Exploring the Nine Dimensions of Consciousness

Exploring the Nine Dimensions of Consciousness

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In a world brimming with infinite possibilities, the quest for deeper spiritual understanding often leads us to explore uncharted territories of consciousness. Our recent episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians, featuring multidimensional guide and Pleiadian channel Will Caminada, is a profound dive into these realms. From discussing the nine dimensions of consciousness to breathwork and sacred geometry, we're thrilled to share the wisdom from our conversation with him.

Exploring the Nine Dimensions of Consciousness

Introduction to Will Caminada

We began our discussion with an introduction to our extraordinary guest, Will Caminada. Will is a multidimensional guide, Pleiadian channel, breathwork facilitator, meditation expert, singer-songwriter, and the author of "From Darkness to Light: A Continuous Journey Towards Your Essence." His mission is to support fellow starseeds and lightworkers during the ongoing process of ascension, collaborating with Pleiadians—star beings assisting humanity on this transformative journey.

What Are the Nine Dimensions of Consciousness?

Will explained that the nine dimensions of consciousness are not just layers or levels we ascend through but interconnected states of awareness that coexist. Our usual experience is within the 3D (physical reality), but we are also interacting with 4D (collective mind and emotions) and 5D (realm of love, unity consciousness, and oneness).

Will elucidated that higher dimensions, such as the 6D (sacred geometry and divine creativity), 7D (sound and frequency), and 8D (realm of light), may seem abstract. Still, they are integral to understanding our multidimensional nature. Each dimension offers unique attributes that contribute to our overall experience.

Connecting to Higher Dimensions

When asked about accessing higher dimensions, Will emphasized that connecting with these levels of awareness is about deepening our understanding and presence in the current moment. Practices like meditation and breathwork can help access states of altered consciousness where we might experience these higher dimensions more vividly.

The Role of Breathwork in Spiritual Connection

The Power of Breathwork

Will is a strong proponent of breathwork, a practice he performs and guides others through. By deepening our breath, we can release stagnant energy, clear our channels, and connect more profoundly with our subconscious mind, heart, and spirit. Breathwork allows us to reach altered states of consciousness, facilitating experiences that might feel psychedelic but are naturally induced.

Experiencing Different Dimensions

Our conversation with Will also explored how we can experience dimensions in our daily lives. He pointed out that our experiences can oscillate between dimensions throughout the day. For instance, moments of anger or frustration are grounded in 3D, while feelings of compassion or connection during meditation or nature walks can align us with 5D.

Demystifying Channeling

What Is Channeling?

Channeling, according to Will, is a natural and inherent ability we all possess. It involves receiving and translating messages from higher dimensions or beings, such as the Pleiadians. While traditional channeling might appear as an elaborate ritual, Will asserts that modern channeling can be more integrated into daily life.

Personal Channeling Experience

Will shared that his personal channeling journey has evolved from needing extensive preparation to simply setting an intention and taking a few deep breaths to connect with his higher self and guides. This shift reflects a broader trend where channeling becomes a more natural and accessible skill.

Embracing Our Multidimensionality

Living in 5D Consciousness

One recurring theme in our conversation was the importance of embodying 5D consciousness—cultivating love, unity, and acceptance. Will encouraged embracing the entire spectrum of human experience, understanding that moments of anger or frustration are as much a part of our multidimensionality as moments of bliss and connection.

Final Thoughts and Takeaways

Our discussion with Will Caminada was both enlightening and transformative. It served as a reminder that our journey towards higher consciousness involves embracing our humanity, practicing self-love, and being open to the infinite possibilities that our multidimensional nature offers.

Connect with Will Caminada

If you're intrigued by Will's insights and wish to learn more, visit his website at You can also find him on Instagram at Gui Will and Pleiadian Channel for daily messages and inspiration.

Join Us on Our Journey

We hope this exploration inspires you to delve deeper into your own spiritual journey. Stay tuned for more episodes as we continue to uncover the mysteries of the universe on The Skeptic Metaphysicians.

Until then, take care and keep exploring!


For direct links to Will Caminada's social profiles and additional resources, visit the episode page on our website at Skeptic Metaphysician. Your support and feedback fuel our passion for bringing these enlightening conversations to you. Leave us a review, send us a voicemail, or drop us an email—we’d love to hear from you!