Does Everything Really Happen For a Reason?
Does Everything Really Happen For a Reason?
In the first of a two-part interview, hosts Will and Karen engage in a thought-provoking conversation with Gary Temple Bodley, a renowned c…
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Does Everything Really Happen For a Reason?

Does Everything Really Happen For a Reason?

In the first of a two-part interview, hosts Will and Karen engage in a thought-provoking conversation with Gary Temple Bodley, a renowned channeler of the spiritual wisdom of Joshua to answer the question, once and for all: Does Everything Really Happen For a Reason?

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They dive into topics such as aligning one's life with the forces of the universe, manifesting abundance, health, and well-being, and discovering one's soul's purpose. Gary shares his journey and discusses how shifting perspective, managing limiting beliefs, and embracing one's role as the creator of their own reality can transform lives. The episode includes profound personal experiences, discussions on the impact of perspectives, and practical advice for achieving a harmonious and limitless life.

There are also touching moments about the importance of community and the strength found in shared spiritual journeys.

(Times are approximate)
00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage
00:14 Aligning with the Universe
02:12 Meet Gary Temple Bodley
03:34 Understanding Reality and Beliefs
09:09 Personal Stories and Perspectives
19:15 Manifestation Events and Limiting Beliefs
23:09 Addressing Limiting Beliefs
23:27 Unusual Events and Their Meanings
23:45 Finding Proof of Unconditional Love
25:15 Perspective and Spiritual Practices
30:52 Intellectualizing vs. Living Experiences
38:18 The Power of Perspective and Kindness
40:54 Understanding Thought Attraction

Guest Info:

Follow Gary on Instagram: @joshuateachings or Facebook: @teachingsofjoshua

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Will & Karen: Karen.

Karen & Will: Yes.

Will & Karen: Do you feel. Yes,

Karen & Will: oh.

Will & Karen: Yes, you feel. I do. I feel a lot. Well, that's good to know. Otherwise, the alternative is not something that we want to talk about. This is not that type of show.

You are, but this is not that type of show. So the question is, do you feel that your life is aligned with the forces of the universe?

Karen: I mean, all of my life? There's like some little bits that I sometimes, you know. I think that might be a line.

Will & Karen: Okay, well what if I told you that you could actually find a way to align yourself to these forces so that you could be living in more love.

Karen: I would love that. All the bits would be aligned.

Will & Karen: But not just more love, but also more abundance. Greater levels of health and well being. Your soul's purpose would be completely revealed to you. Your talents and special attributes would emerge. You'd be living a limitless experience of life and become highly effective at everything that you do.

Karen: I mean you had me at love.

Will & Karen: Yes, but for everyone else who wasn't there [00:01:00] yet, maybe they still need a little bit more convincing to listen to the episode. Apparently this is what we're all intended. to experience in this lifetime. But so few of us are able to achieve it. Now, what if I could bring a group of non physical teachers to the show that could help us find our way there?

Karen: I would love that. I

Will & Karen: thought you would. So would you say that that would be worth staying tuned in during the break for?

Karen: Absolutely.

Will & Karen: Okay, well then don't go anywhere because by the end of this episode, we're going to know just how to get there.

This is an episode of the Skeptic Minute positions. You don't want to miss it. It starts now.


Hey, welcome to the Skeptic Motivations. I'm Will. And I'm Karen. And today we're honored to have Gary Temple Bodley, a renowned channeler who has spent over a decade bringing forth the spiritual wisdom. of Joshua, a group of non physical teachers. Now, through thousands of channeling sessions and his popular podcast, Joshua Live and the Law of Attraction, Gary has provided profound insights on topics like free will, manifesting, Shifting Perspective, Physical Densities, and the Law of Attraction.

Will & Karen: now he's helped people from around the world view their lives from a higher perspective. He's also the author of four books on spiritual understanding, including A Perception of Reality. and a radical change in your approach to life. His work has even been featured in a [00:03:00] documentary titled The Teachings of Joshua.

Today, Gary's here to share his incredible journey, the wisdom he's gained through the 10 years of channeling Joshua, and how we can transform our life by realizing that we're truly the creators of our own destiny. We're beyond excited to dive into the conversation. So welcome to the show, Gary. How are you doing today?

Gary: Great. Well, thanks so much, Gary. Thank you so much for having me.

Karen: Oh, we are thrilled to have you

Will & Karen: beyond thrill. See what I did there. You

Karen: are clever. All right,

Will & Karen: Gary, we've got so much to talk to you about. And so little time. So I'm just going to dive right into it because we all know that we are the creators of our own reality. At least we know it here. Right?

If you're in this space, if you listen to podcasts, if you, if you study this at all, you have heard that many, many times. However, the reality is something different. The reality of putting into effect is something completely different. So my biggest question to you is, how can we wake up [00:04:00] and stop creating the world we're living in right now?

Because it is a mess.

Gary: Well, first of all, your reality is awesome. Look at you too. Look at this show. Look at how much fun you're having. Your world is amazing.

Will & Karen: You know what? You're right. But the world outside that window is not so much. It is a little scary right now.

Karen: It

Gary: Only if you pay attention to it,

Karen: That's true.

Gary: But if you, if you did not have social media, TV, radio, whatever, You lived in your little town in Virginia with your friends and your family and your loved ones. And didn't pay attention to that, you would not know because it does not affect you.

Will & Karen: kind of. I mean, it affects us in a certain way. Because, for example, we have a daughter who's 13 years old and her future is at stake. For lack of a better word, and if we act like ostriches, put our faces in the ground and just don't pay attention to what else is going on, I'm not listening, I'm not sure [00:05:00] how that's going to help her, or are you saying that perhaps there's a way around it?

Gary: There is an illusion going on.

Will & Karen: Ah,

Gary: This is an illusion of separation.

Will & Karen: now we're getting to

Gary: This is forgetting who you are. This is an adventure that you came into. You don't know anything. You don't know anything. You have a set of beliefs. You want certain things based in that set of beliefs. But if those beliefs were different, you'd want different things.

So, adjusting your beliefs from limiting to empowering will shift your perspective of yourself in your reality. If you are focused on what's going outside of you in an attempt to control that so that you feel better, it's never going to work because you can't control any of that. If you're projecting something into the future, you don't know what's going to happen.

You couldn't have imagined what would happen in the last five years [00:06:00] of all kinds of different things. You couldn't have imagined COVID happening. You couldn't have imagined. million different things happening, but do they really affect you? And what is your basis for wanting things to be a certain way?

Is this not knowing we all would feel better if we knew, but empirically there's no way to know anything. For instance, you think, you know, your birth date, that's just a belief. You have some evidence for it. You have a birth certificate. You've got your parents saying that was the date. And so you have some understanding that that was the date you were born, but you could have been switched out with another baby.

They could have had some scandal going on. You never know. Right. And people find us all the time.

Will & Karen: God, Gary!

Gary: right. Well,

Karen: A baby switchin

Gary: this idea that we know something, it's just really, We have beliefs about things and [00:07:00] we have certain amount of evidence for certain beliefs, and we have no evidence for other beliefs, but in general, our lives are the sum total of our beliefs.

That's our mental construct. That mental construct then be gets a perspective, a general perspective in every area, every area of your life. And that perspective is translated into a vibration. That vibration then creates the reality. So if you can. Shift that perspective higher, by definition, you raise your vibration and you attract a different reality. Essentially, there's two default perceptions of reality. The one we're all born with, which is the victim. Meaning, we believe that outside conditions and people can make us feel something. That's the, that's the fear based mentality that we all grew up with. We feel something and it seems like that event caused [00:08:00] us to feel something, but what really caused us to feel something was a belief.

And without that belief, we could not feel anything. And so this process then of ascension is adjusting those beliefs from limiting to empowering. The other possible belief system is that you're the creator of your reality and that how you interpret the outside reality. Indicative of how you feel so the reality is what it is It's created by your unique perception of it unique belief system.

Everyone's different and You can choose to see that reality from a limited perspective perceiving yourself as you are as a victim in that circumstance, or from a higher perspective, perceiving yourself as a creator in that circumstance. If you perceive that you're a victim, you're going to feel negative emotion.

That's the simple, basic form of guidance. You've heard that many times [00:09:00] before. Your emotions are simply guidance. The negative emotion indicates that you're perceiving reality inaccurately.

Karen: Okay. So I have a question about that, about

Karen & Will: just one,

Karen: well, just about the experience. So about maybe 20 years ago I woke up one night and there was a man in my bedroom with a knife and I got away. But there was stuff to tie me up and all of this. So I had never feared that. I never really even thought about that, but it scared the hell out of me.

So are you saying that that emotion that I have was already like, explain that to me, but like in that circumstance.

Gary: so you're going very extreme, which is fine. Look at that event from a limited perspective. You could have been killed. You could have been, something terrible happened. Oh my God, that person should not have been there, not existed. What a horrible thing that happened to you, right? The victim mentality. From 20 years later, you look at it, go, [00:10:00] you know what, that incident shaped my life from then on everything that I've come to appreciate and learn and grow that influenced all this growth. I wouldn't be where I am now had that event not occurred. I understood that I was able to survive it, that I moved on from it, that I got to reconcile it and that I'm at a so much more evolved place.

Now, because of it, nothing actually bad happened. It was traumatic at the time, but I'm fine now. So two different ways to look at the same event, one as the creator, looking at it from this higher perspective and one as the victim, Oh, I got lucky. Right. And that should never have happened. Now, what does that mean in your life?

Well, from this higher perspective, which. Let's see, may not be true. We don't have any evidence that's true, [00:11:00] right? You are empowered by that. You're not feeling negative emotion about that. This, you guys dived into, like, a really traumatic subject. You know, so everyone wants to go to the most, you know, the worst thing that could possibly happen at the beginning.

But if you did it in small little things, every time in your life. So I have something that came to me today that I think that will help anyone who's got any, you know, issues with family or friends. So imagine that you have a son and you are trying to get him ready for school because you have an appointment with the realtor at nine 30 and he's just not cooperating.

And it's the same thing all the time. He'd never get us up in time. He never does anything in time. So you have this disagreement and you maybe yell at him and push him along and get him going. Why? Because you want to make this appointment with a realtor. Joshua talks about there's things you think you want and [00:12:00] things you truly want So in this instance you truly want a wonderful relationship with your son.

You truly want to spend time with him and appreciate him at this age because he's never going to be this age again. This is the thing that you truly want. What you think you want is the realtor, you know, meet the realtor on time, have her have a good opinion of you, that sort of thing. And so you're sort of sabotaging your relationship with your son just to get this thing you think you want.

But if you thought about it, it wouldn't matter if you missed the appointment, as long as you had a great time with your son and had, you know, didn't stress him out and all that stuff. That's what you truly want.

Karen & Will: Mm hmm.

Gary: these conflicts that we might have with the people in our lives. It's good to have a context there. What I really, really want is great relationship with my husband and my children and my parents and my friends. And this other stuff about [00:13:00] what people think of me and being, you know, on time to avoid the negative emotion of some consequence that may or may not happen down the road, it's adjusting your framework so that you realize.

You create this reality. So what is most valuable to you in your reality? It's the things that you love and give you joy. What do you think you want is the security and like love and respect from other people and these things that really have nothing to do with you because they're looking at you from their perspective anyway, when you think about. Any negative emotion. We're usually talking about the day to day stuff, the day to day annoyances and little things. That's where you start. And you look at those little things from the higher perspective going, you know what, it's all going to work out perfectly. This person in line in front of me, [00:14:00] they're confused right now.

I don't have anywhere to go. I much rather help them rather than be annoyed with them. That's what I truly want. you look at the traumatic things in your life, you want me to tell you a story about my partner, Christy?

Will & Karen: Would Christy want you to tell us a story? That's a better question.

Gary: We don't know, so we're just gonna go with

Will & Karen: Okay. Sorry, Christy. I tried. Mwah,

Gary: Christy gets divorced from her husband, and she's dating her new boyfriend. her ex husband is sort of a stalkery guy, and she's not really thinking too much of it. She gets the inspiration one day to, actually her friend calls her. She hasn't seen in 20 years and says, come and visit me in North Carolina.

And she goes, all right, you know, I haven't seen you in a long time. And so just out of the blue, she goes and spends the weekend while she's gone. Her ex husband murders, her boyfriend, and then they all thought it was her. And so there's a big trial and they can't find him for a long time.

And he's, he's got, Chris, he's got to hide at different move [00:15:00] around and, you know, stay low

and finally they catch him and they go through trial and she's getting, you know, written up in the paper. It's a big deal. She realizes that that started her spiritual journey and while it was tragic, Everyone was playing their part in it.

boyfriend, who died, the ex husband who's now in prison and Christy, it was all set up to launch Christy on the spiritual journey. It's an amazing journey that she's been on. but the fact is you can look at that event and be traumatized from it and victimized from it.

Or you can look at it from the higher perspective. Now we could be wrong. Maybe this was just a terrible thing that should never have happened and someone died needlessly. We don't know. From all the work that we've done, we know there's a non physical, that in the non physical there is no fear, there is no separation, [00:16:00] there is pre birth agreements, all these things.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not. How Christy feels now about that whole thing is empowered. How someone might feel about something similar would be victimized.

Will & Karen: So, it's really a choice, right? She made a choice to make it mean something to her versus victimize her, right? Is that what you're saying?

Gary: What we get told over and over and over again by Joshua, Abraham, Everything is working out for you. Nothing is ever happening to you. It's all working out for you. It's all happening for your benefit. Everyone goes to the most extreme things, and that is this, we are living in polarity, right? We are experiencing polarity.

White, black, light, dark, good, bad. Well, we can't say good, bad. What I'm trying to say is, there's a range and everything exists within it.

Will & Karen: Ice cream, no ice cream,

Gary: But we're [00:17:00] existing in duality, that this part of that range is good, but that part is bad. And if we can realize, we need, like Abraham says, the entire buffet. So that everyone can have the experiences that they came for.

Will & Karen: So everything happens for a reason and

Gary: Everything happens for you. Literally for you. Everything happens for you,

Will & Karen: and we've heard that before and I again, it's one of those things where up here. I got it. I got it. Gary. I totally get it. However. Here is a, you don't got it. A totally different story. Not I have it. I'm trying to get it,

Gary: Karen. Do you get it? Does it resonate with you more?

Karen: I mostly get it, but I, you know, every once in a while I, I kind of fall back into really, you know, like I couldn't help thinking, you know, you're telling us Christie's story and I can't help thinking about the boyfriend. Like, how was that beneficial for him, you know, but then I'm like, well, maybe it was his [00:18:00] time to just get out of here and, and, you know, be one with the collective consciousness.

I have to, sometimes I have to like, talk myself back into, to getting it,

Gary: that is vulnerability because to have a belief like that, where it's okay that someone transitioned to the nonphysical, the nonphysical is not a bad place. It's a wonderful place. You know, he's ready. It's the timing that opens you up to no control over for instance, And so you ever notice that when anyone dies, everyone asks, how do you die? So that you can control, you don't want to die that way. Right? That's the reason.

Will & Karen: you know, I thought of it that way, but you're right,

Gary: Yeah.

Will & Karen: When I die, oh no, I'm never shark diving again. That's it.

Gary: We have a joke that says when we die, we want it to be like, Oh, okay. That makes sense.

Will & Karen: But wait a second, no, because people know me too much. No.

Karen & Will: I

Will & Karen: [00:19:00] want to die screeching into like home plate or something, but something completely different. He did what? Awesome. so then the question though, is because I do get it in my heart and and I want to get it in my head . So how does someone like me who is very firmly entrenched in the 3d world and gets up every day, goes to work and buys into the whole, I gotta, Do this for my family or do this for me or all the, all the responsibilities and all that kind of stuff.

How do I say, Oh, it's all good. When I break my ankle in Europe, for example.

Gary: First of all, you're not really fully in 3d. You're probably. You know, in the top 2%, right?

You couldn't be,

Will & Karen: you.

Gary: you couldn't be doing it. So you're up there. Your, your perspective is very high already. Okay. When some event happens, Joshua calls it a manifestation event.

Karen & Will: Hmm.

Gary: The [00:20:00] manifestation event comes because you're.

Not aware of a limiting belief. There's a limiting belief in place that is preventing you from acting on inspiration. Your inner self is sending you inspiration all the time, but this belief causes you to either knock away that belief before it even consciously gets to you, or. As soon as you think, you hear the inspiration, you're like, I can't do that, or that's impossible, right?

It's that belief. Belief, that belief is, ignites in fear whenever you have this inspiration. So, in order for your inner self to get you to take some action on this inspiration, first it has to put you in a situation where you can discover this limiting belief. Once you discover and aware of this limiting belief, you can prove it's not true.

For instance, I have a friend who will not fly. He will not go on an airplane. He believes that [00:21:00] it's dangerous. But we know it's not. We have evidence to show us how self is. So we use this evidence for ourselves. To go on that crazy tin can in the sky and land somewhere else,

Will & Karen: It's called the laws of physics.

Gary: right? So we're able to push past the fear to act on our inspiration to fly to Paris He will never fly to Paris because he can't push past the fear his belief that plane travel is Dangerous prevents him from ever buying a ticket Now, if he just sat down with the evidence and poured over it and proved to himself that that belief was not true, the next time he's inspired to go on a plane, he might be able to push past that fear.

Sure. It's going to be a lot of fear, but now he's worked on that limiting belief. He's got all this evidence. Well, you can do that with anything. Any limiting belief because all limiting beliefs are false.

Karen: And I think you don't even [00:22:00] realize you're limiting belief. I think that you feel deep down inside, like you don't deserve. A break, a vacation. Went to Hawaii, first day in, got COVID. Go to Europe, first day in, you break your egg.

Will & Karen: So, anyway


Gary: Karen, you are, I mean, you hit the nail on the head on that one too. And that COVID and the broken ankle are these manifestation events showing you that you have this, you want, this is not responsible feeling, right? I shouldn't be taking this time off. I have to cover the bills and pay for these things.

I don't, it's not that you don't deserve it, it's that it's irresponsible. You're not doing the manly thing by taking care of the family. You, and that's your number one, like, identification,

You believe that Karen loves you. Because you take care of everything.

Will & Karen: I mean,

Gary: And if you do not, if you don't, if you, if you, you'll fall asleep on the job, then she's not going to [00:23:00] love you anymore.

That has nothing to do with it. It's your energy that she's attracted to and loves.

Will & Karen: thank you.

Gary: It's the fact you're doing the show. I

Will & Karen: Yeah.

Gary: at it.

Will & Karen: Thank you first. and yes, I, thank you for calling me out. The bus hurt, but, um, however, Let's say that. I hear what she's saying and I'm on board, but I want to be worthy. So how do I prove that the limiting event

Gary: Yeah.

Will & Karen: incorrect?

Gary: Okay. So those two things are unusual. Getting COVID your first day in Hawaii, breaking your ankle in Rome, right? You have to look at that and go, that's pretty weird. I mean, how often does those two things happen? Very

Karen: gone on a vacation in years, both times.

Gary: Perfect. Right. Okay.

Karen: Actually,

Gary: So they're just showing you that you have an identity that you believe is the reason that your family loves you. That's just limiting, obviously, right? It's not true. Where in your life can you see that you didn't have to take care of [00:24:00] everything for them to love you? Like, was there a point where you couldn't do anything and they still loved you? Or you look at something in your life. Where has it been in my life where wasn't able to take care of everything, but they still love me anyway, or I wasn't able to do this thing I want to do, but they still love me anyway.

Will & Karen: I would bring it back to getting COVID in Hawaii and breaking my ankle in Europe. Because even though I had a broken ankle in Europe, the first day of a three week, well, second day of a three week European vacation, she went all Out of her way to make sure I felt comfortable helping me and knowing that it's all good.

We're going to make this trip worthwhile regardless. So yes, I, I do. I do see that,

Gary: You have the proof.

Karen & Will: I

Will & Karen: testing her?

Gary: No, not at all.

Will & Karen: No, I am not

Gary: at all.

Will & Karen: testing you, Karen. Not testing you.

Gary: finding evidence in your own life. How [00:25:00] you couldn't be the one taking care of everything and you were still loved. And taking care of.

Karen: And we were still fine.

Gary: Yeah. And you will always be fine. You lose everything, you will still be fine.

Will & Karen: So it's back to what you said earlier, which is that change of perspective, that that change of perspective is perspective is what's going to, is what's going to move the needle for you. And that's what this is all about, right? It's about listening to Joshua. It's about listening to these types of shows.

It's about doing your meditations, about reading the books and living the spiritual life, knowing that there's more to it than, than this three dimensional world we're

Gary: Oh, there's so much, you know.

Will & Karen: And what?

Karen: It's about making a choice.

Will & Karen: True. True.

Karen: A choice to believe.

Gary: It's about opening up those belief systems. I was exactly like Will. I was a total skeptic. And the stuff that I've, Experience in the last 11 years is just mind blowing. My belief system has completely changed, but it's through [00:26:00] experience. And every day I had to push past fear to do these things that I'm doing.

Will & Karen: It's so funny. This show, I love this show so much because it goes in these ways, right? Just exactly what we are focused on is the guests that we attract to the show at the perfect time. We just talked about this. I get all kinds of signs from the universe. Karen has on a previous show talked about how I like to say that the universe starts with a whisper and ends with a two by four to the head.

I've gotten that ankle or That two by four I am sick of getting it over the head or the ankle because it Continues to do it and yet we get guest after guest saying the same things that you're saying to me about Or to us to the audience to all of us but that you have to listen to it like you have to look at it and Any even Take the step because you can internalize it and you can say, Oh yeah, I know this.

I, and I can, I can uh, what's it intellectualize everything and explain everything away. [00:27:00] But if you don't live it, that's the rub.

Gary: Here's the thing,

Will: Actually, you know what? Before you answer that, let's take a break and we'll be right back.



Will: We hope you're enjoying this conversation as much as we have. If you know someone who would benefit from hearing the message we're sharing on the show, do them and us a favor and share the show with them.

It will help get the word out about us and it might just change someone's life for the better.

Hey guys, Will here. I want to share another five star review that came in. really love this one and I couldn't wait to share with you. It was a, like I said, a five star and the topic or the subject line says a true blessing. this review came from Angela Burgess. and, Angela left us a review on our skeptic meditation. com website. She goes on [00:28:00] to say, I love your show and listen daily. Thank you so much. My mother passed away last December, suddenly and unexpectedly, and I have had a very hard time dealing with her loss. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Angela.

I can imagine how hard that must be. She goes on to say, Your show has helped me tremendously. She and I have always had this deep connection that was very obvious to us, but we never really explored the what or the why, which is honestly because of fear that people wouldn't understand. We always shared an almost telepathic connection, but never really acknowledged this to others.

Since her passing, I've suffered a loneliness and emptiness I can't even describe because I no longer feel her presence. I feel in my bones that I will find her someday and we'll be together again, but I don't know when or how. Your show has enlightened me to many ideas and beliefs from people and given me hope that something wonderful awaits us after our physical deaths.

I know the connection my mother and I had was real, and the void I experience [00:29:00] now is real. Your show has given me both hope and comfort, and I thank you for that. Uh, Angela, my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine the hole that you must have in your heart, the loneliness. I can feel it. I can sense it just from the words that you wrote to us.

So thank you so much for sharing this with us. We are unbelievably grateful, sincerely, that we have been able to help you in some small way, losing a loved one, especially someone that had, you had such a deep connection with it. Like, like you have with your mother, I'm sure must be just Unbelievably difficult to get through.

So, we're thrilled that we can help you in some small way. And, I know that a lot of people out there listening or watching have gone through the same thing. So if you have some words of encouragement or recommendations, suggestions that Angela could possibly put into place to help her with her heart, please feel free to send us a note.

We will pass it along to Angela so that she can know that she's not by herself. It's not just us [00:30:00] and listening to our show, but also a community of people that are there for her as well. Alright, thank you, Angela, so much for sending this to us. That really means a lot to us. Thank you for the five star review.

And, we really hope that your heart heals very, very quickly. And if there's anything we can do, please don't hesitate to reach out. Now, if you'd like to hear your email or your review read on the air, just go to skeptic metaphysician. com. You can send us an email or a voicemail directly from the site, or even better, go to Apple podcasts and leave us a five star review there.

That will go a long way towards providing social proof for the people that are looking for this type of content, that this show is actually worth their while. All right. Once again, Angela, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You're not alone. Hang in there. It will get better. Let's, uh, let's get back to the show.


Will & Karen: we get guest after guest saying the same things that you're saying to me about Or to us to the audience to all of us but that you have to listen to it [00:31:00] like you have to look at it and Any even Take the step because you can internalize it and you can say, Oh yeah, I know this.

I, and I can, I can uh, what's it intellectualize everything and explain everything away. But if you don't live it, that's the rub.

Gary: Here's the thing,

I'm intellectual, you're intellectual, men tend to be intellectual, it is an intellectual start. You are, you got an ego voice going on saying,

Karen & Will: Oh yeah.

Gary: don't be weird. What are you doing? You know, no, one's going to read this book. No one's gonna listen to your podcast. Why are you wasting this time?

And you, you know, and you have to, that ego is there for a purpose. It keeps you alive and it's going to try and keep you safe. you're going to have fear with every inspired idea. That's just what happens. You have an eyes, it's going to trigger some limiting belief. You can't get rid of your limiting beliefs.

You can only soften them so that they're not limiting, but to have the [00:32:00] experiences where you get the information, Abraham's famous words, words, don't teach experience teaches we're having this conversation. People are listening passively. They're learning. They're getting some concepts and then they're going to have an experience.

And that experience is going to cement what they've heard here in other places. Right. And then they're going to get be inspired to do something they would never do before. And they're going to have fear. And that's when they stop. I'm not going to go to this retreat. I'm going to take this course. I'm going to, you know, talk to this, talk to my friends about this.

This is one of the scary things in this community. Spirituality is we're sort of all in this alone. The rarity of a couple. That's on the same page is unbelievable, you know, but more often than that, you have friends out there who are secretly listening to this stuff, but not wanting to talk it in case they sound weird to the [00:33:00] friends, but everyone knows somebody.

And when you start opening up to your friends about the little things, even meditation, you know. Or affirmations or little things like that. You can find this community and that's what helps is really to have that friendship, a community, and probably all your listeners join this community, that sort of thing.

Will & Karen: Yep. Yep.

Karen: And I think it's easy. You know, you're talking about, you have these conversations and you have an experience. And then from that experience, you go on, I think, unfortunately, it's so easy and so much more, I guess, common for people to try to explain that experience away as a coincidence. Oh, that was just because of this, or that was not to really just accept that maybe it was a miracle, maybe, you know.

Gary: That is such a good point because this is what we all do. Something which we call unimaginable happens. And the instinct is to explain away because that keeps you safe.

Karen & Will: Yes.

Gary: be Wuwu. Wuwu can't really be true. We have, Christy and I started a new podcast [00:34:00] called An Unimaginable Life. And this is just amazing.

You know, we started this like in December and we're doing one or two a month. And we started, she was doing these medium readings. She's unbelievable. And they're spiritual medium readings where person's relatives, dead relatives will come in only to introduce them to their spirit guides. So generally someone will have three spirit guides and the spirit guides will give this amazing information about how to move forward in their lives.

There's really two types. There's the ethereal spirit guide. That's a God or an angel or something that's familiar. You know, they have names and you can look them up and Google them. And then there'll be a person, a human, someone who was a human before as a spirit guide. And I found these fascinating because they would really relate.

And there'd be these interesting people you'd never heard of before. So we started in our podcast doing dead talk and dead talk is we have cue cards and we have four [00:35:00] categories because she'll bring them in and there'll be thousands of famous people who've transitioned, who want to come and talk. And so we have categories, male or female.

So we say, okay, this one's male. All of the women are gone um, lived in the 1900s. So anyone before. Gone was a, a philosopher, right? And then was born in Europe. So then we get this French philosopher that we never heard of before, who's telling us all this amazing stuff from their perspective about how we're living our lives now and what's really happening and what was happening in history and how, you know, past lives, work and all this stuff. So this idea of this unimaginable life. You can imagine a future, an ideal that you want to live, and so that's just a box that someone else has done before. If it's imaginable, someone else has done it before, you [00:36:00] want some variation of that, the, the mansion, the boat, the yacht, the whatever it is, right? What Joshua and Chrissy Channel's White Light are telling us is what you want, Is unimaginable and you can't imagine it, right? The only way you get there is by shifting your perspective higher and higher and higher. And then experiences happen. Just like you said that now you see that and you go, Oh, That happened because I'm having an unimaginable experience because I've gone on this ascension journey seeing myself from higher perspective.

The first indication of that is seeing the numbers line up.

Karen & Will: Right.

Gary: The second indication of that is being aware, Oh, COVID on this trip, broken ankle on this trip. Third one is, Oh, limiting beliefs. That belief is not true. I didn't even realize I had that, but now that I think of it, I can prove that that's not true.

Just like the airplane. And then. [00:37:00] You see yourself now as the creator. So now any judgment you're looking, okay, well, I'm choosing a side. Why? Because I have some fear. And I think that by choosing to say Republican or Democrat, right? I think that somehow I'm going to protect myself if this party wins. And it's all, Oh, there's a fear there that if I'm the creator.

Then it's a reflection of my vibration. So my vibration is the only thing I care about. And that vibration is all perspective in every area of your life.

Will & Karen: Good God. I could listen to you forever.

Gary: We can talk, we can talk forever.

Karen: like the conversation we were having about that person that's always late. And then it's like, why do we keep getting upset? We know this is going to happen. And we just say, okay, then just expect it to be late and we won't get upset about it.

And, you know, just like,

Will & Karen: yeah. Yeah.

Gary: though? Being annoyed with some being late [00:38:00] and then just saying, Oh my God, this is just a funny aspect of their personality. We know they're going to be late. And if you sit back and go, don't worry about it. We knew you're going to be late. That's so much more fun than being annoyed because the annoying is trying to control.

It's never going to happen. How

Will & Karen: nail that point even further. I believe that the reason why I have a hard time doing that on those times that I have a hard time doing that is because I'm not thrilled with me inside right now. And so then that angst, that anger is taken out on how dare he be late. you know, because I'm not feeling good.

And so the times that I, I am feeling good, I can just go, Oh, that's just how funny. Oh, Oh my God. We didn't get to bed at two o'clock in the morning today.

Karen: Time for more drinks. So it's

Will & Karen: a positive. So, so,

Karen: so really the,

Will & Karen: the, the, yes, it's making the choice. It's, it's identifying limiting beliefs, but it's [00:39:00] also allowing yourself the grace to find that peace within yourself. Because if you can be at peace within yourself, then you can also offer that peace to others, right?

The empty, you have to empty out your glass before you can fill it. That, the whole, that whole thing makes great sense. Thank you for the reminder because I am so lost right now that I need these daily reminders. Cause it's, it's a challenging time right now.

Karen: Yeah. Yesterday I went to the grocery store with our daughter and it wasn't too busy, but there was this one cashier guy and I'm like, I kind of want to go to that line cause he talks a lot and like last time he put like the potatoes on top of the eggs and he was talking about his health issue and not paying attention.

So I go then to the next one. And then of course he gets empty. He's like, Oh, you want to come over here? I'm like, okay. We go over there. You know, and he's just like, yeah, boy, I'm just, you know, I'm like, Oh, how are you doing today? It's like, well, struggling. And I'm like, but then I thought this guy needs to be heard.

And I'm like, Oh, so did you, how was that new doctor you were going to? And just something like kind of triggered in a second. There's someone [00:40:00] that cares about me. So it ended up after this whole conversation, you know, we did took a long time and you know, whatever. So we got out and I was talking to our daughter about it and I'm like, you know, I had to reframe how I thought about him because it, instead of like avoiding the situation, this poor guy has no one to talk to.

Karen & Will: Right.

Karen: And it probably helped him out. Maybe it didn't, but what did, what harm did it do? And then for her, her response was like, mom, you're really kind. And I'm like, well, honey, it's not about that. But if by doing that, I can give that example to her. That she'll take with her life because of a shift in perspective going to that guy's aisle and not being like, Oh, let's just get through, you know, maybe it's a good thing.

Gary: you feel when your daughter said, mommy, you're really kind.

Karen: Oh, it made my heart big.

Gary: Okay. So without that guy, that cashier, you wouldn't have that experience.

Karen & Will: Right.

Gary: So that's why he was there. And so now imagine that you have, we, do you realize that we don't [00:41:00] manufacture thoughts in our brain? We attract thoughts. Okay. Yep.

Will & Karen: We've heard we've heard that I've heard that

Gary: okay, so Law of Attraction. You attract everything. Thoughts are simple. There's two realms of thought. The math consciousness of humanity, which is generally in fear. The same thoughts keep being thought over and over again. They never die. They're always there. And then, thoughts from the non physical.

Your guides, your supporters, your inner self, sending you thoughts. So you're so when you go in front of a cashier with the attitude that I'm going to listen to him You know and I'm going to there's something for me in this moment, and I don't know what it is You can't imagine what it is But I'm going to be present for this cashier in the moment and then you get these thoughts to ask him about

Karen & Will: the doctor.

Gary: Right, and how are you to remember that?

That's amazing. Where did that memory come from? Oh, it was given to you Right. The right words, the right time, speaking of the same, right thing, not to [00:42:00] necessarily make him any better or worse, but then the unimaginable thing happens. You never imagined that your daughter would pick up on this and then come later and say, mommy, you're really kind.

Karen & Will: Yeah.

Will & Karen: And that thing you were given. allowed you to put yourself in a place where our daughter said that to you, but also you gave him what he needed to help him through that conversation at that particular point in time.

Karen: And then maybe she saw that something so small that can feel like so insignificant can have a big impact.

Gary: And her whole perception of you, you know, enhanced by that. So everyone got everything in that moment. Therefore everything worked out perfectly, but you couldn't have um, Set goals for that or wrote a vision board. It's

Will & Karen: trying to, she was trying to avoid it. And

Karen: it was supposed to happen. Cause yeah, cause I went to the other lane. Yeah. And then he's like, come this way. And I'm like, okay.

Will & Karen: Yeah. Yeah. You are incredibly full of wisdom.

I can just hear our audience yelling at us. No, it's me

Karen: that you hear.

Will & Karen: I'm hearing Karen yelling at me.

Karen: The [00:43:00] first question was not the first question I wanted to know.

Will & Karen: Okay. What is the first question you wanted to

Karen: know? Who is Joshua? Okay.

Will & Karen: We're going to answer that on part two of this conversation. We're Next week, , we're going to talk about who Joshua is, and maybe even have a chance to talk to them on the show.

Is that good? All right,


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Gary Temple Bodley Profile Photo

Gary Temple Bodley

A channeler and spiritual leader

Gary is a channeler renowned for bringing forth the spiritual wisdom of Joshua, a group of nonphysical teachers. The leading-edge wisdom brought forth by Joshua helps people see their own lives from a much higher perspective.

A prominent figure in the realm of spiritual enlightenment, Gary has been channeling Joshua for 10 years and is a leading commentator on a vast scope of spiritual subjects, including Free Will, Shifting Perspective, Physical Densities, Manifesting, and the Law of Attraction. As Joshua, he has completed 1,000+ channeling sessions and globally connected with people to answer hundreds of profound questions on spirituality.

Along with his partner and psychic Christy Levy, Gary organizes coaching programs, retreats, and courses on how best to develop a higher perspective and leverage universal forces to create a more satisfying life.

Besides hosting the widely popular podcast Joshua Live and the Law of Attraction, Gary has authored 4 books on leveraging the power of spiritual understanding; notable titles include “A Perception of Reality” and “A Radical Change in Your Approach to Life.” His work was also the subject of a documentary titled “The Teachings of Joshua.”

On the podcast, Gary can channel Joshua to answer any of your questions. He would also love to talk about:

What he has learned through ten years of channeling Joshua.
How one’s perspective creates their vibration.
How people can radically transform their lives once they discover they are the creators of their own realities.

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