh, okay, now it might be taking it all back now that I'm thinking about

Karen and Will: it.

Sophia: No, no, because, but remember what I wanted. was a venue for my wedding. What I wanted were musicians, you know, not the church organist. so it was that, put it out there. Now I have a problem with manifesting desires because we don't know what's best for us. So for example, let's say that I want a red Ferrari.

Okay. I want the red Ferrari. really bad. The loan isn't going through. the money that I thought was coming from here isn't coming through. They can't find a red Ferrari, whatever, all these obstacles. divine intelligence [00:37:00] also puts obstacles in front of you to let you know that this might not be the best thing, but you know what?

I've got free. Well, so I'm going to get this. Red Ferrari come hell or high water, and I do. I get the Ferrari, I go, I'm driving it home, and I crash and die. Well, maybe I should have listened to those obstacles, and that is something I write about in my book.

Will: Well, so then what I'm hearing from you is that whether it's for the positive or the negative, whether it's opportunities or obstacles, the important piece in this is to pay attention and take action based on what the universe is giving you.

Sophia: Also, I have three stages of spiritual growth. Okay. So the first stage is from the perspective of wishful thinking. You're wishing for whatever you want. Coincidence happens. You go, Oh, wow. What a coincidence keeps on wishing another coincidence.

Oh, wow. Keep on wishing. And oh, why, why don't these things [00:38:00] happen to me? Okay. The next level is from the perspective of hope. Now you're kind of getting it, the coincidence is there. Wow, I'm going to take action and hopefully I'll get the prize, but then at the top and I get there, but then, you know, cause I'm human, I don't always stay there, but it's from the position of faith.

When you just know that when things happen and you go, thank you, thank you, thank you. And then when things. are in your path to prevent you to listen to that and pay attention to that as well. And so then you never have to worry because whatever happens, you know, it's the way it's supposed to go.

Will: Very similar to the surrender experiment that we talk about on the show all the time. The challenge is that people like me are walking around in a complete daze and don't, we're duh, [00:39:00] did that brick just fall off my head? I, you know, we don't, so that's the hard part for me specifically.

It's hard for me to pay attention enough to realize, Oh, someone's tapping me on the

Karen and Will: shoulder. And sometimes it's about control. It's hard to let go of that control and surrender. Very good point. Because when you surrender, you have no control and it's scary, you know, you could be flailing out there in the ocean hoping that you don't get eaten by a shark, you know.

Will: It's, uh. Yeah, yeah, but, but the act of hoping you're not getting eaten by a shark might manifest the shark to come and eat you, so you've got to be really careful.

Karen and Will: Or it could, like the, was it Jonah the whale? It could like take you somewhere else. Oh. It could manifest a life raft.

Will: I think, I think we probably should better off just leaving it there.

The, the lessons that Sophia you've given us are wonderful. The, the, the important thing to know is to pay attention more, make sense of all the signs that are happening around you, and that's going to take you to a better place. And I,

Karen and Will: I just love, I love using the term miracle instead of [00:40:00] coincidence. that.


Sophia: okay. So, so, but coincidences can be left alone as coincidences. The coincidences is what brought about The gift. And that's what I call a miracle.

Will: Okay. Okay. So coincidences led to the

Karen and Will: miracle. Okay. I thought they were like little mini miracles that lead you

Sophia: Well, yeah, yes. Okay. We can look at it that way. We could look at it that way.

Will: Either way, this has been a miraculous show, so thank you so much, Sophia, for sharing your story with us. This has been wonderful. I urge you to go out to our show notes and look for her book to her.

The link to her book will be there as well as a link to her website. the first book, the divine language of coincidence, how miracles transformed my life after I began paying attention and Sophia is going to tell us the name of the second book.

Sophia: consciousness beyond death. True stories of signs, messages and time.

Will: Fantastic. I love those titles. So thank you so much for coming on the show.

Sophia: Thank you. Thank you.

Will: And a huge thank you to you. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. [00:41:00] We'd love for you to contribute by sending us a voicemail or an email from our website

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Karen and I love hearing from those that are moved to message us. It truly does fuel our passion. You are the reason we do this show and knowing what you like and don't like, help us craft the very best show we can so that we can help raise the vibration of the planet together. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

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Sophia Demas


A brief bio is included in the one-page PR sheet I sent you as an attachment. Additional info on my website....