Aligning with the Universe: A Conversation with Gary Temple Bodley

Aligning with the Universe: A Conversation with Gary Temple Bodley

Shifting Perspectives: An Interview with Gary Temple Bodley


Welcome to the first part of our intriguing conversation with Gary Temple Bodley, a renowned channeler who has spent over a decade bringing forth the spiritual wisdom of Joshua. Through thousands of channeling sessions and his popular podcast, "Joshua Live and the Law of Attraction," Gary has provided profound insights into topics like free will, manifesting, shifting perspectives, physical densities, and the Law of Attraction. We're honored to explore these themes with Gary and discuss how we can transform our lives by realizing that we're truly the creators of our own destinies.

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Meet Gary Temple Bodley

Gary is a channeler renowned for bringing forth the spiritual wisdom of Joshua, a group of nonphysical teachers. The leading-edge wisdom brought forth by Joshua helps people see their own lives from a much higher perspective.  
A prominent figure in the realm of spiritual enlightenment, Gary has been channeling Joshua for 10 years and is a leading commentator on a vast scope of spiritual subjects, including Free Will, Shifting Perspective, Physical Densities, Manifesting, and the Law of Attraction. As Joshua, he has completed 1,000+ channeling sessions and globally connected with people to answer hundreds of profound questions on spirituality. 

Along with his partner and psychic Christy Levy, Gary organizes coaching programs, retreats, and courses on how best to develop a higher perspective and leverage universal forces to create a more satisfying life.   

Besides hosting the widely popular podcast Joshua Live and the Law of Attraction, Gary has authored 4 books on leveraging the power of spiritual understanding; notable titles include “A Perception of Reality” and “A Radical Change in Your Approach to Life.” His work was also the subject of a documentary titled “The Teachings of Joshua.”    

The Importance of Alignment

Karen and Will start by diving into a critical question: Do you feel your life is aligned with the forces of the universe? This leads to an engaging conversation filled with insightful observations and personal anecdotes.

Will & Karen: "Do you feel that your life is aligned with the forces of the universe?"

Karen: "I mean, all of my life? There's like some little bits that I sometimes, you know, think that might be aligned."

Gary wisely points out that aligning with the universe can bring more love, abundance, health, and a clearer sense of purpose into one's life. He elaborates on how our belief systems shape our realities and that adjusting these beliefs can significantly shift our perspectives.

Shifting Beliefs

A crucial part of the discussion focuses on how our limiting beliefs prevent us from fully realizing our potential and experiencing a limitless life:

Gary: "If you're projecting something into the future, you don't know what's going to happen... Our lives are the sum total of our beliefs."

Gary emphasizes that our limiting beliefs often evict inspiration before it even consciously reaches us. To overcome this, we need to become aware of these beliefs and actively work to prove them wrong.

The Power of Perception

Gary explains that our reality is greatly influenced by our perceptions:

Gary: "If you perceive that you're a victim, you're going to feel negative emotion. That's the simple, basic form of guidance. Your emotions are simply guidance."

This segment of the discussion underscores the importance of shifting from a victim mentality to one where we perceive ourselves as creators of our own reality. By doing so, we not only change our perspective but also raise our vibrations, attracting different, more positive realities into our lives.

Real-Life Examples

Karen bravely shares a traumatic experience from her past to highlight how shifting perspectives can alter our emotional responses to even the most harrowing events. Gary uses this as an example to elaborate:

Gary: "You can look at that event and be traumatized from it and victimized from it, or you can look at it from the higher perspective. Now we could be wrong. Maybe this was just a terrible thing that should never have happened and someone died needlessly. We don't know."

Gary consistently encourages us to choose empowering beliefs over limiting ones, using real-life examples to drive his point home.

Listener Feedback and Reflections

Towards the end of the episode, Will shares a heartfelt review from a listener named Angela Burgess, who found comfort in the show after losing her mother. This reflective moment emphasizes the impact that these conversations can have on people grappling with life's most challenging experiences.


Our discussion with Gary Temple Bodley in this first part has been enriching and thought-provoking. We explored the necessity of aligning our lives with the universe, the importance of shifting our belief systems, and how our perceptions shape our realities. Tune in next week for the continuation of this conversation, where we dive deeper into who Joshua is and may even get a chance to interact with them on the show.

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Thank you for reading, and as always, let's continue to explore the many ways to create a more aligned and abundant life.

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Follow Gary on Instagram: @joshuateachings or Facebook: @teachingsofjoshua

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