How To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

How To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

Welcome back to another mind-bending episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians, the podcast where we don't just think outside the box—we quantum leap out of it! In today's episode, we dive into the fascinating realm of quantum biology with none other than the extraordinary Jewels Arnes. Raise your vibrational frequency, decode the messages of your DNA, and explore ancient practices that promise to elevate our states of consciousness, all on this episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians!

Check out the special deal Jewels is sharing with the Skeptic Metaphysicians audience by joining our Inner Circle! Her 30 day Manifesting through the Evolution Technology class (usually $97) for FREE!

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Meet Jewels Arnes

Jewels Arnes joins us to unravel the mysteries of quantum biology. Trust us, this is way more exciting than anything you could possibly imagine. We'll be uncovering the secrets of scalar technology, decoding the messages of our DNA, and exploring ancient practices that promise to elevate our states of consciousness. Even better, Jewels is going to share some practical exercises for activating our own quantum body from the comfort of our home. So, get ready to stretch your mind and your understanding of the universe.

Understanding BioQuantum

To make sure everyone is on the same page, host Will begins with the basics. Jewels explains that BioQuantum is essentially quantum biology. They’ve branded it in a way that not only draws attention but also reflects their unique approach to working on a quantum level through biology. Jewels is passionate about holding consciousness at a higher quantum level of our bodies, allowing us to activate higher frequencies and connect our consciousness to it for a more multi-dimensional experience.

Will sums it up: “So BioQuantum is using quantum biology to become more in tune with your consciousness and to elevate your consciousness. Is that right?”

Jewels confirms, elaborating on how raising the frequency of our physical bodies can lead to a new experience of existence. Most people's bodies resonate at around 7.8 Hertz, but by raising this frequency, we can break out of the "distorted operating system" we're currently in and experience our multi-dimensional selves more fully.

Beyond Auras and Energy Fields

Will probes further: “So does this relate to things like auras and energy fields?”

Jewels explains that while these are aspects of our being, her focus is on the DNA. Modern science primarily studies two strands of DNA, but there are ten more strands that are often dismissed as "junk DNA." Jewels believes these additional strands hold the key to unlocking our multi-dimensional experiences. When we focus our consciousness on these strands, who knows what new capacities we might unlock?

Will expresses curiosity: “Why don’t scientists study these other strands of DNA?”

According to Jewels, it’s harder to measure, and many scientists focus only on what's observable and measurable. However, she emphasizes that the human body is far from "junk" and believes that as science progresses, these overlooked DNA strands will eventually receive the attention they deserve.

Practical Applications of BioQuantum

With the basic understanding in place, the conversation turns practical. How can someone tap into their BioQuantum energy to raise their consciousness?

Jewels enthusiastically tackles this, referencing Bruce Lipton’s work, which shows how cells respond to their environment and how our thoughts can change how we function on a cellular level. She emphasizes that raising the frequency of our cells and expressing this new frequency is key.

Will asks: “Is it possible to go back and forth between intelligence and consciousness, or once we attune, that’s it?”

Jewels admits that it’s a practice, noting that it’s like learning to tune a piano. You can't just hit the right note every time without practice. Eventually, the gap between observation and experience minimizes, making it easier to stay attuned.

Exercises to Activate Your Quantum Body

Jewels guides Will through a simple yet profound exercise to demonstrate the difference between imagining and allowing. She emphasizes that learning through experience is crucial for truly activating the quantum body. They go through a visualization exercise, allowing the divine intelligence to show them a sunflower, contrasting it with an imagination exercise.

For those interested in experiencing this themselves, Jewels suggests a simple activation exercise to raise one's vibrational frequency. She combines breathing techniques with visualizations of light entering the body, allowing the divine operating system within our DNA to activate higher frequency states.

The Role of Scalar Waves

Inserting a practical twist, Jewels explains the role of scalar waves in this process. Unlike Hertz waves, which diminish over time and space, scalar waves do not, making them perfect for holding and transferring energy. Jewels uses quantum technology and scalar waves in her products to support raising vibrational frequencies.

Exploring Sacred Geometry and Products

Jewels also introduces their line of products infused with scalar energy, designed to elevate one's frequency through various means, including skincare. By using these products, one can enjoy the dual benefits of enhanced physical appearance and elevated consciousness.

Will wraps up the conversation, clearly moved and excited by the possibilities presented. He advises listeners interested in diving deeper to visit for more information and resources that Jewels has to offer.

For anyone wanting to take this journey further, we invite you to dive into the world of BioQuantum and see how it might transform your life. Whether through exercises, products, or deeper learning, there are endless possibilities to explore.


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