ET Communication and the CE5 Movement
ET Communication and the CE5 Movement
Ready for a cosmic journey? 🌌 Join us as we dive into extraterrestrial mysteries with Rosemary Kimble on The Skeptic Metaphysicians! From U…
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ET Communication and the CE5 Movement

ET Communication and the CE5 Movement

Ready for a cosmic journey? 🌌 Join us as we dive into extraterrestrial mysteries with Rosemary Kimble on The Skeptic Metaphysicians! From UFOs to CE5 events, you won't want to miss this one.

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In this episode, Rosemary shares her lifelong experiences with UFO sightings, shape-shifting beings, and glowing orbs, affirming her belief that aliens are among us and generally benevolent. The discussion also covers the CE5 movement, a method of conscious contact with extraterrestrials, as initiated by Dr. Stephen Greer. Rosemary details her experiences at CE5 events, the supposed government cover-ups of alien visitations, and her views on how fear is used to control public perception. The conversation meanders through related topics, including interdimensional beings like Sasquatch and the possible ancestral connections between humans and extraterrestrials.

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Karen & Will: [00:00:00] Karen.

Karen: What?

Karen & Will: In your thoughts, in your estimations, are we alone in the universe?

Karen: No.

Karen & Will: You are not alone in the universe. We are not alone.

Karen: Do

Karen & Will: you feel that, uh, then you believe that aliens are out there?

Karen: Yes.

Karen & Will: And you believe that they've been visiting us?

Karen: Most likely, yes.

Karen & Will: Mm hmm. Okay. Well, then do you feel that they're here to hurt us or help us?

Karen: I think they're here to help us.

Karen & Will: Okay. Well, why do you think that these disclosure events haven't yet wielded any concrete evidence that we might indeed be experiencing visitations from beings not of this earth?

Karen: Wow. That was a really complicated way to ask the question.

Karen & Will: Do you not know me at all? I find the, the most difficult way to ask a question.

That's me.

Karen: I think, um, people would freak out.

Karen & Will: You think they'd freak out? I think

Karen: they would freak out. They, you know, all the movies. the quiet place, like all those things, people would lose their mind. All

Karen & Will: right. Any thoughts that maybe this is, uh, by design the fear?

Karen: Very possibly. Okay.

Karen & Will: [00:01:00] Well, what if I told you that there was a movement today that aims to consciously call out and contact extraterrestrials sometimes with great success.

Karen: I think that's cool yet scary.

Karen & Will: Well, our guest today believes that we are definitely not alone and that we are indeed the ancestors of these intelligent beings. She's also here to tell us that contact is actually already being withheld by those in power trying to keep us in fear. If you are at all curious about the CE5 movement, disclosure, or whether these beings are here to harm us or help us, then this is the show for you. [00:02:00]

Hey there, I'm Will. And I'm Karen. And today we're going on a cosmic ride to find the truth. Our guest today believes the U. S. government has known about ET visitations for decades. decades and that they even have bodies, DNA samples and crafts from them locked away somewhere. Now, she feels that our government has hidden this until a time when they could share the information as a means to create fear about these visitors.

When, in essence, most who have been contacted believe these beings to be friendly and that they're actually here to help us. And she even feels that they've already stopped. Cataclysmic disasters occurring here on earth. Wow. I am so excited to talk to her. Welcome Rosemary Kimball to the show. Thanks for being on.

Rosemary: Thank you. Thanks for having me.

Karen & Will: This is an exciting topic [00:03:00] for me. I've been a, uh, a UFO and ET fan since my dad Tune me into him when I was like six years old, I was going to say, I wish your dad was here. I know he would love this conversation, we've covered the topic of CE fives before, but you know, a long time ago.

And I'm really curious to update the information. not even sure where you want to start. So let's, let's just start with the that you feel that for sure. We're not alone.

Rosemary: True. And I believe this because I have seen all kinds of things in my lifetime.

Karen & Will: Well, I've got a press. Now, what kind of things?

Rosemary: I have seen UFOs. I have seen someone shape shift who I believe was an ET. I have seen glowing, a glowing orb next to my bed. That was definitely a being from not here. So yeah, I have a lot [00:04:00] of experience to look to that makes me believe and that I'm sure they are here. They visit.

Karen: The next to the bed thing is scary. It was just like nighttime. If it was daytime, you're just taking a nice little daytime nap. Maybe not so scary. It was just an orb though, so if you just see an orb next to your bed. They're creeping up

Rosemary: Well, no, it was more like a big, glowing green orb. It wasn't just an orb. It was like a, it was probably the size of me.

Karen & Will: Okay. I'm out. We read that book, communion. Yes, I did. And that was, it kept me up at night for weeks. My college roommate to this day will not speak to me because I would not let him turn off the lights. My mom took the book away from me. I was in high school and she came in and realized I was sleeping every night with the light on and she took the book away from me.

I don't blame her. I wish I hadn't read the book actually. I think it's probably ruined me the ETs, but that's a perfect jump off point. Rosemary, you think that that's on purpose.

Rosemary: Oh yeah. I am definitely sure that that being was trying to communicate with me, [00:05:00] but because I didn't know what it was I felt something next to me and I woke up from a dead sleep to see this and I just said you have to leave I don't know who you are and I'm sorry but you can't be here and then it was gone like that.

Karen & Will: And so I listened to you.

Rosemary: Yeah. So,

Karen: bad. Well, obedient

Rosemary: was benevolent.

Karen & Will: I

Karen: don't know. Did, did it make any sound or was it just, you just felt this presence and woke up? Like when, when when our daughter was little, she would sometimes come into our room and I'd wake up and she'd be standing there staring at the bed, which is creepy, but like you feel that presence.

Is that what it was like?

Rosemary: was just like that.

Karen: Okay. Yeah. That no, I know that's why I say all the time, I'm ready to see a UFO. I really, I'm looking like I want to go one of these CE5 events because I really want to see a UFO. I am not. Yet ready to see an alien standing next to my bed. I would be, that would be the last thing I would see, honestly, quite honestly.

Karen & Will: How

Karen: about in the kitchen?

Karen & Will: I still know I'm not in. Make it a

Karen: PB& J. I mean, that would not be [00:06:00] scary. Well, you know.

Karen & Will: but then again, I've watched Resident Alien. I know how these types of aliens are making PB& J actually mean for the humanity. That's a bad thing.

Karen: So why, why do you think we are led Into the fear with all of these scary movies.

What is the purpose of that?

Rosemary: I think the purpose is to keep us separated from them to start to believe that they are harmful and they're here to harm us so that our own governments still have some what control over us, because if they knew that we were communicating with beings that are actually friendly and care for us, it would.

Take away from their control of us. We might use them or have them help us more to be more independent and to create like partnerships where we're not allowing the government to control in so many ways.

Karen & Will: It's ironic [00:07:00] because I don't know if, if, if it'll make the, the final recording that we put out there, but you're talking about governmental control and ETS and things while you have these beautiful little birds, Twittering in the background, it just kinda, it just seems off. Kilter somehow. your backdrop is beautiful.

I mean, it's a, it's a gorgeous area. When you are in an environment like that, where you've got birds twittering, you have beautiful trees behind you, beautiful day, it looks like out there, you don't think about the fact that there's other things that are possibly watching you right now. And that there's governments out there trying to prevent you from knowing that there are people or things watching you right now.

So. When you say that you have seen UFOs, did you see like a saucer or did you see lights?

Rosemary: I saw lights. I haven't seen them up close, but I've seen lights and I've seen them doing very bizarre things [00:08:00] that. I've watched enough to know what a satellite looks like and know what a shooting star looks like and to know the difference. And I've seen them so many times now. That I can tell what's what.

Karen & Will: Okay. So then why, why do these lights, these UFOs appear to certain people more than they appear to others. Like those of us who really want to see them.

Rosemary: I think it doesn't have so much to do with how badly you want to see them, but how clear your channel is to be open to that. It's like someone saying they want to get well, and they want to be healed, but they never

not always ready for that. Does that

So if they want to get well and get healed, they really they don't always really want that or they could be well immediately. It's like they have to have the channel and be ready and be fully open to it. The same with ETS and psychic work.

Karen: So like you will, I mean, you say you [00:09:00] want to see these UFOs, but you're really afraid of seeing an alien in your room. So there's a disconnect. I'm being very, I'm being very specific. Well, yeah, but I think it's all or nothing, maybe. Well, that's not fair. I want Why not? I mean, that's, that's, that's the only time I got.

Karen & Will: I mean, you can say it, but it's probably not going to happen. Well, that brings us to the CE5 events. We've had someone talk about CE5 events where you go out in the middle of the field and you meditate and you bring, you call them to you and you said that you have had great success with that kind of thing.

First of all, where are you located?

Rosemary: So I'm located in Decatur, Georgia. It's a suburb of Atlanta.

Karen & Will: Okay. And is this where you do the, your CE5 events?

Rosemary: Yes. There's behind us a beautiful farm that we have. I live in a small community that. Feels like you're not in the city.

Karen: So walk me through the process of one of these events. Is, is it a big group and you sit and meditate? How does that work? I'm so curious.

Rosemary: So it's a small group because it's such an obscure thing. I don't broadcast it to my whole network [00:10:00] or put it on social media. We have between four and eight people show up and basically we will sit in the field usually. And we'll do a meditation one of the protocols taught by Stephen Greer who started the CE5 movement.

And you just imagine yourself in outer space looking down at the earth, what the earth looks like, and then you visualize yourself getting closer to the earth. Getting closer to your country, to your state, your city, the yard you're in. So you're giving them a visual representation of exactly where to find you.

But I always start out with sending a lot of love, just a whole lot of unconditional love to them and inviting only benevolent.

Karen & Will: Right. So you son of a guns, you stay away. We just want the good guys. All right. So, so it's interesting. You actually are, are connecting psychically with these. beings and telling them exactly where you are. Any fear? [00:11:00] You mentioned starting with love and all that kind of stuff, but sometimes, right, that love is full, but then that little speaking a little weird sneaks in.

And also not one with a one asshole TT comes in, right? Any fear that would happen?

Rosemary: No, because if you think about it, it's the same with life. Am I afraid that if I walk outside and cross the street, I'm going to hit Get hit by a car. That's a possibility.

Karen & Will: Yes, I am

Rosemary: I'm not.

Karen & Will: of that. Right. Right. So I guess that's right. But gosh, being all back to the very beginning of the conversation, all the programming that we've had, all the movies and TV shows and books and everything that talked to us about the ETs are here to harm us and to take over the world in order to eliminate us altogether. It took a lot of guts for you to say the first time, yeah, come, come get me. I'm here. What made you decide to do that?

Rosemary: Because of the experiences I've had, I've only felt [00:12:00] love from them. And I believe that they are here to help and that they've been here for thousands of years. I believe we're, they're our ancestors. That we are some sort of um, you know, breed of them somehow.

Karen: So do you think it could be possible when you're doing your meditation, you're going like out into space and you're looking down on the earth, you're actually connecting with your higher self in the ancestral alien form.

Rosemary: I think that's entirely possible. Yeah, that's entirely possible. And it probably is what's happening. Yes.

Karen & Will: And so, see, then the jerk's not going to

have you, did you meet me three years ago?

Well, then you open up a whole other can of worms. Some people believe that these folks, these folks, these, these beings are actually from outer space. They're in from different planets, things like that. Other people believe that they're multi dimensional beings that come from other dimensions. Some people believe that they live under. the ground here on the planet. Other people [00:13:00] believe that it's just other governments testing a new fangled aircraft out there. And in the disclosure events that they had in Congress here in the U S a little while ago, that the, what they said was, yeah, this stuff out there, we don't understand what they are.

We don't know what they are, but there is stuff out there, but there's possibility that it could be a foreign entity. Doing some test runs, right?

Rosemary: Well, I think it's all of those things. I think it's all of the above.

Karen & Will: Oh,

Rosemary: Imagine how many universes and how many planets there are in the world. We're so ignorant to think that there aren't any or that there is only just one. What if there's dozens? What if they're doing all kinds of things and they come in a lot of different forms?

Karen & Will: And they're all benign? Like, all of them?

Rosemary: I don't think they all are.

Karen & Will: Okay, now again. How

Rosemary: I don't I don't focus on negative or scary things. I never watched [00:14:00] the news. I know enough about the news to know there's terrible things happening in the world. I don't need to know more. I know there's bad people and bad entities. So I just really focus on bringing in positive and loving beings into my world.

Karen: did you first communicate with them?

Rosemary: Dude, I, how did I,

Karen: an understanding.

Rosemary: they just started communicating with me.

Karen: Did you, did you like hear something or was it inside your head or a feeling?

Rosemary: well, it gets a little confusing because I'm also a psychic medium. And so I'm connecting with different kinds of entities. So when I first started connecting with them, it was really seeing the lights in the sky one light and then two come up behind it, creating a triangle that just sat in the sky above a mountain, low in the sky, and then just shot across the sky in a triangle all together.

Recently I had an experience where I was on a [00:15:00] vision quest. There were no hallucinogenics or anything involved. Just me in the middle of the wilderness alone.

Karen & Will: You've, you've heard our show before because then you knew that was going to be my next question.

Rosemary: No. So what happened was I, part of my intention for that particular vision quest was I wanted to connect more with the ETs because I do believe there are ancestors and they have a lot to teach us. And so I'm laying there, I saw several, but at one point I'm laying there and I'm looking at the sky. And I see this shooting star.

It goes in one spot. And then I see another one that comes in the exact same spot. And there's 27 that do that in less than a minute in one exact spot in the sky.

Karen: Wow. Hmm.

Rosemary: And I just knew, that's them. And they're here.

Karen & Will: See, I want that. I want to see that. I want it. I want that. I'm going to Decatur. I be freaked out. No, not. You would sleep with [00:16:00] one eye open. No, not if I saw those lights. I could be like that. That's that I'm good with. I'm good with that. I just don't want them to follow me home. You would.

Oh, damn it. I hadn't thought of it. Now you've ruined it all for me. That's how I roll, baby. Oh, man. All right.

Karen: So you've, you've never had any fear in these, these contexts or these communications. You've always just felt this love. I've.

Rosemary: Well, the first time I had contact, it scared me in a way, but also it really frightened me. And when I say contact, I mean, like, I interacted with a being other than the one beside my bed. So I was, I was, On a mountain in Arizona with the other group of people and we met this amazing person who now I believe was probably an ET himself just this really magical light being and we he was the first one to start talking to me about aliens and the snake race and all this and at one point says well I'm going to go up on top of this mountain and and wait for the the mothership tonight if [00:17:00] you all want to go with me.

Karen & Will: God. And, and, to serve man didn't immediately jump to mind.

Rosemary: Well, it just sounded like, okay, well, this guy is already so amazing. Of course, I want to spend more time with them, even if there's no mothership and he doesn't know what he's talking about. So,

Karen & Will: He's, he might be crazy, but he's cute, so I'm gonna hang out.

Rosemary: so we all went up there and we're sitting up there and it's the middle of the night and Again, no hallucinogens, nobody's high or drinking or anything. And all of a sudden I'm sitting next to this girl, my best friend's sitting on the other side of her. And this girl goes, you guys, I don't know what's going on to me with this thing keeps happening to me lately that I don't understand that she's acting really afraid.

And she's like, my ear is, my ear is turning into, it's like turning into a point. And so I reach over to see what she's talking about. I feel her ear and it is shape shifting into this long [00:18:00] pointed ear, like a elf ear. Like I can feel it in my hand changing and shape shifting

Karen & Will: No, no drugs, no nothing. No, you were completely sober straight. And it was shape shifting at your fingertips.

Rosemary: Yes.

Karen: So did the rest of her shape shift or did,

Rosemary: No, just that one part. And my best friend was there and she checked too. Everyone else in the circle was stunned and they all just sat there looking at us. It was a little unnerving, but also incredibly fascinating, and like I didn't really know how to respond. I just,

Karen & Will: I feel, I feel your pain. Yeah, I don't know what I would say.

Rosemary: you don't know if you should be afraid or I mean nothing felt like bad or malevolent.

Karen & Will: I think if it was my ear, I'd be a little freaked out. Like I don't know if I could have just sat there and said guys, you

Rosemary: Well, since then, I think she, I [00:19:00] think she was an ET and she was, That was happening to her because she couldn't maybe help it or she was trying to show us this is possible but do it in a way so we wouldn't be afraid like not just say, Oh, I'm an alien. Look at me shapeshifting.

Karen & Will: Do you think, do you think that she knew for sure that she was an E. T. and she just was, cause I mean, it would have been, I don't know. Right. Right.

Rosemary: I think at this point now, I think so. Yes, back then.

Karen & Will: I don't even know what to say to that. That's, that's the wildest thing I've ever heard. That's incredible.

Karen: So

Rosemary: Well, I tell you what, it will change your life forever when something like that happens.

Karen: yeah. Well, absolutely. Yeah. So good question, Karen. Did the mothership actually come?

Rosemary: No, and the mothership never came.

Karen & Will: So he was crazy. Oh, Oh, Oh,

Rosemary: He was, he was really amazing. I think he was an ET. I really do. But we all suddenly got really, really sleepy, which is one of the things that happens when they're around. It's you're [00:20:00] going into this dream state and we all got so sleepy.

We just fell asleep right there on the ground and woke up the next morning and we were still there.

Karen & Will: Wow. That may explain the last three weeks for me. I'm always so tired.

Karen: Was it, did everyone fall asleep at the same time? Like y'all just passed out or was it just like, Oh, you were here. May as well just

Rosemary: can't remember. I don't. I don't think there was any more conversation. I think we were all stunned

Karen & Will: Okay.

Rosemary: sat there thinking and fell asleep.

Karen & Will: Did you check for like tracking devices and things that, you know, you hear all these things about when you, when, when everybody passes out at the same time, it's because they want to bring them into the ship to like, not do tests on them, but, you Do tests on them, right? And then install the tracker onion and follow you around.

Rosemary: This was like 25 years ago before I had any idea about any of this. And we were just so stunned. We didn't even know what to do.

Karen & Will: Wow. All right.

we are talking to Rosemary and she is, [00:21:00] she's gonna make me not fall, not be able to sleep tonight. . Basically we're talking about ETS and UFOs and disclosure. I'm be checking your ears. Yeah. and pointy ears. People turning into Vulcans, right? There's all kinds of stuff that's going on.

Now. One thing that you mentioned in the conversation that we didn't, I didn't call out, but I really wanted to, so I wanna take a minute to do that. The dude that you said that, Was taking you to go see the mother sheep. Mentioned something about the snake people, the snake tribe, snake, something.

right. Then I think it would have been enough for me to run the other direction. Did you not think about that?

Rosemary: Well, no, because I, I've always been interested in the paranormal and anything different. So it made me want to stay and hear more actually, because I'd never heard of this before. That what there's ETs living among us. Really?

Karen & Will: Yeah. But specifically snake ETs, that's what like, ew, uh. like

Rosemary: Well, I'm not afraid of snakes. I love all animals. So snakes don't bother me.

Karen & Will: oh, that's gotten stomach, throat problem, [00:22:00] right? Yeah. I have no issues with snakes either. Well ma. Venemon things, I'm getting

the only thing that was scary. More than that, than a snake would be a big fat spider. So the one

Karen: like one of the attic,

Karen & Will: anyway,

Rosemary: don't scare me either.

Karen & Will: you are very brave woman, but maybe it's because you actually are an animal communicator too.

That might make sense because we're actually talking to you, saying to you. No, everything's cool. I'm not gonna bite you. Right. Oh, can you come and talk to the spider and tell him to go away?

Karen: Can you make the can you communicate with insects too? Can you,

Rosemary: Yes.

Karen: my gosh.

Karen & Will: Okay. We, we need to talk to you after this.

Cause we got the big spider up here that we need, we need him to go somewhere else. Cause

Rosemary: Okay,

Karen: in there. It's right there. Yeah. And I'm afraid he's going to jump on you. So, all right. So then Karen, right before the break, you had a question. I cut you off.

I did. So, Rosemary was telling us how this situation with people falling asleep and everything happened about 25 years ago.

And I'm wondering how has your view or your thoughts on ETs changed [00:23:00] from then to now?

Karen & Will: Great question.

Rosemary: don't think it's changed much. I think it's about the same that they are here and There may be some malevolent ones, but they I think they're mostly good. I mean if you think about Who they are and what they are they have to be more advanced than us Because they've created crafts to travel the universe in and I don't think you can be more advanced without being more aware or more enlightened or I don't know the right word, but of a higher vibration than humans are.

Karen & Will: So then what about, what about like Sasquatch and things like that? Are they ETs or is it something else completely?

Rosemary: No, those are interdimensional beings. You know, I don't know anymore. They could be, how do we, I mean, we're trying to define all these things. It's all like a part of the great mystery. Why are we trying so hard to define it?

Karen & Will: Because, because you're on [00:24:00] the skeptic metaphysician, that's why, we need to know, we need to know. The skeptic wants to know. I mean, you, you hear all kinds of reports about whenever someone sees a Sasquatch, a lot of times it's connected to a lot of UFO sightings in the area. So could it have been like an escaped

Rosemary: Well, what if they're an ancestor? Like, We're an ancestor. We aren't traveling in ships yet. Maybe some of us are. But just because I'm an ancestor doesn't mean I know how to do all that.

Karen: Oh, that's true. Okay, that's a fair point. There's some smart people here and some not so smart people. They can all have kids. You're not talking about in this room, right?

Rosemary: Exactly.

Karen & Will: Because I don't want to know which one I am. Well then you talked about the fact that you, not only do you believe that ETs have been here for a long time. You also believe that there are cover ups. We've heard that before, that a lot of people are talking cover ups. But then you also believe that these [00:25:00] ETs might have already actually averted certain cataclysms on the planet. What makes you think that? First of all,

Rosemary: Just the research I've done. The stories I've heard, I guess it's maybe easier for me to believe things because I've had these experiences, but from what I understand, there are times when they'll come into an army base and maybe there's a nuclear reactor that's starting to go a little haywire and they're able to just shut it off.

And then when the backup systems come on that is supposed to keep it running, those get shut off and they'll see the craft there and know that something is changing,

Karen & Will: and that's what makes the government so afraid that they can't control something that can turn off their nuclear weapons. And that's why they're having such a hard time with it. I did, I did hear in one of those congressional hearings, the expert finally said that there was [00:26:00] the one thing that said, aha, they finally said We don't know what it is, but we do feel these craft are not from this world.

Rosemary: Okay, but what they're leaving out and makes us so afraid is, why don't you just say they're actually friendly? They haven't done anything to harm us.

Karen & Will: Yeah. Well, you know, I've, I've heard about the what is that project? I forgot what it's called where they're going to be staging a fake alien invasion to get us back under control or get us prepared or something along those lines. I forgot what it's called. There's a, there's an actual name for it at that they have this project ready to go.

Yeah. They're going to be using like high technology holograms to make it look like they're actually invading or something like that, and they'll beat them back and they'll all look at

Karen: you. There would just be such crazy chaos. It would make things even worse.

Karen & Will: Have you seen the world lately?

Rosemary: part of what this movement about is about the CE5 is to invite people to see that we [00:27:00] don't have to believe all these movies and these things that are just showing them as angry, mean beings that we actually can communicate and they send a lot of love back. So the idea is to learn and to teach people that these are actually friendly. The majority of them.

Karen: you remember that movie with Jodie Foster, Contact? I do. I don't think they were, they weren't bad. I saw it so long ago, but they weren't bad in that one, right? No, and in fact also was it The Arrival? They were actually helping as well,


Karen & Will: Yeah, there's, there have been.

To, to be fair, there have been several films that have been on the opposite spectrum, which I applaud. But when you look in history, it's mostly been fear and People are

Karen: drawn to that drama and terror.

Karen & Will: Yeah.

Rosemary: is mostly about that. I mean, when do you see good news?

Karen & Will: Ah. Yeah. That's a good point. Yeah. It doesn't, doesn't get ratings, right? Well, yeah. There was, they did a show, The Good News, and it didn't, it didn't [00:28:00] last long at all. Right. Right. Well, that was so, I liked it. It was a, I liked it too. Okay. So let's talk about the CE5 movement because it sounds fascinating.

Could just anybody do this or are there specific places that you need to go to do this? I know Dr. Greer started it, but how do I experience it in the downtown Norfolk, Virginia.

Rosemary: So I would suggest you go to this website called ET Let's Talk.

Karen & Will: What? There's a website called ET Let's Talk. Is there an ET phone home too?

Rosemary: Well, it's like that.

Karen: There's a record player. Cool. So, okay. So, so ET Let's Talk and then.

Rosemary: And then you can look at the map because every month they do a global communication and global, global CE5. And if your group happens to be doing it on that same day, then you get, you put yourself on a map so you can look at the map and see what groups are nearby [00:29:00] you and then reach out to them to ask if you can join.

Karen & Will: I am doing that tonight. I'm looking on that site tonight. That's going to be, oh, I'm so excited. That sounds so cool. Remember they can follow you home. No, stop, stop. Why do you do that? I was finally forgetting that point.

Rosemary: But it'll be the good ones that follow you home, but you're only putting out the loving vibration.

Karen: the spiders and make them die. So is it, is it in only in like deserted areas? Wooded big fields? Or can it be right in the middle of a city?

Rosemary: It can be anywhere. It can be in a house. I mean, sometimes we, it's raining and we just get together anyway, cause we can speak telepathically with them. So you don't have to see lights. It can be done anywhere.

Karen & Will: So can you make a, can you make a request like E. T. let's talk, but not in person? Send me a letter too.

Rosemary: Well, they'll, they'll decide how they want to, they'll [00:30:00] decide what is appropriate for you. What you can

Karen & Will: there's a rub. Try to open that door. Well, what I can handle. They'll know what I can handle. They know that I can't handle them showing up at my doorstep. Not my doorstep, but my, by the side of my bed. That would be, that would be bad. Yes, that would be bad. But I would, I really, I've, I've, and there have been times I'm, I'm outside, I'm looking up and I'm like, like making it happen.

I'm here. I'm going to see, I'm going to see, I'm going to see. And then nothing. Nothing. So, I'm going to try this website, see if that helps. And the, the view, the meditation where you're coming from. I didn't do that. I didn't do that.

Rosemary: and a lot of love. You got to send a lot of love.

Karen & Will: Right.

Rosemary: Because they're attracted to that vibration.

Karen & Will: Okay. That's very cool. I may not be ready for this.

I like that. See? These conversations make me feel so much better about that. Right. That's good. Yeah. That's why I have them. That's good. That's why I bring them on board. Yeah. But okay. So, interesting question, I think, anyway. You are an animal communicator. You're also a death doula for both. Animals and humans, [00:31:00] any thoughts that maybe you can connect so easily because you can communicate with animals and maybe ETs could have some sort of connection like that with you?

Rosemary: I think so. I think that helps. I think they sometimes come in a form that looks like an animal so that we are more open to relating to them.

Karen & Will: Oh.

Rosemary: We had a CE 5 here once where owls came and surrounded us in the trees. There were at least three owls in the trees and owls are a form they often come in.

Karen: Wow. So. That would be cool. I would totally be on board for that. Okay. But hang on a second because I have, like mentioned earlier, I was big time into UFOs. My dad got me into it when I was very young, so I read a lot of stuff and I, I did the whole project blue book thing and there is. A lot of people, there's a lot of writings that talk about when you see a white owl, especially a lot of times it is an implanted memory that is there in place of what [00:32:00] actually happened, which is when they took you to their ship to do stuff. Have you thought, have you heard about that?

Rosemary: I have heard about that. Yes.

Karen & Will: And you think it's total crap.

Rosemary: No, I don't at all.

Karen: Maybe they're not taking you to the ship, but maybe they just want you to freak out when you remember, and an owl is just cool and wise. But then they've done a regression hypnosis, hypnotic regressions, and they actually got to the actual memories and it was a little scary. Oh,

Rosemary: And I don't think they're taking people to ships so much anymore, because that frightened people so badly.

Karen & Will: Hmm. Okay.

Rosemary: think maybe they are here and there, but I think there was like a period when they were just trying to learn a lot and they figured out that it scared us, and they don't want to do that.

Karen & Will: Well, you put something weird in me I wake up and you've got these, all these things that have, strange things around me with, and not understanding I can't move and I can't talk. I can't, it would scare anybody. It would scare them, right? You don't think it will scare them? [00:33:00] Why would they do it in the first place?

Rosemary: Yeah.

Karen: Well, we do it to animals all the time. Well, that's maybe they thought they were, maybe that's what they thought. Yeah, maybe it's the equivalent. Did they, could they have, well, no, because if we were their ancestors, they should know that we're their ancestors. Right. Not animals.

Rosemary: But maybe they don't react the same as us to things, and they wouldn't expect it. Maybe they thought we weren't going to react the way we did because they don't react that way.

Karen & Will: That's a fair point too. Damn it. They gave us a lot of credit.

Rosemary: Yeah,

Karen & Will: All right. So

Rosemary: think they learned.

Karen & Will: So I, one thing is for sure, there are a lot of questions that are not going to be answered just by us having a conversation, but it's really fun to talk about. So thank you so much for

Rosemary: It is. Thanks for having me.

Karen & Will: If somebody, so we already know about etletstalk. com, If somebody was interested in joining your group indicator, are you open to that? Or you're like, nope.

Rosemary: I am. No, I'm open to it. Just find me. My website is visionsandreflections. [00:34:00] com. I don't mention any of that on there. So just send me a message and I'll be in touch.

Karen & Will: Just tell him you saw her on the Skeptic Menopositions and she'll know what that means. Okay. We're going alien hunting. Uh. Not

Karen: hunting.

Karen & Will: That sounds bad. No, but like in a good night. In a good way.

Karen: Seeking. Seeking. Much better. We're

Karen & Will: going alien seeking. Okay. So, and that's also the same place people can go if they want to talk to you about animal communication.


Rosemary: Correct. Yes.

Karen & Will: Okay. Awesome. Well, Rosemary, thank you so much for coming on and talking with us. The time has flown by. I could have talked to you for another five days easily.

Rosemary: You so much.

Karen: to live with him. I'm just putting that out there.


Rosemary: He'll keep you thinking.

Karen & Will: Yeah. We didn't, we didn't even talk about Skinwalker Ranch, which is where people I think is actually follow you from there. But that's another story for another topic for another story. Some other time. so much for coming on the show. It's been a pleasure. Take

Rosemary: And thank you so much as well.

Will: And a huge thank you to you. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. If you [00:35:00] did and you feel called to give back, we invite you to visit our website at SkepticMetaphysician.

com where you can donate to the show or subscribe as a member through our Buy Me a Coffee campaign. Your support will go a long way towards allowing Karen and I to bring you these wonderful conversations and teachings in more and more robust ways. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Rosemary Kimble Profile Photo

Rosemary Kimble

Rosemary Kimble aka Bird Woman was born an artist with a penchant for the metaphysical and healing arts. She is a Death Doula, Animal Communicator, Medium, Intuitive Healer, and Ceremonial Leader.
Rosemary has an insatiable interest in wildlife and indigenous culture, focusing many of her travels on activities that include exploring these aspects.
Bird Woman has followed a spiritual path since she was young, using her intuition to guide her. As a Ceremonial Leader, she brings teachings from multiple cultures to help tune into spirit energy in private sessions, ceremonies and workshops.