Embrace a new perspective on the intersection of science and spirituality with the brilliance of Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke, a renowned physicist, author, and global teacher. Dive right into her transformative voyage of discovering balance between her...
Embrace a new perspective on the intersection of science and spirituality with the brilliance of Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke, a renowned physicist, author, and global teacher. Dive right into her transformative voyage of discovering balance between her scientific education and spiritual learning. This enlightening conversation prompts us all to break away from societal molds and chase our passions, and in Dr. Theresa’s case, that luminous path led her to the spiritual dimension of life.
As we traverse the intricate paths of the modern mystery school, Dr. Theresa will awaken your curiosity about the mysteries of the universe through Kabbalah and the power of intuition. The conversation becomes even more intriguing as we explore the phenomenon of the New Age movement and the concept of astral travel in comprehending our true selves. Brace yourselves for an enlightening discussion about the concepts of love as a force of creation and God as defined by Dr. Theresa.
As we conclude this engaging dialogue, we reflect on the profound influence of the modern mystery school on spiritual awakening and growth. Dr. Theresa imparts invaluable advice for those embarking on their journey towards spiritual awakening and generously shares her diverse resources. Join us for this riveting episode that will surely enlighten your understanding of the universe and elevate your spiritual growth. We're grateful for your feedback and look forward to sharing more enlightening conversations to collectively raise the vibration of the planet.
"To me, god is not the sense of a religious like some kind of patriarchal figure who sits on high and judges us. That's not my understanding of God. I would say everything is God. I am God, you are God, we are God, everything is God. Love is a force of creation, it's like the number one energy." - Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke
--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS (All timecodes are approximate only!) ---------
(0:00:00) - Bridging Science and Spirituality
(0:08:34) - Bridging Science and Metaphysics
(0:18:13) - Modern Mystery School and Physics of Metaphysics
(0:33:20) - New Age Movement and Mystery Schools
(0:43:30) - Exploring Kabbalah and Developing Intuition
(0:54:28) - Exploring Spiritual Awakening and Growth
For a lot more information about this episode, visit our website for the full show notes and summaries: https://www.skepticmetaphysician.com/blog/Dr-Theresa-Bullard
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Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke is a physicist, author, speaker, international teacher, change-agent, and the host of Mystery Teachings on Gaia TV. Throughout her life-long journey, she has discovered innovative ways to weave together her formal education as a Ph.D. Physicist, with her deep training in the Modern Mystery School lineage, and a passion for bridging Science and Spirituality in a practical...
Will: [00:00:00] Hey there. Welcome to the Skeptic Meta Physicians. Today's show is a very special one. You know, every once in a while you get lucky and you have an opportunity to chat with a bucket list guest. Someone that you say to yourself, if only I had the chance to talk with X. Well, this week we have that exact opportunity because we're welcoming Dr.
Theresa Bullard to the show. If you don't know who that is, well, you're about to have your mind absolutely blown. Of course, if you already follow Dr. Theresa's work like I do, then you know what a fantastic conversation you're about to listen to. Now, this conversation promises to be so inspirational, so eyeopening, so mesmerizing it.
Okay, full disclosure, I'm recording this intro after we recorded the interview with her we were so engaged in our dialogue that, well, it went really long. I know it's totally against character for us. So we are presenting the episode just as it was recorded.
No story [00:01:00] this time around. No musings or lessons that come from our meditations. Just a fantastic conversation with one of the foremost experts in the field of physics. That bridges the gap into metaphysics. I promise you that this one will blow you away. So what do you say? We get started. I.
Will & Karen: Hi, I'm Will, and I'm Karen. Welcome to another episode of The Skeptic Meta Physicians. If you've been around the metaphysical or spiritual space for any length of time, then our guest this week needs no introduction. But if you're just starting out and are tuning into these topics for the first time, then whoa, are you in for one heck of a special treat.
Dr. Theresa Bullard. Weik is a physicist, author, speaker, and an international teacher. She's a change agent and the host of mystery teachings on Gaia tv. Now, throughout her lifelong journey, she's discovered innovative ways to weave together her formal education. As a PhD physicist with her deep training in the modern mystery school lineage, that is so exciting to me.
Now, she's got a passion for bridging science and spirituality in a practical way, which is why this is so far up our alley. She's presented to live audiences all around the world since 2002, and she's helped thousands of people [00:03:00] awaken to their greater potential. know I say it all the time, Karen, but mm-hmm.
Beyond Blessed is what comes to mind today as we welcome the esteemed Dr. Theresa to our show. Doctor, thanks so much for coming
Dr. Theresa: on. Oh, it's a pleasure to join you, and thank you for the invitation. We are so excited to
Will & Karen: have you on today. Yeah, yeah. Uh, I would be lying, but I didn't say I'm geeking out just a little bit because I've, followed you for so long that to, to actually have a conversation with you, just, it's exciting to me.
So, and it's
Karen: not just a little bit, it's been all week.
Dr. Theresa: Ok. Aw.
Will & Karen: Some secrets should be kept secret, Karen, you know. Anyway, let's get to the topic, shall we? So I don't feel so awkward. First question that comes immediately to mind, Dr. Theresa. It's not often that a world-renowned physicist with a PhD in the field is quite as open to the reality of metaphysics, much less the teachings of the modern mystery school.
How does someone with your credentials, bridge that gap?
Dr. Theresa: Hmm, well, uh, it goes back to ultimately, My, uh, my own journey, you know, of, of [00:04:00] becoming a physicist. And when I, especially once I got into the PhD program, I was immersed into 80 hours a week of just left brain science and do the derivations, you know, pass the testing, do the research, take the, you know, all the classes and all of that.
And just in that immersion, after about a year of it, I found myself very outta balance and, and actually very dissatisfied with, um, the experience of pursuing a PhD. And, and it left me depressed and it affected everything in my life. And so I ended up needing to, um, for my own wellbeing and my own sense of joy and purpose, I needed to find what's gonna bring the, the balance back to my life.
Not just the balance, but also ultimately the joy and the sense of meaning. And, um, I tried all of the little aspects of life that I had prior, like athletics and social time and creative hobbies and all of these things. And I brought them back in, systematically into my [00:05:00] life. But, um, and they helped, but the, the key ultimately ended up being a spiritual dimension to life.
And so once I dove into realizing that spirituality was important for that sense of joy and purpose, I, um, I, I, and I got very excited about it, especially as I was looking at how do the science and the metaphysics complement each other? How does quantum physics kind of, uh, parallel with like various ancient spiritual philosophy?
And it got me very excited. And then as I pursued it further and further, I realized, well, I went through my own healing process, realizing how important it was to follow a path of the heart versus just a path of the mind. And, um, in my. In my process of still pursuing my PhD, I actually was also diving very deep into the, the world of the mystery school teachings and, um, western, uh, hermetic teachings in Kabbalah and alchemy.
And, [00:06:00] and, and my passion ended up really igniting there. And so once I got finished with the PhD process, I thought, I gotta follow my heart. Like I just, so I just continued to do it. I was already, uh, in the midst of it while still kind of had these two parallel lives and, uh, one in physics and, and one in metaphysics.
And then once I got done with my PhD, I thought, I have to merge these two. I can't live two separate lives here anymore. Mm-hmm. Um, and, and I chose the metaphysics because I saw that it had the most value, direct impact in people's lives. And how did that
Karen: feel, coming out of the spiritual closet, so to speak.
Yeah. Because here you're this physicist and that's a very, mainstream kind of scientific mindset, and now you're into the woo a little bit. How was that, was that easy for you? Was, did you get a lot of kind of strange looks?
Dr. Theresa: How did that go? Yeah, it was a process, um, that was very much in the closet, so to speak, as a spiritual scientist.
And, um, I remember being very afraid while I was in graduate school because [00:07:00] in, in the academic world of physics, it's very much like, ooh, don't, you know, don't go venturing into those woo woo topics or those pseudoscience topics because you're gonna lose your credibility and whatnot. Um, but I, you know, my journey became one of, I need to be true to myself and.
This is about finding the courage to break out of the mold, uh, to break out of the box. And, and once I realized, you know what, actually I wanna pursue a path of trying to bridge the science with the spirituality. I knew I'm not gonna fit in the box no matter what. I'm gonna have to just be more on that pioneering front and, uh, be okay with not being accepted or approved of by everyone.
Uh, but I, you know, by being true to myself and pursuing what I was passionate about, I've, I've enjoyed every moment of, of the journey. It's not always been easy, but it's been quite an adventure. Mm. Well,
Will & Karen: I, I wanna say personally, thank you for doing that, taking [00:08:00] that courageous leap because people like me, who really, you speak to us, right?
People who, who can't just accept things offhand to have someone. Who is a physicist then really start diving into that rabbit hole of metaphysics and spirituality through, through the lens of a quantum physics. But still, nonetheless, it's exciting for me cuz now, now I can allow myself to really take a look at these things from a way that I can accept rather than, oh, come on.
Right. So thank you for that. Yeah. You mentioned the Kabbalah, little bit earlier. And, we know that you are, very deeply entrenched in the modern mystery school. and I think it, touches on a lot of Kabbalah teachings, uh, within the school. we've not, tackled the Kabbalah on the show, so for those that may not be aware, can you give us a, a little bit of a rundown as to what that
Dr. Theresa: is?
Hmm, yeah. Most people. Identify Kabbalah as being a [00:09:00] mystical branch of Judaism. Uh, and there is, there is definitely a deep tradition in the, uh, Jewish mysticism when it comes to Kabbalah, but actually it, it, it predates, uh, the religions. So it's an ancient tradition of, um, wisdom through direct experience.
It's, it's gnostic in a way. Like there's no sis in the sense of having direct visions, direct understanding, but it asks some of the biggest questions like, how do we get here? Where do we come from? Why are we here? What's our purpose? Um, and, and it has been accumulated and developed as a system of thought plus, um, practices that ultimately are about helping us know ourselves.
And know our connection to the greater universe and understand how like the divine, uh, realms might work. And [00:10:00] so it's, it, I mean, the, they work with the Tree of Life, and the tree of Life is like this sacred geo geometry glyph that they say is like the mother of all geometries. Like all the other geometries come from it.
Um, and that it, but it is, it's not really a human invention because it's the same structure that you would find inside the lattice of a crystal or inside of our own d n a. And so this is really in the capitalistic system. It's the blueprint of life and the blueprint of creation. And we're trying to understand that and gain deeper insights into it.
And, you know, when I first heard about Kabbalah, I had no clue. I, I, it was right over my head every time they talked about it. But I would get this. Like internal buzz when they talked about it. Like, Hmm, there's something here I need to know, I need to know more about this. And I, I keep getting that this is a, a something for me.
And so I dove into it. And when I dove into it, [00:11:00] I, I realized, especially very early on, I, I was reading about some of the creation stories, a cosmology of Kabbalah. And then at the same time I was also hearing in astrophysics lectures, the cosmology of our modern day astrophysics and how they think the universe came to be.
And I thought, wow, they're, they're saying the same thing. And, uh, so these capitalists have had this, this vision and this understanding for thousands of years. And now our modern day science is just coming around to saying the same thing maybe from a mathematical language and, and different, you know, use of words.
But it's the same essence. So I thought, what else do these capitalists know? And, and how can their understanding and their wisdom help guide us with some of our modern day scientific understanding? And it became, the tree of life became like this map for taking everything that I learned in physics and mapping it onto the tree of life and [00:12:00] everything that I learned, you know, even human psychology and mapping it onto the tree of life.
Cause it's very holographic in that sense. You can apply that same pattern to, you know, the macrocosm as you can to, to the microcosm. Uh, so it just became this amazing tool and system of, of thought and study for, uh, really pulling it all together. Uh, the science, the metaphysics, the personal, the interpersonal, uh, yeah, it's, it's quite, quite vast.
Um, but really amazing. So was
Karen: it more of a, like an intellectual curiosity that. Started you bridging the gaps or was it a specific, you know, physical and emotional experience that made you really want to bridge that bridge
Dr. Theresa: the two science and metaphysics? Hmm. Um, that's a great question. I think it was all of it.
So it was all of it. Like, I've always had this, this curiosity and, [00:13:00] and I've always asked a lot of questions and, uh, I've wanted, I mean, the thing that actually drove me to become a scientist in the first place was that I really wanted to understand the universe and how it worked. I remember even before I went into college, I was, I was looking out at the stars at night, uh, on a, out in the desert, you know, we were driving, my mom and I were driving from Sedona up to Northern Arizona University, uh, on a, on a trip during a summer to go and look at different universities.
And we had just been in stone and now, you know, so, so caveat here. I grew up with a very metaphysical mom. Um, and so, mm-hmm. They didn't really, they didn't really impose or indoctrinate any of, uh, me or my siblings with their belief system. They just allowed us to explore and make up our own minds. Um, and, and as a child and as a teenager, I really held my, not as a child, but as a teenager, I really held my mom kind of at arm's length because she [00:14:00] wore purple all the time.
And she would arrive at school in the purple minivan and pick us up and she, you know, would wear very, you know, like she was eccentric or, what's the word? That's not the right word. Um,
Will & Karen: pardon The purple, uh, coloring for a show.
Dr. Theresa: Ex very, yes. She's very extroverted and outspoken and, you know, I, and I just wanted to fit in, right?
Yeah. So I really held all this sort of woowoo stuff out at arm's length, like way out there. And, um, but I had had the exposure to it. I had had exposure to reiki and things like this, uh, the Monroe Institute, um, and brainwave and train and all these types of things I've been exposed to as a, as a youth.
But it wasn't until I really got away, you know, off to university and then, and then graduate school that I got, um, more interested. And, um, so I forgot the question, but just sharing my story. Uh, [00:15:00] so Oh, I, I was just curious. Yeah. In terms of that's what it was. I was, I was sharing how I got into physics and so I remember looking at the stars thinking, wow, what's out there?
That's amazing. There's so many stars out there, I wanna know what's out there. And that's when I realized, oh, I wanna study astronomy or astrophysics. And that ultimately what led me into to science, uh, in the first place. So these questions, you know, just always questions and wanting to understand the universe.
But I would say with Kabbalah and with my own journey in the mystery school, I. Grew so much in my first year, I transformed so much. I healed so much at an inner level, um, letting go, you know, changing relationship dynamics like all of this. I really matured and grew through the process of immersing myself in the journey of, uh, what we call ascending the Tree of life through the modern mystery school teachings.
That it was like, I mean, we covered so much ground in a year, uh, and the personal [00:16:00] transformation that happened from that first year of my, my experience with the mystery school is what really made me like, look at this and go, okay, it's more than just philosophy. It's more than just knowledge and information.
Like there's a real powerful transformational experience that's happening here despite my skepticism, despite my intellectualization of everything, the, and, and despite my resistance towards even looking at my emotional stuff that needed to be cleared. I was transforming through it, and that was, the results were ultimately what really sold me.
Will & Karen: Ah, you are so speaking our language. It's crazy. So then I gotta ask the question. In your estimation, do you have not a single sliver of doubt that this spiritual awakening stuff is real? Like, is there something in the back of your mind that goes, maybe I'm just making this stuff up, or maybe I'm, I'm like a wish fulfillment thing, or are you completely sure this stuff is real?
Dr. Theresa: Well, that, no, I'm by now, I'm completely sure. Uh, [00:17:00] but I didn't start that way. I, I started with a lot of doubt, a lot of skepticism, uh, always asking questions, always poking holes at the theories and the teachings. And Well, what about this and what about that? And seeing inconsistencies and how does, you know, how do these, these two things seem like they're contr contradictory.
How do they, you know, how does it all work? And, and, um, But ultimately it, I, what I found was it, it wasn't so much about the understanding it all as much as the experiencing it and through my own direct experiences and not rejecting those experiences, but just letting them be there. I may not understand them, but I, I cannot doubt that that happened.
And so those experiences let me know that regardless of whether I directly see it or experience it with five physical senses, I know it's happening because there's other things going on that I just can't, I can't deny. And so that experience, I think [00:18:00] is ultimately what has give it, it takes you and, and also with like the work we doing in the Tree of Life and the mystery school in general, it's like going beyond the knowledge into application, into understanding, into serving others with that understanding, um, and having direct contact with the spiritual realm.
And, and in that direct contact, you move beyond faith and hoping and believing into knowing because you've, you've directly experienced it.
Will & Karen: This is a physicist saying this, Karen. It makes me very excited and like she's talking my language. I know it's it'ss funny cuz she's talking my language and she hops over and talks yours.
I know. And she hops over talks mine. She, but speaking of
Dr. Theresa: language really quick, I know we
Karen: have, a lot of people listening and they might not be familiar with the mystery school, so can you just
Dr. Theresa: tell them what that means? Mm-hmm. Yeah. So the mystery school is an, is an, it's original sense, is a, an ancient tradition.
That [00:19:00] lineage meaning there's an unbroken line from teacher to student, but not just of the teachings and the knowledge, but also of, of a energetic sort of transmissions, initiatory process. So there are actual initiations that take place and that lineage is unbroken. So it goes back several thousand years of this unbroken chain of passing on the knowledge, the tools, the keys of empowerment and the, and conducting initiations and various empo activations and various things that empower us.
Um, and then they, the, the modern mystery school is ancient lineage and, um, and, and brings forward these teachings from ancient times, but it's also has a purpose. It has a mission. And that mission is towards creating, um, a more peaceful and balanced world. And it's always been a bit of a sponge, um, for whatever works, right?
Whatever ancient. Or even some [00:20:00] modern, uh, new paradigm kind of tools and methods that really, truly work to help awaken people to their full potential, uh, and to help us create better lives and help us create better communities and so forth. Like that is what we are all about. So what I loved about it when I came to it was that it was one place and I had searched, I'd done a lot of searching prior to, to finding it.
And when I came to the mystery school, the modern mystery school, I loved it because it was like everything I had explored previously, whether it was ancient Egyptian or shamanism and Native American kind of stuff, or, um, you know, the, the kabalan, the esoteric or the alchemy, like all of these things came together in one place.
So it's not just like one system or one spiritual kind of philosophy. It's. It's, it takes all of them and whatever they work and, and understanding, they've all mastered different aspects. Uh, and [00:21:00] it, it comes together in one place where you can access all of it. And so it's like I just found everything I, I wanted.
Um, and, and not only that, it was that the, the tools, the methods, the initiations, the activations, the empowerments, everything I've received from the mystery school continued to propel me to the next level. I never hit that plateau or that wall like this is, as far as this can take me. It just kept going and going and going.
So as long as I wanted to keep growing, I found a, a path to do so in the mystery school.
Will & Karen: you know, Karen, I'm gonna hit, you know, you know, I'm going to look into that, right? Oh yeah. traditionally, from my understanding of the mystery school, traditionally it was very exclusive to a certain group of people.
it was passed down, to these very exclusive. Folks. but now it's, it's opening up it's a lot more accessible to mm-hmm. A lot of people out there. we need to take a quick break, but when we come back, we're gonna, dive deeper into the modern mystery school, but also the physics of metaphysics with esteemed physicist.
Dr. Theresa [00:22:00] will be right back
just in time. Good timing, Karen. I know I was
Dr. Theresa: got some hair that's
Will: And now back to the skeptic meta physicians.
Will & Karen: here we go.
Welcome back to the Skeptic Meta Physicians. We are in, in incredible dialogue, a conversation with physicist Dr.
Theresa Bullard White, who has graciously deed to with us today. I, I'm trying to control my excitement because I've been a fan of Dr. Theresa's for a very long time, and getting the opportunity to talk to her today is, just goes beyond what I had hoped. So much so that I keep forgetting all the questions I wanna ask you.
So, we're talking a little bit about the modern mystery school, and I do wanna continue down that road a little bit. But before we go there, as a physicist, I have to ask you the question. and I know you bridge both sides of the equation here, so I kind of know where this is going.
But in your estimation, [00:23:00] what is your definition of God? Oh,
Dr. Theresa: hmm. Go for the big stuff.
Will & Karen: Hey, I got you. Once I gotta ask all the questions.
Dr. Theresa: You know, to me, uh, God is not the sense of, of a religious, you know, like some kind of patriarchal figure sits on high and judges us. That's, that's not my understanding of God. Um, and, and I would say before I came into the mystery school, I had already come to an understanding of God is more like this universal spiritual intelligence that's behind everything, but we can't anthropomorphize it, ma, meaning we can't like project our humanness onto it.
Um, and when I came into Kabbalah, uh, in the mystery school teachings, there's this concept that they talk about called, En or en it's, it means without end or [00:24:00] limitless. And it is the source, it's infinite and it's, and in the cabalistic tradition's, like you can, everything I could say about that source, I could say exactly the opposite as well.
And so it contains everything within it. Um, and then there are, there are also levels or maybe different emanations or expressions, uh, of that one source out. And then, you know, so to me, if I were to really define God, I would say everything is God. I am God, you are God. We are God. Everything is God. And I look at it all as, as you know, in the principle of as above, so below.
So if I want to know God, I need to know myself. And if I just look at my own body, for example, right? We have a physical vessel here. That's not who I am, but it is a vessel. A vessel. And. It is a means by which I can accomplish certain things in this, in this physical experience and this body. If we just, [00:25:00] you know, look at the anatomy of it, we have all these different systems, right?
We have our circulatory system and our, our, uh, lymph system. And the nervous system. You know, we had all these different systems have different organs, and those organs are made up of different tissues and different cells, and then down to the very D N A I look at God as something like that, that the universe is like the body of God, and there's different systems within that body that, uh, you know, like what we might call an cabalistic tradition, we might call an archangel or an angel is sort of like the head of a different system, maybe a major organ of a system that operates within the, the flow of health and vitality within the whole system of the divine and the universe.
And it's all important. It's all interconnected. It's all a very integrated living system, and no one part is, is more important than another. They're just, you go from this sort of oneness or wholeness to the [00:26:00] infinite diversity and, and we're like the cells of the body of God. So, uh, I, I, I use this principle of correspondence of VA above so below a lot, uh, because it, you know, it really helps us gain a lot of insight into, um, who we are and, and the universe and how we fit into the bigger, the bigger picture.
What about love does that factor in at all? Yeah, for sure. Love is, uh, I would say love is a force of creation.
It's like the, the, the number one, uh, energy. We talk about the agape love, you know, that, that love that comes from the, the divine source. And that that is the main, uh, force that drives creation forward, that allow, it's the extension of that will of the divine to reach out and, and awaken, you know, all the various potentials that are there within the universe.
And, and love is so, it's not really an emotion, it's not really a romantic thing in this sense of, of love. It's, it's a [00:27:00] force of creation, but it's one of the most powerful for sure,
Will & Karen: a force of creation. I love that. So then, Dr. Theresa, why are we here? Like, why, if we are cells from the body of God, why did God shed us onto this planet to, to do what?
Dr. Theresa: You wanna get into the deep metaphysical teachings here?
Karen: A nutshell?
Will & Karen: Yeah. Can you put you down in like five minutes cuz you know
Dr. Theresa: Yeah. Keep it short. Right?
you know, well, so I'll come back to one of the capitalistic teachings, if I may. Now, I wanna also say that the mystery school teachings are not all capitalistic. You know, there's hermetic teachings, uh, there's, there's capitalistic, there's alchemical, there's shaman. You know, there's a lot of different teachings.
But I, Qala is a, a good language for me. But even in the, in the teachings of Hermes, he says that humankind was created, um, with [00:28:00] two natures. One was the spiritual or the immortal, the eternal nature. And the other was the physical or the mortal, the somewhat limited nature. And because of these two natures, We were created to become even greater than the quote gods, you know, from the ancient sort of systems.
And so we have, because of our, in a way it is, we come from one source, but we've come into an experience that is dual. And because of that dual nature, we have extra challenge. And in that extra challenge, we have the potential, we have the opportunity to grow beyond what we would've been had. We only stayed in the spiritual nature.
So there's anal alchemy that happens when, when, so alchemy works through the, the tension and the interaction of differences. And so when you bring physical and spiritual together, which are [00:29:00] very different, It creates an alchemical process or opportunity. Um, now you can stay stuck in that. Like a lot of people are kind of, they get lost in the, the physicality of things and they lose track of the spiritual side and they, they then they don't really progress.
They don't go through the alchemy. Uh, life might try to prod them forward with different experiences, but you know, they ha they have to, at some point, consciously and purposely take up that journey of alchemy of transformation, right? Alchemy means the transformation and transmutation of, of ourself to a higher form.
And, um, but, and then you have the people who are just purely wanting to hang out in the spiritual bliss and check out of the physical life. And that also doesn't take you through the alchemy cuz it's really easy to be enlightened when you're living in a cave or on the mountain typer and the Strom and you're not actually immersed in life dealing with, you know, the, the reality of the physical world.
So it's actually through, in the Western Mystery [00:30:00] School tradition, it's through the living a spiritual life while still engaged in a very physical kind of experience of life. Engaging with people, engaging with the dynamics of life that we have, like the highest opportunity for the alchemy to happen through the, the tension of the differences.
But we have to, we have to walk both worlds and um, And so, so one of the reasons why we're here is to maximize that potential, uh, and become even greater than what we were when we were just pure spirit. Uh, and there's, there's a lot of other deeper, I mean, there's so many ways I could go with that, but, you know, this is something that we teach very deeply in, in within the mystery school tradition and, and in our, um, actually in our Empower thyself, uh, class, the first step of initiation that we do, we, we dive pretty deep into this conversation, but it's a good long two hour long conversation.
I think this is the first time I'm leaving with more [00:31:00] questions. The mystery. I wanna
Will & Karen: Yeah, it sure do.
Dr. Theresa: So one thing I
Karen: wanna ask now with the mystery teachings is, is there the belief in reincarnation as well, or do you just come one
Dr. Theresa: time and just do it all? We have no, yeah, so we have a different model, um, that does not include reincarnation, but it does, it is not like a, a one and done, it's not like a Christian kind of, you know, if you, if you come and, and don't come to a perfect, you know, acceptance of Jesus, your Lord and Savior, then you're damn to hell.
You know, we don't do that either. The, and we don't, we don't, you know, the, the challenge with the reincarnation model is you have to come back again and again and again, but you forget what you learned before, and yet you have to come and peace. You have to do it perfectly to escape the karmic wheel, but you're not gonna remember what you learned before.
So it's like, [00:32:00] Flunking grade school over and over and over again and never being told what you did wrong. So it, it actually kind of, we see it as a model that actually gets in the way of our progression. And, um, and, and so we have a different model. We, we do talk about past lives, but from a different perspective.
And we do talk about what you can do beyond this life as a way to continue growing and resolving, uh, cleaning up karma and so forth. But what you do here and now in this life matters a lot. And so make the most of this life. Do the best you can to evolve and grow and, and what whatnot while you're here.
And again, this is like a two hour long conversation. So to get into the depths of it, I'm just gonna say like, come and do the Empower thyself, if you wanna know more about that, because it's in our first step of initiation. We lay in all of these core foundational teachings and then we give you lots of tools to work with, to, to really, um, Start taking bigger strides on that path to knowing thyself
Will & Karen: Dr. Theresa, over a [00:33:00] hundred episodes, Karen has been asking that question and you finally gave her the answer she was looking for, so she is excited. Well,
Dr. Theresa: I gave her, I gave her a, a, a new opportunity to get even more answers, right? Yep. Yes. Yeah. The one thing I found with the mystery school teachings is that with every question that was answered, about a thousand more questions would open up.
So, uh, but that's great because I'm feeling that, that that encourages our pursuit to explore even further and, and open our minds and expand our consciousness.
Will & Karen: glad that we, got on the conversation with the Modern Mystery School because it is something that I've been curious about for a long time and think this is gonna launch me into a deeper investigation into Now, earlier on in the show, You had mentioned that you had had these experiences that you felt were the proof you needed, right? Not, not the intellectual part of it, but rather things that you experienced. I don't wanna put you on the spot,
but, is there anything, any kinda experiences that you can share with us that helped you to understand that this, this path is, [00:34:00] ideal for you?
Dr. Theresa: Hmm, ah, every step of the way. Um, I'll start with just the first, you know, my first step within this path was to get, receive something called a life activation.
And I have had li it's just a one-on-one private session where you, you know, it's like involving some energy, kind of energy balancing, but then it also awakens some of the d n A blueprints, uh, within us. And I'd had lots of different sessions by then, energy sessions. I thought I'd already activated my d n a through just my own intentions and so forth.
Um, and some practices, but when I went and I was, I was open but skeptical, asking lots of questions, I felt the energy, it's like, okay, you know, it didn't knock my socks off. But afterwards was what really impressed me was that, you know, even if I forgot about it, it, it kicked off this sequence of incremental adjustments in my life.
More self-awareness came in realizations [00:35:00] of, of what I was, what choices I was making in my life that was serving what wasn't, um, how I might do it differently. And, you know, I started making all these little changes in, in life at a very practical level, all from that one life activation. It was all very intuitive.
And then, and then four months down the line was when I was for the first time, able to put my finger on the dot of, oh, this is what I wanna do with my life. This is why I wanna get this. This physics PhD, this is where I wanna go with it afterwards. Uh, and, and that bridging science and spirituality only came four months, like within four months after.
Prior to that, I didn't know what I wanted to do. I was just following the, the system. Um, another, so that just started a whole sequence. And then when I got initiated for the first time, I found that it sped up my progression like 10 times faster. It accelerated. Everything started to speed up in my growth.
Um, ultimately I became, uh, so impressed with the results that I was getting from whether it was a healing or [00:36:00] another initiation or whatever it was I was receiving that I thought, well, I wanna be able to share this with others. And as I started sharing with others, especially when I, when I became someone who could initiate others, it was in that moment in, in initiating someone that I feel so much flow from this.
Beautiful spiritual energy, this overwhelming joy and like blasting your heart open kind of energy all during that ceremony. When I'm initiating, especially, um, and, and, and, and you get this, every person you initiate, there's a different energy that comes through because each person is unique. And so when you're the person conducting that ceremony for others, it's like you feel all the differences.
You feel people's ancestors come forward. You feel like different keys waking up for them. I mean, it's so amazing. And I know, I know like when I'm on that initiation blanket, it's like there's no doubting this because it's so clear and it's so present. [00:37:00] And every time I'm at mystery school classes, it's like I'm in such a clear space.
Like I get so many downloads and so much Id like ideas and clarity of what I wanna do moving forward. And then I have to journal it because it's when you step out of that energy, That, you know, life can come in and, and it can kind of distract or make you forget a little bit. So I find that, you know, when I'm in the energy of the mystery school, it's so clear and so high that, uh, naturally so that, uh, you know, that yeah, there's no denying it.
Karen: Wow. Sounds amazing. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Lemme
Will & Karen: just, lemme just remind everyone. This is a physicist, a PhD talking about this stuff. I know modern mystery school has a lot of different, traditions into the teachings and things like that.
But is there anything in the, I guess the new age movement, although that's a terrible word these days, but any traditions that you feel are closest to. helping someone to spiritual awaken. I watched your outof body [00:38:00] experiences. Here's how you do it. The step-by-step video on the mystery teachings show.
and I've always, everyone who's been listening to the show knows astro projection out body experiences are my nirvana. Right? That's what I'm striving to achieve at some point. Never have, but I still have hope that someday I'll, I'll get there. that what we should be focusing on is, is the actual experiences of, astral travel, mediumship, reiki healing, that kind of thing?
Or are they distractions? Or what's the best way to move forward to spiritually awaken in your estimation?
Dr. Theresa: That's a really good question. Thank you for asking that. I was like, six questions.
Will & Karen: You know, I just figured I'd get 'em all in one time and, you know,
Dr. Theresa: you know, I, this is something I've actually been really observing and, and contemplating a lot lately.
Um, Is, is what is happening within the new age movement now? I started off, I wouldn't say I started off New Age, but I started off, yeah, I started off as a scientist. Right. So I was actually very skeptical with New Age cuz it comes with a lot of promise, but not a lot, always a lot [00:39:00] of delivery. Um, or, you know, following through on those promises and, and there's a lot of hand waving kind of in terms of like, this is why it works, but it's really, no, it's quantum physics, surface level physics.
Yeah. Um, but I had a lot of exposure to the, the new and, and what I think there's some good things and I think there's some really not good things, um, happening in the new age. And I think it really requires a lot of discernment. The modern mystery school, the mystery school tradition in general is not New Age.
It's ancient and it's, it's lineage based. It's tradition based, and it's tried and true. And so I found personally that I could put more of my trust in it because it was a tried and true, well walked path versus an experimental, well, let's just play around with this phenomenon and that phenomenon and what I find in the new age movement today, it is.
And, and there's a lot of spiritual, um, [00:40:00] leaders out there who are promoting these phenomenal, phenomenal, you know, the phenomenal of it. All right? So let's promote the experience and let's create some kind of, um, immersive like retreat where people can have the experience. And the whole goal is about having the experience, whether we're talking, uh, an ayahuasca event or a, you know, an out of body journey or a mediumship kind of, or a paranormal thing.
There's all this phenomenology happening and. I, I think it's really dangerous because the experience is not the goal. I think that these tools are important. Like some of these tools are important and, and many of these tools come out of the ancient mystery tradition, but the way in which they've been sort of extrapolated out of their context and made to be the thing is, is, is a bit mis it's, it's very misleading.
Um, so for example, astral travel, you know, this is a really important tool that we use, [00:41:00] uh, in order to know thyself. It's not about having the experience of an out of body thing. You know, that's the phenomena of it that I think some people feel like, well, if I can have that, then it proves to me that I am more than my physical body and I need that proof, right?
Or I need something that's gonna blast me open because my ego is so strong, or because my mind and my doubt is so strong. So I have to have something that just like, Is beyond what I can doubt. And so I'm gonna go and have that psychedelic experience and then I, you know, I'll, I'll know that it gets my ego out of the way.
And then I have the experience. So there's this, this chasing, you know, we call it chasing the dragon. We're chasing the experience and that experience. Okay, you might have that experience, but then what, what are you gonna do with that? What is that about? And, and if you make it about the experience, then people keep chasing the experience and they have to do it again and again and again, whatever it was that got them to that experience.
And, and it's very easy to kind of, um, [00:42:00] lose track of the real purpose of why we're here. We're here to awaken our full potential, but we're also here to create a world of balance and a world of peace. And if I'm so stuck on chasing the dragon, I'm losing track of the fact that I need to serve and make this world a better place.
And so our goal in the mystery tradition is not to chase the experience. We will have experiences along the way. By, uh, that's a natural byproduct of actually awakening and, and expanding your consciousness by using the tools it will happen. But the ultimate goal is to know thyself, to realize what your true purpose in life is, and to serve and, and help bring, you know, these, these higher revelations to others as well, so that we can create a better world together, cuz we're here to co-create that.
So I think that the, that, that, that the, um, aim [00:43:00] between new age versus mystery school is very different. Um, but you will have the experiences along the way, um, as you are awakening. That's just a natural part of the process. But, but you gotta be careful about forcing it. And when you force it, there can be consequences.
Um, it can be da, it can get dangerous. And this is why often the mystery schools you mentioned before, you know, they've been closed. Uh, closed door because there are very powerful tools and techniques, but we have to be mature enough to really understand what, what the bigger aim is, uh, versus just chasing after the experience or I wanna be powerful and magical.
And so give me the knowledge and give me the tools and, you know, there's the, the entitlement stuff is what we need to shift. Yep.
Will & Karen: I feel so called out right now. Sorry, I'm getting No, no, you're absolute, you're absolutely right. And, and it is. You, you are a hundred percent correct that my goal for the astral travel, for me, for outer body experiences is to get that proof I've always [00:44:00] been one that I need to feel it, touch it, see it, taste it, whatever.
Just I need some sort of physical proof that this stuff is there for me to believe it. And to me, out of body experience would be that if I really felt it, then that was real. Like they, and they say, we've interviewed people who, who have talked about astro projection, they talked about it's being more real than, than the reality.
We're in least it feels that way. That would convince me once and for all. Now, instead, I'm having these great conversations with people like you, Dr. Theresa, that, come from my world, my viewpoint, that allow me to then say, okay, I can surrender that expectation or that that expectation of proof, of physicality in favor of, a more mature thought process behind this stuff.
And, uh, I appreciate people like you coming on the show and talking to us about this stuff.
Dr. Theresa: Yeah. And you know, I mean, I, I can relate because I, uh, as a scientist, I was taught, well, you gotta prove it to me and then I'll believe it. Right? And, and, and prove it to me in a way that is, that is not like [00:45:00] subjective.
It needs to be an objective proof, not a subjective proof. And, um, correct. So that was my training. And in my own journey, I had to learn that that. Attachment was to, to needing the proof from some external thing was actually, um, it's, it was just, it was programming of the ego. And that the truth, spiritual connection is actually very subtle.
And we have, you know, Kabbalah, there's a, I think there's a beautiful lesson in the, the translation of the word Kabbalah. Kabbalah means to receive, but sometimes it's also translated as to accept. And sometimes they also talk about it as to reveal. So in order for me to receive a revelation, I have to accept it.
And, and in that acceptance. So sometimes that it comes through in a very subtle [00:46:00] way. And if I reject it, I've just closed the door to it. But if I accept it and I allow it in, then it expands and, and then it can reveal, and then it can, that revelation can lead to a revolution. So we need to move away from, especially in America, sorry, and I'm an American too, but that I travel all over the world.
White, see that in, in America, you know, it's like we need everything to be bigger than life in order for us to, you know, feel like it's real. And that's not how it works. When it comes to true spiritual progression, sometimes it's the smallest subtlest shift, but it means a lot when you, you know, when it really, uh, impacts your day-to-day life, right?
So it's the day-to-day things that create a whole new pattern, a whole new way of life that brings greater quality and sense of knowing yourself and sense of direction and, and connection to spirit. All of this on a day-to-day basis, that can be [00:47:00] small, but. In the accumulative effect on a day-to-day, you know, life experience, it makes a huge difference.
And so instead of the sort of old I had to really shift from the seeing is believing paradigm and come to this just allowing, opening up to possibilities and just allowing, without judging as, as good or bad, or right or wrong, or yes or no. And this is where we come into more of a quantum mindset is, is allowing there to be many possibilities, uh, simultaneously.
But then ultimately, you know, when it stepping into the magical realm it was, it was believing is seeing that sometimes our mind, if we doubt something, if we don't believe we will block ourselves from seeing it, but it can be right in front of our face. And so we have to actually shift to opening up to possibilities and believe.
And as you start to allow that, [00:48:00] that belief to c to be there at least as a possibility, you can start to perceive. And, and that, so it's believing is seeing, uh, is, is the sort of the way we shift into the mystical. Uh, and so yeah, I really had to reprogram my, my mind and my way of thinking. And you know, the, it's important to be, I think, discerning, right.
Discernment is really important. Mm-hmm. But I did have to overcome some of the skepticism and, and, and, you know, I think some, some degree of skepticism is always good because it causes you to question and discern. But you know, we have to also move beyond, like needing the, the, the, the blaring in your face obvious sort of experience to prove it to me.
Because only when I let go of needing it to be proven to me, did it finally really prove itself to me. So there's an awful
Karen: lot of trust involved because you're putting yourself in a really vulnerable position where you're, just [00:49:00] having to, to believe it or, or to trust that it's real. And while I was thinking about you talking about the five senses and feeling, I mean, feeling is, it's a big one and it can have two different meanings.
It can be like something you feel with your hand, but you also have to look at it, something you can feel inside. Mm-hmm. So you can't negate those feelings because those are just as real as something you're feeling with your hand.
Dr. Theresa: Yeah.
Will & Karen: it's hard for me to feel 'em, right?
Cuz I'm so disconnected throughout life, that, like Dr. Teresa's talking, it's such a subtle feel that I, it just like, I've never felt anything, I'm sure I have. Mm-hmm. But I haven't noticed the feeling. This is
Dr. Theresa: where, this is where the, I think the mystery school, uh, has various methods for helping activate and awaken our senses.
So like when I, I got the life activation, it started to connect me more to the intuition. Um, I had an intuition. I always had intuition, but I always, I often doubted it and negated it in my mind. I'd rationalize it away. Um, and then as I got into the, the [00:50:00] higher levels of training, so with the Empower Thy self initiation, for example, the first step, we help you to, uh, learn tools and, and techniques where you can broaden your senses.
And what some people call the sixth sense is actually just a broadening of your perception of the five physical senses. And you can train them to, to become more in tune with even the subtle things. And, and it's through practice, right? And then there's also something called the five spiritual senses.
And so when you go to like our, our second step of initiation, we're really working with people on how to perceive through their energy field and through the five spiritual senses and, um, and science. Today we call this the biofield, but you get more in tune with it. And I, through my process of actually doing the activations on people, At first, I actually thought, well, I don't, I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't, I don't perceive any of this. I'm just following the protocol and trusting, right? And, and hoping that it's doing something. But then the [00:51:00] feedback kept coming, and then the more I did, the more I started to perceive. And, uh, so you, we can train ourselves to become more open.
And I think that's the better way of doing it is, is you're creating new neural pathways within, and, and you're broadening your range of perception that your, your sense is, um, and your, your both, your nervous system as well as the framework of our energy field is attuned to. So it's just learning to, to tune into the right frequencies and, and everyone can learn this.
I've, I've had lots of people come through the process who said, I can't feel anything. I don't know, you know, and they needed it all coming through the mind. But then they, as they went through the steps, they did start to, to feel and perceive. And the more you practice it, the more you will become aware of it.
Uh, so it's very possible.
Will & Karen: I should put it out there cuz someone like me who feels like, I don't feel that, that, to know that anyone could do it, it's great. But then the question, here's inpatient will coming in, what's the time? Like, how long does this like a 20 [00:52:00] year thing or is it, can I start feeling, I, I know it's probably everyone's different.
I know that, but like for the initiation part of the modern mystery school, for example, how long is that period of time?
Dr. Theresa: You know, that depends on the person. So, um, you know, the, within the first year within this, you know, life activation, step number one, first step of initiation, step number two, you get a lot of tools to start working with right away.
And within a year you could be, you know, really perceiving in a whole new way. But it depends on your use, depends on your, your desire to apply the tools and to practice and to work with the, the techniques that are given. Um, but you know, I've, again, I've had people who've gone just to the, the next step, which is, uh, the, the second step of initiation, the Healers Academy.
And they, they walk in there going, I can't feel any of this. They walk out going, oh my God, I felt it. I felt it. You know, so, so that's just within a year people can accomplish that, but it, it really depends on [00:53:00] the individual and their will to use the tools to build up the, the pathways within oneself, because it is just a matter of training.
Just like a blind, you know, somebody who, who, um, is born seeing and then at some point loses their eyesight. They have to train themselves in a whole new way. To perceive the world around them. And they have to become more adept at the sense of touch, at the sense of hearing. We can all do that. We don't need to lose our sight to develop those senses.
So it is just a matter of practice and, um, that's how we rewire the brain and that's how we become more kind of open up the veils of our own perception. .
So have you ever, have you ever had like a in intuitive gut feeling, you know, like, something's not right, or like, ooh, you know, I really need to be paying attention here. So our, that, that is intuition, right? You can feel, and, and often every single person is doing this, you know, in, in modern science, they call it thin [00:54:00] slicing.
We're taking in information, um, constantly, and our, um, deep brain, right? The old brain is, is measuring this information through the senses and communicating it to maybe the, the higher parts of, of our brain. But within two seconds, Uh, it's actually been scientifically proven that within two seconds or less, you can size up a situation to 85% accuracy.
And that, wow, that what science is calling thin slicing. That's our intuition. It's, it's the nervous system, just taking it in information and coming up with a snap judgment about something. Now we have to be careful of how our biases filter or color our snap judgments. So there's also this process of quieting the mind, right?
And the more you can, like, meditation is a major tool for quieting the mind. The more we quiet the mind and we don't come up with those judgments and, and, and lay them on top of what we're perceiving, [00:55:00] then we can just perceive. And so, you know, these tools like, uh, meditation, various energy practices and, and things we might call rituals, um, chants, like all of these things help tune us in.
Uh, to these frequencies, but we all have it. It's all there. We just may not realize how we're using it. Uh, so it's also a process of just becoming more conscious of, of how we perceive. Cuz everyone perceives bit differently. Some are really kinesthetic, some are really visual, some are auditory, some are kinesthetic.
Um, I think that kinesthetic people have the most challenging time because they think they should be seeing it, they should be hearing it, they should be having these amazing visions, but instead it's a physical sensation and you feel like you're meditating, but you feel like you're in a cloud of darkness.
But you're feeling something but you don't know what you're feeling. And it can be really frustrating. That's, that was how I was, you know, I'm, I'm very kinesthetic and I can visualize, but it's a secondary [00:56:00] strength. And um, and so sometimes I just feel like I'm sitting in a cloud of darkness and I don't know what I'm feeling or why I'm feeling, but I can feel, but I don't know why.
And I had to hone this ability in, but down the line, it creates something we call clairsentience, which is just, you just know you don't have to interpret it. Mm-hmm. You just know it. And that is actually the highest form of psychic ability is this clairsentient. Um, but it, you know, it's something that we train over time.
So, yeah. See, that would be useful when people start dating,
Karen: save a lot of time,
Dr. Theresa: a lot of heartache, you know, but then we be married love precedence, but they just, they just reject it because they want it so badly. Right. See,
Will & Karen: that's a very good point. Yeah. Well then, and of course the, the more you practice it, the better you're gonna be at it.
The, the easier it's gonna come to you. It's just, just like everything else in life, if you are sitting on your couch will and expecting things to come to you, then it's not gonna [00:57:00] happen. Right. You gonna have to put some effort into it. And that's really the, the, the story of, of what we're talking about here, because it is, It is just like another muscle that you were having to, to work out to make it
Dr. Theresa: happen.
Exactly. So, exactly. Yeah.
Will & Karen: I love, I can just sit here and listen to you talk for days. Um, quickly before we go, what's the first step besides obviously reaching out to the modern ministry school, if someone's not ready to do that just yet, but they are interested in moving forward with their spiritual awakening, what would you say would be the first step?
Someone who's just starting out should do.
Dr. Theresa: Hmm. Well practice meditation. Um, even, even, you know, a lot of people think, oh, I can't meditate. Well, that, that I thi I would say, yes, you can, you just think meditation is something different than what it really is. Um, just practicing breathing, just paying attention to your breathing and just, you know, in breath out breath and just really bring your focus to that and do it for five minutes a day.
Just, [00:58:00] just that it's gonna start a process. Uh, but you wanna pull the breath deeper into the below, uh, below the navel. You wanna pull the breath down into the body rather than just breathing shallow. Um, my mystery teaching series is a really fantastic, uh, opportunity to get a broad sweep of various mystery school teachings with the science.
Uh, and they can find that on Gaia tv, you know, or they can just go to mystery teachings.com and, you know, find, uh, the links to get into that. But it, you know, its a subscription, but it's, it's a, a worthwhile subscription. And, uh, Gaia has, of course, a lot of other stuff, uh, available on it. There's some, some great things, uh, always being discerning.
Um, I have other things, like I have an online course called, uh, the Quantum Transformation Formula. Uh, and that's, you know, something that people can just kind of. Touch on, on their own if [00:59:00] they're, if they're, you know, self-driven to, to pursue it. Other people really want the in-person experience, you know, so most of the mystery schoolwork is done in person.
Um, it's not something that we would do remotely or online. You know, that's, it requires reaching out to someone local to you or getting on a plane and traveling to someone who can offer, uh, but, you know, you don't need to make commitments to anything. It's like, just try one session. So if someone was to just try something out, dip their toe in the water, go get a life activation, and that's the place where it really starts.
And, um, it plugs you back into your potential and your own intuition and, uh, just, uh, kind of a things start aligning more with your higher potential in your life when you do that. Um, I think there's, there's only so much you can do sitting at home. Uh, at some point it really get, you know, requires getting out there and, but they can come to teresa bl.com.
You know, I've got a lot of [01:00:00] resources. I've got a lot of stuff on YouTube as well. We have a, a show called, um, the Quantum Mind cv, where, you know, I'm having conversations with various other experts and we're talking about what's it gonna take to create a shift in human consciousness. Um, my husband and I also have something called the Quantum Learning Academy, where it's more for, you know, if they're not necessarily ready to dive into the mystery school.
There's a lot of other tools, um, that bring the science and this, the metaphysics together, mind and body together, all of it into one place. Uh, and that's something that we'll be launching in 2024. So there's a lot of, a lot of opportunity. Uh, and you know, the thing very, the of today, if I just can finish this, is there's so much available today.
The, there's everything under the sun is available to people today, and you need to find what resonates for you. And then when you find that thing that resonates for you. Now, this is the other thing I find that's a little bit that gets in the people's way in the new age, is they, [01:01:00] they sort of be like butterflies, flitting from one thing to the next.
Trying a lot of things at the surface level, but not really diving deeper because they don't wanna commit to anything. I find that, you know, that can serve you for a while until you find something that really resonates. But when you find something that resonates, dive deep into it, really commit yourself to it, because only when you commit yourself to something can you really truly grow and get to the depths, uh, and the, the real goal that that thing has to offer.
There's a lot of great stuff out there. Um, and, but ultimately our evolution requires commitment to it.
Will & Karen: gonna add all bunch of links in our show notes to everything that Dr. Theresa just talked about. And I can vouch for, the mystery teachings, because I've, been, I've avid watcher for a long time, so if you're interested in connecting with Dr.
Teresa, all you need to do is go to skeptic meta physician.com, go to her episode page, and you'll see all the links there in the show notes. super easy for you to connect with her. Dr. [01:02:00] Teresa, I. I just don't have any words to properly express my gratitude for you. Taking the time to come on the show and share of your wisdom and your expertise with us.
And, I know that this has helped a lot of people, not just me specifically, this has been wonderful.
Dr. Theresa: Truly wonderful. So, great. Good. Well, thank you for invitation conversation.
Will: And a huge thank you to you. Yes, you the person that hit play on this episode. We know that there are tons of options out there, and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. If you did and you feel called to give back, We invite you to visit our website at SkepticMetaphysician.com, where you can donate to the show or subscribe as a member through our Buy Me A Coffee campaign.
Your support will go a long way towards allowing Karen and I to bring you these wonderful conversations and teachings in more and more robust ways. [01:03:00] Of course, if contributing to the show content is what you are looking for instead, well, we'd love for you to contribute by sending us a voicemail or an email from our website or leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or any other podcasting platform that supports them.
Karen and I love hearing from those that are moved to message us. It truly does fuel our passion. You are the reason we do this show and knowing what you like and don't like, help us craft the very best show we can so that we can help raise the vibration of the planet. Together. Now, if you know someone who would benefit from hearing the message we're sharing on the show, do them and us a favor and share the show with them.
It will help get the word out about us, and it might just change someone's life for the better. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you on the next episode of the Skeptic Meta Physician. Until then, take care.

Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke
Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke is a physicist, author, speaker, international teacher, change-agent, and the host of Mystery Teachings on Gaia TV. Throughout her life-long journey, she has discovered innovative ways to weave together her formal education as a Ph.D. Physicist, with her deep training in the Modern Mystery School lineage, and a passion for bridging Science and Spirituality in a practical way. Dr. Theresa has presented to live audiences all around the world since 2002, helping thousands of people awaken to their greater potential, find deeper meaning and purpose, and achieve greater success in life. Fusing modern day quantum physics with powerful, time-tested techniques for harnessing consciousness, Dr. Theresa brings a truly fresh, mind-expanding, and powerfully altering approach.