Exploring the Infinite with Gary Temple Bodley: Part 2 - Joshua Speaks

Exploring the Infinite with Gary Temple Bodley: Part 2 - Joshua Speaks


Hey everyone, welcome back! It's Will here, and today I am thrilled to share with you the second part of our mind-expanding conversation with Gary Temple Bodley. In our previous episode, we delved deep into topics like aligning life with the universe's forces, manifesting abundance, health, and discovering our soul's purpose. Gary walked us through how shifting perspectives, managing limiting beliefs, and embracing our role as creators can transform lives.

Our plan during the interview was to bring in Joshua, the group of non-physical teachers that Gary channels, but the episode ran long. Hence, in this episode, we finally get to experience Joshua firsthand. And trust me, this is an interaction you don't want to miss. If you haven't listened to part one, no worries—you'll still benefit greatly from Joshua's messages in this episode. They guide us on shifting from a victim mentality to a creator mindset, deepening spiritual practices, and pushing past fears to embrace our true roles as messengers and souls on our unique paths.

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Diving Deeper with Gary Temple Bodley

Welcome back to the Skeptic Metaphysicians. We're experiencing Gary Temple Bodley, a channel who brings forth messages from Joshua. Despite Gary's wisdom and insights from channeling Joshua for over a decade, Karen was eager to ask a pressing question.

Karen: Who is Joshua?

Gary: Joshua is a group of non-physical, etheric beings interested in the evolution of human consciousness. They're cheerleaders, coaches, and teachers, guiding us from their higher perspective.

Gary shared his journey of losing everything in 2008, discovering "The Secret," and eventually connecting with Abraham Hicks. His resonance with these teachings led him to start meditating, a practice he initially resisted. During meditation, he felt a buzzing presence in his head, which later revealed itself as Joshua.

The Journey of Channeling Joshua

Gary's journey with Joshua began in 2013. He started writing non-stop and quickly completed two books, "A Perception of Reality" and "Health, Wealth, and Love," each in eight weeks. His adventure continued as he met Jules Johnson, started a podcast, and began speaking Joshua's messages directly.

Gary explained how people who took his bootcamp courses developed various spiritual abilities, including claircognizance and healing. He emphasized that everyone has empathic abilities that come into alignment as we become more spiritually aware and embrace a higher perspective of ourselves.

Connecting with Joshua

Will: Curious to see if Joshua might come out and say hello?

Gary: Oh, they're eagerly waiting to speak. I'll set my intentions and let them come through.

From Joshua:

"You might think you're skeptics, but you're at one of the highest perspectives of humans on Earth. Your role in spreading these ideas is beyond imagination. You are surrounded by infinite love, guides, and supporters, and your authentic journey is aiding the elevation of perspective for everyone around you."

Joshua emphasized the importance of pursuing joy and authenticity. They reassured us that our journey and decisions are perfect and that we can't make a mistake. Our role is to follow true inspiration and let go of any attachment to outcomes.

Tips from Joshua

Joshua provided invaluable advice for deepening spiritual practices and connecting with guides:

  1. Shift Perspective: Move from a victim mindset to a creator mindset. Outside conditions don't create feelings; it's our vibration that determines our experience.
  2. Be Authentic: Pursue joy by doing what resonates with you. Let go of ideals and allow your higher perspective to guide you.
  3. Trust the Process: As you receive inspiration and push past fear, take action and learn from experiences. This leads to more clarity and alignment.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Gary and Joshua discussed how limiting beliefs can hold us back, using the example of wanting to attend a retreat but lacking the funds. Joshua suggested shifting our mindset and pushing past fear, even considering creative solutions like a GoFundMe to connect with and involve our community.

Will: Should we create a GoFundMe to attend the retreat?

Gary/Joshua: Yes! Push past your identity and embrace the support and love from your listeners.


Wrapping up this transformative conversation, Gary encouraged us to trust our journey and embrace our roles as authentic, inspiring broadcasters. He highlighted the importance of letting go of control and allowing joy to guide us.

Will: Gary, thank you so much for this incredible experience. We'll definitely stay in touch.

To connect with Gary Temple Bodley and explore more of Joshua's teachings, start by listening to the "Joshua Live" podcast. You'll find the link in our show notes on

A Heartfelt Thank You

A huge thank you to all our listeners. Your support means the world to us. If you know someone who would benefit from hearing these messages, please share our show with them. Together, we can make a positive impact and change lives for the better.

Until next time, take care and keep exploring the infinite possibilities of your reality.

Follow The Skeptic Metaphysicians on Instagram here for more motivation and inspiration. Then tag them on Instagram with your favorite part from today's show and they will repost their fav’s every week!

Guest Info:

Follow Gary on Instagram: @joshuateachings or Facebook: @teachingsofjoshua

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